Project description:Anaerobic digestion is a popular and effective microbial process for waste treatment. The performance of anaerobic digestion processes is contingent on the balance of the microbial food web in utilizing various substrates. Recently, co-digestion, i.e., supplementing the primary substrate with an organic-rich co-substrate has been exploited to improve waste treatment efficiency. Yet the potential effects of elevated organic loading on microbial functional gene community remains elusive. In this study, functional gene array (GeoChip 5.0) was used to assess the response of microbial community to the addition of poultry waste in anaerobic digesters treating dairy manure. Consistent with 16S rRNA gene sequences data, GeoChip data showed that microbial community compositions were significantly shifted in favor of copiotrophic populations by co-digestion, as taxa with higher rRNA gene copy number such as Bacilli were enriched. The acetoclastic methanogen Methanosarcina was also enriched, while Methanosaeta was unaltered but more abundant than Methanosarcina throughout the study period. The microbial functional diversity involved in anaerobic digestion were also increased under co-digestion.
Project description:Meta-proteomics analysis approach in the application of biogas production from anaerobic digestion has many advantages that has not been fully uncovered yet. This study aims to investigate biogas production from a stable 2-stage chicken manure fermentation system in chemical and biological perspective. The diversity and functional protein changes from the 1st stage to 2nd stage is a good indication to expose the differential metabolic processes in anaerobic digestion. The highlight of identified functional proteins explain the causation of accumulated ammonia and carbon sources for methane production. Due to the ammonia stress and nutrient limitation, the hydrogenotrophic methanogenic pathway is adopted as indicative of meta-proteomics data involving the key methanogenic substrates (formate and acetate). Unlike traditional meta-genomic analysis, this study could provide both species names of microorganism and enzymes to directly point the generation pathway of methane and carbon dioxide in investigating biogas production of chicken manure.
Project description:Population dynamics of methanogenic genera was investigated in pilot anaerobic digesters. Cattle manure and two-phase olive mill wastes were codigested at a 3:1 ratio in two reactors operated at 37 ï¾°C and 55 ï¾°C. Other two reactors were run with either residue at 37 ï¾°C. Sludge DNA extracted from samples taken from all four reactors on days 4, 14 and 28 of digestion was used for hybridisation with the AnaeroChip, an oligonucleotide microarray targeting those groups of methanogenic archaea that are commonly found under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions (Franke-Whittle et al. 2009, in press, doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2009.09.017).
Project description:The anaerobic digestion microbiomes has been puzzling us since the dawn of molecular methods for mixed microbial community analysis. Monitoring of the anaerobic digestion microbiome can either take place via a holistic evaluation of the microbial community through fingerprinting or by targeted monitoring of selected taxa. Here, we compared four different microbial community fingerprinting methods, i.e., amplicon sequencing, metaproteomics, metabolomics and phenotypics, in their ability to reflect the full-scale anaerobic digestion microbiome. The phenotypic fingerprinting reflects a, for anaerobic digestion, novel, single cell-based approach of direct microbial community fingerprinting. Three different digester types, i.e., sludge digesters, digesters treating agro-industrial waste and dry anaerobic digesters reflected different operational parameters. The α-diversity analysis yielded inconsistent results, especially for richness, across the different methods. In contrast, β-diversity analysis resulted in comparable profiles, even when translated into phyla or functions, with clear separation of the three digester types. In-depth analysis of each method's features i.e., operational taxonomic units, metaproteins, metabolites, and phenotypic traits, yielded certain similar features yet, also some clear differences between the different methods, which was related to the complexity of the anaerobic digestion process. In conclusion, phenotypic fingerprinting is a reliable, fast method for holistic monitoring of the anaerobic digestion microbiome, and the complementary identification of key features through other methods could give rise to a direct interpretation of anaerobic digestion process performance.