Project description:Bioinformatic prediction, deep sequencing of microRNA and expression analysis during phenotypic plasticity in the pea aphid acyrthosiphon pisum We developed high throughput Solexa sequencing and bioinformatic analyses of the genome of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum in order to identify the first miRNAs from a hemipteran insect. By combining these methods we identified 155 miRNAs including 56 conserved and 99 new miRNAs. Moreover, we investigated the regulation of these miRNAs in different alternative morphs of the pea aphid by analysing the expression of miRNAs across the switch of reproduction mode.
Project description:We developed high throughput Solexa sequencing and bioinformatic analyses of the genome of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum in order to identify the first miRNAs from a hemipteran insect. By combining these methods we identified 155 miRNAs including 56 conserved and 99 new miRNAs. Moreover, we investigated the regulation of these miRNAs in different alternative morphs of the pea aphid by analysing the expression of miRNAs across the switch of reproduction mode.
Project description:We developed high throughput Solexa sequencing and bioinformatic analyses of the genome of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum in order to identify the first miRNAs from a hemipteran insect. By combining these methods we identified 155 miRNAs including 56 conserved and 99 new miRNAs. Moreover, we investigated the regulation of these miRNAs in different alternative morphs of the pea aphid by analysing the expression of miRNAs across the switch of reproduction mode. An array including the 155 aphid microRNAs was designed in order to follow the expression of aphid microRNAs during the modification of reproduction mode of the pea aphid
Project description:Bioinformatic prediction, deep sequencing of microRNA and expression analysis during phenotypic plasticity in the pea aphid acyrthosiphon pisum We developed high throughput Solexa sequencing and bioinformatic analyses of the genome of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum in order to identify the first miRNAs from a hemipteran insect. By combining these methods we identified 155 miRNAs including 56 conserved and 99 new miRNAs. Moreover, we investigated the regulation of these miRNAs in different alternative morphs of the pea aphid by analysing the expression of miRNAs across the switch of reproduction mode. deep sequencing of small RNAs from parthenogenetic Acyrthosiphon pisum
Project description:Seasonal photoperiodism is responsable in aphid for the switch from asexual to sexual reproduction. In order to identify genes regulating the photoperiodic response, a cDNA microarray from the pea aphid was used to compare RNA populations from short- and long-day reared aphids. Analyses revealed that 64 different transcripts were significantly regulated, with a strong biological signature for cuticular proteins and proteins involved in cellular signalling or signal transduction. Quantitative PCR experiments performed on 5 transcripts confirmed microarray results. Complementary experiments eliminated moulting and circadian rhythms as putative confounding effects. Keywords: Stress response, Environmental cue