Project description:Elevated CO2 (eCO2) has an influence on developing leaf growth of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare), specifically lower growth stage than P4 (plastochron number), resulting in decrease in leaf size compared with that in ambient CO2 (aCO2). Since several micro RNAs are associated with the regulation of plant leaf development, in order to clarify which micro RNAs are involved in the decrease of leaf blade size at eCO2, we carried out high-throughput small RNA sequencing analysis and compared the amount of identified miRNAs in developing rice leaf blade grown between aCO2 and eCO2 condition.
2022-04-06 | GSE186906 | GEO
Project description:rice seed bacterial and fungal endophytes under elevated CO2
Project description:Elevated CO2 (eCO2) condition has influence on developing leaf growth of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare), specifically lower than P4 (plastochron number) stage, resulting in decrease in leaf size compared with that grown at ambient CO2 (aCO2). In this case, decrease in leaf size seems to be one of acclimation process at CO2 replete environment despite of the fact that number of tiller increase during CO2 replete periods; however, it is not yet elucidated which endogenous signal play a precise role in depression of developing leaf growth in those process. In this context, to elucidate precise signal interaction between mature and developing leaf of rice at eCO2 environment, we profiled gene expressions of mature rice leaf blade (P6) using oligo DNA microarray 4X44K RAP-DB (Agilent Technologies, Santa clara, CA).
Project description:Elevated CO2 (eCO2) condition has influence on developing leaf growth of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare), specifically lower than P4 (plastochron number) stage, resulting in decrease in leaf size compared with that grown at ambient CO2 (aCO2). In this case, decrease in leaf size seems to be one of acclimation process at CO2 replete environment despite of the fact that number of tiller increase during CO2 replete periods; however, it is not yet elucidated which endogenous signal play a precise role in depression of developing leaf growth in those process. In this context, to elucidate precise signal interaction between mature and developing leaf of rice at eCO2 environment, we profiled gene expressions of developing rice leaf (P4) using oligo DNA microarray 4X44K RAP-DB (Agilent Technologies, Santa clara, CA).
Project description:Elevated atmospheric CO2 can influence the structure and function of rhizosphere microorganisms by altering root growth and the quality and quantity of compounds released into the rhizosphere via root exudation. In these studies we investigated the transcriptional responses of Bradyrhizobium japonicum cells growing in the rhizosphere of soybean plants exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2. The results of microarray analyses indicated that atmospheric elevated CO2 concentration indirectly influences on expression of large number of Bradyrhizobium genes through soybean roots. In addition, genes involved in C1 metabolism, denitrification and FixK2-associated genes, including those involved in nitrogen fixation, microanaerobic respiration, respiratory nitrite reductase, and heme biosynthesis, were significantly up-regulated under conditions of elevated CO2 in the rhizosphere, relative to plants and bacteria grown under ambient CO2 growth conditions. The expression profile of genes involved in lipochitinoligosaccharide Nod factor biosynthesis and negative transcriptional regulators of nodulation genes, nolA and nodD2, were also influenced by plant growth under conditions of elevated CO2. Taken together, results of these studies indicate that growth of soybeans under conditions of elevated atmospheric CO2 influences gene expressions in B. japonicum in the soybean rhizosphere, resulting in changes to carbon/nitrogen metabolism, respiration, and nodulation efficiency.
Project description:Elevated atmospheric CO2 can influence the structure and function of rhizosphere microorganisms by altering root growth and the quality and quantity of compounds released into the rhizosphere via root exudation. In these studies we investigated the transcriptional responses of Bradyrhizobium japonicum cells growing in the rhizosphere of soybean plants exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2. Transciptomic expression profiles indicated that genes involved in carbon/nitrogen metabolism, and FixK2-associated genes, including those involved in nitrogen fixation, microanaerobic respiration, respiratory nitrite reductase, and heme biosynthesis, were significantly up-regulated under conditions of elevated CO2, relative to plants and bacteria grown under ambient CO2 growth conditions. The expression profile of genes involved in lipochitinoligosaccharide Nod factor biosynthesis and negative transcriptional regulators of nodulation genes, nolA and nodD2, were also influenced by plant growth under conditions of elevated CO2. Taken together, results of these studies indicate that growth of soybeans under conditions of elevated atmospheric CO2 influences gene expressions in B. japonicum in the soybean rhizosphere, resulting in changes to carbon/nitrogen metabolism, respiration, and nodulation efficiency. Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains were grown in the soybean rhizosphere under two different CO2 concentrations. Transcriptional profiling of B. japonicum was compared between cells grown under elevated CO2 and ambient conditions. Four biological replicates of each treatment were prepared, and four microarray slides were used for each strain.