Project description:Mice were given zinc as a salt (ZnSO4; 25 mM) in the drinking water for 7 days, then mice were injected with TNF and sampling was done 3 hours after injection. Expression profiling with RNA-seq was performed on purified paneth cellq to investigate the genome wide effects of zinc supplemenation on the paneth cell gene expression profile in the conext of TNF
Project description:We investigated the effect of zinc depletion on the mouse intestine, and specifically on paneth cells. Mice were placed on a zinc depleted diet for 7 weeks after which they were given TNF for 3 hours and the the effects of dietary zinc shortage on paneth cells in TNF context were investigated. A zinc is an essential element for correct paneth cell function and zinc defficiency is a human and animal health problem investigating the PC transcriptom my provide valuable insights into the exact mechanism.
Project description:Mice were given zinc as a salt (ZnSO4; 25 mM) in the drinking water for 7 days. Expression profiling with RNA-seq was performed on purified paneth cell to investigate the genome wide effects of zinc supplemenation on the paneth cell gene expression profile
Project description:We aimed to investiagte the protective anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids (dexamethsone, DEX) on paneth cells from mice treated with TNF. TNF treatment causes leaky gut syndrome and paneth cell disfunction. Using pre-treatment with DEX we aim to protect paneth cell against TNF effects
Project description:We investigated the differences in paneth cell gene expression in different intestinal microbiome contexts and with and without zinc supplementation. We used mice housed in an SPF animal house that wre untreated, mice housed in ans SPF animal house that were treated with antobiotics for 3 weeks and germ-free mice to investigated the effect of the microbiome on paneth cell gene expression. Zinc is an essential element for paneth cell fuction. Mice of each group were further divide in zinc supplemented and non-zinc supplemented drinking water subgroups. This allowed us to check if zinc would enhance the differences between SPF, atibioicts and germ-free mice or reduce them.
Project description:The study of how gene expression in paneth cells changes 3 hours after TNF admistration. We used deep paired-end sequencing to also be able to investigate alternative splicing and non-coding RNA
Project description:The study of how gene expression in paneth cells changes 3 hours after TNF admistration in mice were the TNFR1 (P55) genes was deleted in paneth cells using Defa6-cre.