Project description:Yeast cells were treated with different doses of pheromone in order to obtain dose-response profiles for induced genes. Specifically, dose-dependencies of transcriptional feedback regulators of the pheromone-response pathway were quantified.
Project description:Haploid budding yeast has two mating types, defined by the alleles of the MAT locus, MATa and MATα. Mating occurs when two haploid cells of opposite mating types signal to each other using reciprocal pheromones and receptors, polarize and grow towards each other, and eventually fuse to form a single diploid cell. The pheromones and receptors are necessary and sufficient to define a mating type, but other mating type-specific proteins make mating more efficient. We examined the role of these proteins by genetically engineering “transvestite” cells that swap the pheromone, pheromone receptor, and pheromone processing factors of one mating type for another. These cells can mate with each other, but their mating is inefficient. By characterizing their mating defects and examining their transcriptomes, we found Afb1 (a-factor barrier), a novel MATα-specific protein that interferes with a-factor, the pheromone secreted by MATa cells. We show that strong pheromone secretion is essential for efficient mating and that the weak mating of transvestites can be improved by boosting their pheromone production. Using synthetic biology, it is possible to characterize the factors that control efficiency in biological processes. In the case of budding yeast mating, selection for increased mating efficiency is likely to have continually boosted pheromone levels and the ability to discriminate between partners who make more (potentially fitter) and less (potentially less fit) pheromones. This sensitivity to which partner makes more pheromone comes at a cost: it means mating is not robust in situations where all potential partners make less pheromone.
Project description:Haploid budding yeast has two mating types, defined by the alleles of the MAT locus, MATa and MATM-NM-1. Mating occurs when two haploid cells of opposite mating types signal to each other using reciprocal pheromones and receptors, polarize and grow towards each other, and eventually fuse to form a single diploid cell. The pheromones and receptors are necessary and sufficient to define a mating type, but other mating type-specific proteins make mating more efficient. We examined the role of these proteins by genetically engineering M-bM-^@M-^\transvestiteM-bM-^@M-^] cells that swap the pheromone, pheromone receptor, and pheromone processing factors of one mating type for another. These cells can mate with each other, but their mating is inefficient. By characterizing their mating defects and examining their transcriptomes, we found Afb1 (a-factor barrier), a novel MATM-NM-1-specific protein that interferes with a-factor, the pheromone secreted by MATa cells. We show that strong pheromone secretion is essential for efficient mating and that the weak mating of transvestites can be improved by boosting their pheromone production. Using synthetic biology, it is possible to characterize the factors that control efficiency in biological processes. In the case of budding yeast mating, selection for increased mating efficiency is likely to have continually boosted pheromone levels and the ability to discriminate between partners who make more (potentially fitter) and less (potentially less fit) pheromones. This sensitivity to which partner makes more pheromone comes at a cost: it means mating is not robust in situations where all potential partners make less pheromone. 4 conditions were analysed, each with 3 biological replicates. The conditions were unstimulated MATa cells in YPD. Stimulated MATa cells in YPD+10nM M-NM-1-factor. Unstimulated MATM-NM-1 cells in YPD. Stimulated MATM-NM-1 cells in YPD+10nM M-NM-1-factor.
Project description:To characterize the ecological interactions among S. cerevisiae strains coming from the same geographical area, we examined the fitness of two natural isolates from San Giovese grapes, alone or in competition, in synthetic wine must (SWM). We performed genome-wide analyses in order to identify the genes involved in yeast competition and cooperation.
Project description:To characterize the ecological interactions among S. cerevisiae strains coming from the same geographical area, we examined the fitness of two natural isolates from San Giovese grapes, alone or in competition, in synthetic wine must (SWM). We performed genome-wide analyses in order to identify the genes involved in yeast competition and cooperation.