Project description:To better understand the molecular bases of resin production, a major source of terpenes for industry, the transcriptome of adult Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (slash pine) trees under field commercial resinosis was obtained.
Project description:Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) has evolved some adaptations for growth in low P soils. To elucidate these mechanisms, we investigated global gene expression profiles of the masson pine responding to long-term phosphorus starvation and different Pi levels (P1, 0.01 mM P; P2, 0.06 mM P).
Project description:Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) has evolved some adaptations for growth in low P soils. To elucidate these mechanisms, we investigated global gene expression profiles of the masson pine responding to long-term phosphorus starvation and different Pi levels (P1, 0.01 mM P; P2, 0.06 mM P). Analysis used phosphorus-sufficient treatment RNA as control samples for comparison to the experimental samples (P1 and P2) taken at 12, 24, 48 and 60 day. Indirect comparisons were made across multiple arrays with raw data pulled from different channels for data analysis and comparison to the control data.
Project description:To identify specific gene networks induced in host roots by C. geophilum, we inoculated seedlings of Scots pine simultaneously with C. geophilum and either Suillus granulatus or Rhizopogon roseolus, two common ECM fungi associated to pines. We then measured the differential expression of Scots pine genes in the respective mycorrhizas using oligoarrays. We performed 14 hybridizations (NimbleGen) with samples derived from Pinus sylvestris mycorrhiza with Cenococcum geophilum, Rhizopogon roseolus or Suillus granulatus (3 biological replicates each), as well as from non-mycorrhizal control roots (two replicates). Only the Pinus-derived sequences from the array were considered for this analysis. All samples were labeled with Cy3.