Project description:Invasive feral swine can damage ecosystems, disrupt plant and animal populations, and transmit diseases. Monitoring of feral swine populations requires expensive and labor-intensive techniques such as aerial surveys, field surveys for sign, trail cameras, and verifying landowner reports. Environmental DNA (eDNA) provides an alternative method for locating feral swine. To aid in detection of this harmful invasive species, a novel assay was developed incorporating molecular methods. From August 2017 to April 2018, water samples and stream data were collected along 400 m transects in two different stream types where swine DNA was artificially introduced to investigate potential factors affecting detection. A generalized linear model (family binomial) was used to characterize environmental conditions affecting swine DNA detection; detection was the dependent variable and stream measurements included stream type, distance downstream, water temperature, velocity, turbidity, discharge, and pH as independent variables. Parameters from the generalized linear model were deemed significant if 95% confidence intervals did not overlap 0. Detection probability for swine DNA negatively related to water temperature (β = - 0.21, 95% CI [-0.35 to -0.09]), with the highest detection probability (0.80) at 0 °C and lowest detection probability (0.05) at 17.9 °C water temperature. Results indicate that sampling for swine eDNA in free-flowing stream systems should occur at lower water temperatures to maximize detection probability. This study provides a foundation for further development of field and sampling techniques for utilizing eDNA as a viable alternative to monitoring a terrestrial invasive species in northern regions of the United States.
Project description:In January 2014 the first case of African swine fever (ASF) in wild boar of the Baltic States was reported from Lithuania. It has been the first occurrence of the disease in Eastern EU member states. Since then, the disease spread further affecting not only the Baltic States and Poland but also south-eastern Europe, the Czech Republic and Belgium. The spreading pattern of ASF with its long-distance spread of several hundreds of kilometers on the one hand and the endemic situation in wild boar on the other is far from being understood. By analyzing data of ASF cases in wild boar along with implemented control measures in Lithuania from 2014-2018 this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the disease. In brief, despite huge efforts to eradicate ASF, the disease is now endemic in the Lithuanian wild boar population. About 86% of Lithuanian's territory is affected and over 3225 ASF cases in wild boar have been notified since 2014. The ASF epidemic led to a considerable decline in wild boar hunting bags. Intensified hunting might have reduced the wild boar population but this effect cannot be differentiated from the population decline caused by the disease itself. However, for ASF detection sampling of wild boar found dead supported by financial incentives turned out to be one of the most effective tools.
Project description:Opiates play an important role in the control of pain associated with thoracotomy in both people and animals. However, key side effects, including sedation and respiratory depression, could limit the use of opiates in animals that are lethargic due to cardiac disease. In addition, a rare side effect-neuroexcitation resulting in pathologic behavioral changes (seizures, mania, muscle fasciculation)-after the administration of morphine or hydromorphone is well-documented in many species. In pigs, however, these drugs have been shown to stimulate an increase in normal activity. In the case presented, we describe a Yorkshire-cross pig which, after myocardial infarction surgery, went from nonresponsive to alert, responsive, and eating within 30 min of an injection of hydromorphone. This pig was not demonstrating any signs associated with pain at this time, suggesting that the positive response was due to neural stimulation. This case report is the first to describe the use of hydromorphone-a potent, pure ? opiate agonist-for its neurostimulatory effect in pigs with experimentally-induced cardiac disease.
Project description:Intrapancreatic accessory spleen (IPAS) is one of the most frequent congenital splenic anomalies in humans; however, studies in veterinary medicine are scarce. This study aimed to describe the macroscopic, histopathological and immunohistochemical features of 11 suspected cases of IPAS in wild boar piglets of 3-4 months old. Seven of the 11 animals were immunised with a low virulence isolate of African swine fever virus (ASFV) and subsequently challenged with a highly virulent ASFV isolate (LVI-HVI group). The remaining four animals were exclusively infected with a highly virulent isolate of ASFV (HVI group). Grossly, lesions comprised focal or multifocal reddish areas of variable shape, located on the surface of the pancreatic tail or within the parenchyma. Histological and immunohistochemical studies (anti-CD79 and CD3) confirmed the presence of IPAS in eight of the 11 cases. IPAS shared the same histological structure and alterations as those observed in the original spleen. The immunohistochemical study against ASFV revealed the presence of VP72+ cells in both the spleen and IPAS of seven of the eight piglets. The results of this study describe for the first time the presence of IPAS in ASFV infection of wild boar (Sus scrofa) regardless the isolate and suggest that the infection may induce the development of ectopic splenic tissue due to an increased demand for phagocytic cells from the reticuloendothelial system. However, further studies are needed to understand the immunological mechanisms that trigger the formation of these accessory organs.
Project description:Piglets are attracted to maternal faeces early in life. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify faecal maternal semiochemicals that attract piglets and evaluate their effects on piglets at weaning. Faecal samples were collected from eight sows during gestation and lactation. Faecal semiochemicals were extracted and identified using solid phase extraction and GC/MS. A total of 26 volatiles were present in lactating and gestating sow faeces. Sows secreted no unique semiochemical after farrowing. However, the concentration of skatole and myristic acid were 2.68 and 1.13 times higher after farrowing. A free-choice preference assessment showed that piglets had a preference for a feeder sprayed with a solution containing skatole and myristic acid. No preference was found when feeders were sprayed with skatole and myristic acid individually. The application of skatole and myristic acid to the feeders of weaned pigs significantly reduced piglet aggression by 30% and tended to increase feeding behaviour by 35% the first 24 h post-weaning. These results suggest that skatole and myristic acid might be acting as a multicomponent maternal signal that attracts piglets and has a calming effect at weaning.