Project description:Rhizophora mucronata Lam., a prevalent mangrove variety of Indo-Pacific region is reported to defy saline stress up to 40 ppt, but the genome or transcriptome behind this tolerance is yet to be investigated. As an initiative to create a reference sequence database, we have forged a set of 46,366,348 paired end RNA-Seq raw reads of Rhizophora mucronata Lam. leaf tissues from Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform (SRA study accession SRP093200 ; Bioproject accession PRJNA345155). All possible gene transcripts were then reconstructed from the RNA raw seq data and 93960 Trinity assembled, annotated transcripts that are being actively expressed at a given time is proposed (TSA accession GGEC00000000). To estimate gene transcript expression, we used Bowtie 2 programme and successfully aligned back up to 95.14% of the filtered reads to the assembled transcriptome. We allowed up to 1-mismatches in the seed region (length =31bp) and all multiple mapped position were reported. Of all filtered reads about 95.14% of reads from each sample were properly aligned back to the assembled transcriptome. Overall we found 52,153 unique transcripts which have expression >=1 FPKM.
Project description:Endophytic colonization is a very complex process which is not yet completely understood. Molecules exuded by the plants may act as signals which influence the ability of the microbe to colonize the host or survive in the rhizosphere. Here we investigated whether root exudates of the host might play a role in initiating the endophyte-rice interaction. The whole genome microarray approach was used to investigate the response of the diazotrophic model endophyte, Azoarcus sp. strain BH72, to exudates of O. sativa cv. Nipponbare in order to identify differentially regulated genes. Azoarcus sp. strain BH72 was grown in the presence or absence of root exudates of Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare for two different time points, and differences in the gene expression profile were monitored.
Project description:Endophytic colonization is a very complex process which is not yet completely understood. Molecules exuded by the plants may act as signals which influence the ability of the microbe to colonize the host or survive in the rhizosphere. Here we investigated whether root exudates of the host might play a role in initiating the endophyte-rice interaction. The whole genome microarray approach was used to investigate the response of the diazotrophic model endophyte, Azoarcus sp. strain BH72, to exudates of O. sativa cv. Nipponbare in order to identify differentially regulated genes. Azoarcus sp. strain BH72 was grown in the presence or absence of root exudates of Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare for two different time points, and differences in the gene expression profile were monitored. RNA from cells grown on synthetic medium for 1 and 4 hours respectively in presence (experiment) and absence (control) of exudates was used for two color whole genome microarray approach.
Project description:LCMS of mangrove propagule extracts incubated under different conditions (high vs low salinity, antibiotic vs antibiotic+antifungal vs control).
2024-04-15 | MSV000094545 | MassIVE
Project description:plant rhizosphere soil and bulk soil bacteriomes
| PRJNA839889 | ENA
Project description:plant rhizosphere soil and bulk soil bacteriomes