Project description:Gene expression profiling in dopaminergic brain structures of rats self-administering cocaine. Effect of histone deacetylase inhibition We have shown that injection of the HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TsA) to rats is sufficient to decrease their motivation to self-administer cocaine. The aim of the present study was to investigate alterations in gene expression patterns in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Nucleus Accumbens of rats self-administering cocaine and treated repeatedly with TsA, and compare them with rats taking only cocaine. We used Affymetrix microarrays to identify genes the expression of which was up-regulated or downregulated during this process.
Project description:Gene expression profiling in dopaminergic brain structures of rats self-administering cocaine. Effect of histone deacetylase inhibition We have shown that injection of the HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TsA) to rats is sufficient to decrease their motivation to self-administer cocaine. The aim of the present study was to investigate alterations in gene expression patterns in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Nucleus Accumbens of rats self-administering cocaine and treated repeatedly with TsA, and compare them with rats taking only cocaine. We used Affymetrix microarrays to identify genes the expression of which was up-regulated or downregulated during this process. Drug self-administration was performed in dark operant chambers under a fixed-ratio 1 schedule of reinforcement that was carried out for 4 days during daily 2 h sessions. Each nosepoke into the active hole triggered the i.v. delivery of a 40 μl cocaine solution (0,3 mg/kg/injection) under the control of the computer. Rats were sacrificed 2 h after the 4th self-administration session; the anterior cingulate cortex and the nucleus accumbens were then dissected. Two treatments comparison
Project description:Gene expression profiling of nucleus Accumbens of rats that self administered cocaine and were subjected to 1 or 30 withdrawal days with or without extinction tests. The groups consist of 1. Saline rats (Sal.) 2. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 1 day (1W) 3. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 1 day and to an extinction test for assessment of cue-induced cocaine-seeking behavior (1C) 4. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 30 days (30W) 5. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 30 days and to an extinction test for assessment of cue-induced cocaine-seeking behavior (30C)
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of miRNAs from rat brain tissues comparing controls (Sham) with ischemic rats (tMCAO) and neuroprotected rats (RLIP) Internal normalization: ischemic core vs. periischemic and ANOVA comparison across three experimental conditions: Sham, tMCAO and RLIP
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of nucleus Accumbens of rats that self administered cocaine and were subjected to 1 or 30 withdrawal days with or without extinction tests. The groups consist of 1. Saline rats (Sal.) 2. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 1 day (1W) 3. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 1 day and to an extinction test for assessment of cue-induced cocaine-seeking behavior (1C) 4. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 30 days (30W) 5. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 30 days and to an extinction test for assessment of cue-induced cocaine-seeking behavior (30C)
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of nucleus Accumbens of rats that self administered cocaine, were subjected to 30 withdrawal days, were treated with aCSF, RG108 or SAM and were subjected to extinction tests. The groups consist of: 1. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 30 days, were injected in the nucleus accumbens with aCSF and were subjected to an extinction test for assessment of cue-induced cocaine-seeking behavior (aCSF) 2. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 30 days, were injected in the nucleus accumbens with RG108 and were subjected to an extinction test for assessment of cue-induced cocaine-seeking behavior (RG108) 3. Rats that self-administered cocaine for 10 days and that were subjected to a withdrawal period of 30 days, were injected in the nucleus accumbens with SAM and were subjected to an extinction test for assessment of cue-induced cocaine-seeking behavior (SAM)
Project description:By using high-density oligonucleotide arrays, we profiled gene expression in reward-related brain regions of rats that developed escalated cocaine intake after extended access to cocaine (6 h per day). Rats allowed restricted daily access to cocaine (only 1 h) that displayed a stable level of cocaine intake and cocaine naive rats were used for controls. Four analysis methods were compared: Affymetrix microarray suite 4 and microarray suite 5, which use perfect-match-minus-mismatch models, and dchip and rma, which use perfect-match-only models to generate expression values. Results were validated by RT-PCR in individual animals from an independent replication of the experiment. A small number of genes was associated with escalated cocaine intake (ESC genes). Unexpectedly, of the brain regions examined [prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, septum, lateral hypothalamus (LH), amygdala, and ventral tegmental area], the LH was the most transcriptionally responsive in escalation of cocaine intake. Most of the ESC genes identified are also expressed during synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity and include genes that code for several presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins involved in neurotransmission. These results suggest that LH intrinsic circuitry undergoes a structural reorganization during escalation of cocaine use. This remodeling of LH circuitry could contribute to the chronic deficit in reward function that has been hypothesized to drive the transition to drug addiction. Results also support the value of using multiple analysis strategies to identify the most robust changes in gene expression and to compensate for the biases that affect each strategy. Experiment Overall Design: The experimental design for this study comprised three groups of rats (n = 8) with different daily access to a continuous schedule of i.v. cocaine self-administration (0.25 mg per injection): 0 h access per day (drug-naive control rats), 1 h access per day (ShA rats), or 6 h access per day (LgA rats). Experiment Overall Design: Gene expression profiling was then performed for each dissected brain region by using Affymetrix rat neurobiology arrays.