Project description:This dataset contains gene expression profiles from adipose tissue samples collected from Japanese individuals with varying body mass index (BMI). The study aims to investigate the association between BMI and gene expression patterns in adipose tissue, providing insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying obesity-related metabolic alterations. RNA was extracted from adipose tissue samples and analyzed using microarray technology. Differentially expressed genes associated with BMI were identified and may serve as potential biomarkers or therapeutic targets for obesity-related diseases.
Project description:Subcutaneous adipose tissue and visceral adipose tissue samples were obtained from severely obese individuals that underwent bariatric surgery. The goal of this study was to compare genome-wide gene expression levels in the two tissue types from healthy and unhealthy severely obese individuals. Whole-transcriptome subcutaneous adipose tissue gene expression levels were determined in 73 individuals with a BMI >35 kg/m2. Whole-transcriptome visceral adipose tissue gene expression levels were determined in 69 individuals with a BMI >35 kg/m2. Modules of co-expressed genes likely to be functionally related were identfied and correlated with BMI, plasma levels of glucose, insulin, HbA1c, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, ALAT, ASAT, C-reactive protein, and LDL- and HDL cholesterol.
Project description:Genome wide DNA methylation profiling of adipose tissue of MZ twins discordant and concordant for BMI. The Illumina Infinium 450k Human DNA methylation Beadchip was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across approximately 485,000 CpGs. Samples included 24 pairs discordant and 11 pairs concordant for BMI.
Project description:Subcutaneous adipose tissue samples were obtained from severely obese individuals that underwent bariatric surgery. The goal of this study was to identify tissue specific methylation QTLs. Whole-transcriptome subcutaneous adipose tissue methylation levels were determined in 71 individuals with a BMI >35 kg/m2.
Project description:Visceral adipose tissue samples were obtained from severely obese individuals that underwent bariatric surgery. The goal of this study was to identify tissue specific methylation QTLs. Whole-transcriptome subcutaneous adipose tissue methylation levels were determined in 71 individuals with a BMI >35 kg/m2.
Project description:Subcutaneous adipose tissue gene expression profiles from women with PCOS, compared with age and BMI matched healthy controls (matched at group-level).
Project description:Visceral adipose tissue samples were obtained from severely obese individuals that underwent bariatric surgery. The goal of this study was to identify tissue specific methylation QTLs. Whole-transcriptome subcutaneous adipose tissue methylation levels were determined in 71 individuals with a BMI >35 kg/m2. Bisulphite converted DNA from the 71 visceral adipose tissue samples were hybridised to the Illumina Infinium 450k Human Methylation Beadchip.
Project description:Subcutaneous adipose tissue samples were obtained from severely obese individuals that underwent bariatric surgery. The goal of this study was to identify tissue specific methylation QTLs. Whole-transcriptome subcutaneous adipose tissue methylation levels were determined in 71 individuals with a BMI >35 kg/m2. Bisulphite converted DNA from the 71 subcutaneous adipose tissue samples were hybridised to the Illumina Infinium 450k Human Methylation Beadchip.
Project description:Subcutaneous adipose tissue gene expression profiles from women with PCOS, compared with age and BMI matched healthy controls (matched at group-level). A cross-section comparison was made between women with and without PCOS
Project description:Obesity is a risk factor for numerous metabolic disorders; however, not all obese individuals are prone to insulin resistance. The central aim of this study was to identify molecular pathways directly related to insulin resistance independent of BMI in obesity. We sought to determine the gene expression signature of adipose tissue in a body mass index (BMI)-matched obese cohort of patients that are either insulin sensitive or insulin resistant. We determined the global gene expression signatures of omental and subcutaneous adipose tissue samples obtained from insulin-sensitive obese and insulin-resistant obese patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery.