Project description:Evolution of antibiotic resistance in microbes is frequently achieved by acquisition of spontaneous mutations during antimicrobial therapy. Here we demonstrate that inactivation of a central regulator of iron homeostasis (fur) facilitates laboratory evolution of ciprofloxacin resistance in Escherichia coli. To decipher the underlying molecular mechanisms, we first performed a global transcriptome analysis and demonstrated a substantial reorganization of the Fur regulon in response to antibiotic treatment. We hypothesized that the impact of Fur on evolvability under antibiotic pressure is due to the elevated intracellular concentration of free iron and the consequent enhancement of oxidative damage-induced mutagenesis. In agreement with expectations, over-expression of iron storage proteins, inhibition of iron transport, or anaerobic conditions drastically suppressed the evolution of resistance, while inhibition of the SOS response-mediated mutagenesis had no such effect in fur deficient population. In sum, our work revealed the central role of iron metabolism in de novo evolution of antibiotic resistance, a pattern that could influence the development of novel antimicrobial strategies. We used microarrays to identify genotype specific transcriptional changes under severe DNA damaging conditions (antibiotic ciprofloxacin).
Project description:Evolution of antibiotic resistance in microbes is frequently achieved by acquisition of spontaneous mutations during antimicrobial therapy. Here we demonstrate that inactivation of a central regulator of iron homeostasis (fur) facilitates laboratory evolution of ciprofloxacin resistance in Escherichia coli. To decipher the underlying molecular mechanisms, we first performed a global transcriptome analysis and demonstrated a substantial reorganization of the Fur regulon in response to antibiotic treatment. We hypothesized that the impact of Fur on evolvability under antibiotic pressure is due to the elevated intracellular concentration of free iron and the consequent enhancement of oxidative damage-induced mutagenesis. In agreement with expectations, over-expression of iron storage proteins, inhibition of iron transport, or anaerobic conditions drastically suppressed the evolution of resistance, while inhibition of the SOS response-mediated mutagenesis had no such effect in fur deficient population. In sum, our work revealed the central role of iron metabolism in de novo evolution of antibiotic resistance, a pattern that could influence the development of novel antimicrobial strategies. We used microarrays to identify genotype specific transcriptional changes under severe DNA damaging conditions (antibiotic ciprofloxacin). We treated Escherichia coli cells with a highly toxic level of ciprofloxacin (gyrase inhibitor) for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. We planned to find genotype specific transcriptional responses using WT control (BW25113) and fur-knockout mutant (selected from the KEIO collection) strains during antibiotic treatments. For each treatment type we used two biological replicates.
Project description:Antibiotic resistance in bacteria: Does a previously de novo acquired antibiotic resistance influences the adaptation to a second antibiotic?
Project description:<p>The study of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in infectious diarrhea has generally been limited to cultivation, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and targeted PCR assays. When individual strains of significance are identified, whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing of important clones and clades is performed. Genes that encode resistance to antibiotics have been detected in environmental, insect, human and animal metagenomes and are known as "resistomes". While metagenomic datasets have been mined to characterize the healthy human gut resistome in the Human Microbiome Project and MetaHIT and in a Yanomani Amerindian cohort, directed metagenomic sequencing has not been used to examine the epidemiology of AMR. Especially in developing countries where sanitation is poor, diarrhea and enteric pathogens likely serve to disseminate antibiotic resistance elements of clinical significance. Unregulated use of antibiotics further exacerbates the problem by selection for acquisition of resistance. This is exemplified by recent reports of multiple antibiotic resistance in Shigella strains in India, in Escherichia coli in India and Pakistan, and in nontyphoidal Salmonella (NTS) in South-East Asia. We propose to use deep metagenomic sequencing and genome level assembly to study the epidemiology of AMR in stools of children suffering from diarrhea. Here the epidemiology component will be surveillance and analysis of the microbial composition (to the bacterial species/strain level where possible) and its constituent antimicrobial resistance genetic elements (such as plasmids, integrons, transposons and other mobile genetic elements, or MGEs) in samples from a cohort where diarrhea is prevalent and antibiotic exposure is endemic. The goal will be to assess whether consortia of specific mobile antimicrobial resistance elements associate with species/strains and whether their presence is enhanced or amplified in diarrheal microbiomes and in the presence of antibiotic exposure. This work could potentially identify clonal complexes of organisms and MGEs with enhanced resistance and the potential to transfer this resistance to other enteric pathogens.</p> <p>We have performed WGS, metagenomic assembly and gene/protein mapping to examine and characterize the types of AMR genes and transfer elements (transposons, integrons, bacteriophage, plasmids) and their distribution in bacterial species and strains assembled from DNA isolated from diarrheal and non-diarrheal stools. The samples were acquired from a cohort of pediatric patients and controls from Colombia, South America where antibiotic use is prevalent. As a control, the distribution and abundance of AMR genes can be compared to published studies where resistome gene lists from healthy cohort sequences were compiled. Our approach is more epidemiologic in nature, as we plan to identify and catalogue antimicrobial elements on MGEs capable of spread through a local population and further we will, where possible, link mobile antimicrobial resistance elements with specific strains within the population.</p>
Project description:Here, we investigate focal amplification patterns in and around the BRAF locus in BRAFV600Emutant COLO205 cells that acquire resistance to the MEK inhibitor Sleumetinib / AZD6244 / ARRY-142886. We find that BRAF amplifications occur frequently in COLO205 cells during acquisition of selumetinib resistance and that BRAFamplifications pre-exist selumetinib treatment but occurs predominantly via de novo mutations
2021-03-23 | GSE168603 | GEO
Project description:De novo evolution of antibiotic resistance to Oct-TriA1
Project description:The binding patterns of some transcription factors have been shown to diverge substantially between closely related species. Here, we show that the binding pattern of the developmental transcription factor Twist is highly conserved across six Drosophila species, revealing strong functional constraints at developmental enhancers. Conserved binding correlates with sequence motifs for Twist and its partners, permitting the de novo discovery of their cooperative binding. It also includes over 10,000 low-occupancy sites near the detection limit, which tend to mark enhancers of later developmental stages. We predict that conservation, dynamic occupancy, and combinatorial regulation will be generally true for developmental enhancers.
2010-12-07 | E-MTAB-376 | biostudies-arrayexpress
Project description:Distribution of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Bacteria from six Atmospheric Environments