Project description:Arabidopsis thaliana plants were infested i) with sucking insect herbivores (the generalist aphid Myzus persicae and the specialist aphid Brevicoryne brassicae), ii) with chewing insect herbivores (generalist caterpillars of Spodoptera exigua and specialist caterpillars of Pieris rapae) or iii) were treated by wounding. For each treatment, rosette leaves were harvested at two time points (6h and 24h) after removal of insects. For chewing herbivores and wounding both local, i.e. immediately damaged leaves, and systemic, i.e. undamaged leaves from the same plant, were collected. Control plants were uninfested, but otherwise equally treated and harvested in parallel. We tested the hypothesis that Arabidopsis can recognize and respond differentially to insect species at the transcriptional level using a genome wide microarray. Transcriptional reprogramming was characterized using co-expression analysis in damaged and undamaged leaves at two times in response to mechanical wounding and four insect species. In all, 2778 (10.6%) of annotated genes on the array were differentially expressed in at least one treatment. Responses differed mainly between aphid and caterpillar and sampling times. Responses to aphids and caterpillars shared only 10% of up-regulated and 8% of down-regulated genes. Responses to two caterpillars shared 21% and 12% of up- and down-regulated genes, whereas responses to the two aphids shared only 7% and 4% of up-regulated and down-regulated genes. Overlap in genes expressed between 6h and 24h was 3-15%, and depended on the insect species. Responses in attacked and unattacked leaves differed at 6h but converged by 24h. Genes responding to the insects are also responsive to many stressors and included primary metabolism. Aphids down-regulated amino acid catabolism; caterpillars stimulated production of amino acids involved in glucosinolate synthesis. Co-expression analysis revealed 17 response networks. Transcription factors were a major portion of differentially expressed genes throughout and responsive genes shared most of the known or postulated binding sites.
Project description:Spider mites, including the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae, TSSM) and the Banks grass mite (Oligonychus pratensis, BGM), are becoming increasingly important agricultural pests. The TSSM is an extreme generalist documented to feed on more than 1100 plant hosts. In contrast, the BGM is a grass specialist, with hosts including important cereal crops like maize, wheat, and sorghum. Historically, studies of plant-herbivore interactions have focused largely on insects. As such, far less is known about plant responses to spider mite herbivores, especially in grasses, and whether responses differ between generalist and specialist mites. To identify plant defense pathways responding to spider mites, we collected time course RNA-seq data from maize (Zea mays) infested with TSSMs and BGMs. Additionally, and as a comparison to the physical damage caused by spider mite feeding, a wounding treatment was also included. In total, four biological samples were generated per treatment.
2017-06-17 | GSE100121 | GEO
Project description:Host transfer-induced transcriptomic changes in generalist and specialist aphids
Project description:Cereal aphids can successfully colonize and damage switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) plants. Among the aphids tested, greenbugs (Schizaphis graminum, GB) caused significant plant damage likely through a combination of aphid-salivary proteins that are injected into plants during feeding and a strong host response elicited by herbivory. In this study, changes in protein phosphorylation present in GB-infested and uninfested control plants was determined. These data were compared against transcriptome changes recently published for this system.
Project description:The metabolic response of peach tree (Prunus persica) to green aphid (Myzus persicae) has been investigated by GC-MS profiling of the apex polar extracts. Six plants of two cultivars, GF305 (sensitive to M. persicae) and Rubira (resistant), were obtained from the germination of seeds after a 3 months stratification at 4C and grown for eight weeks in a green house before transfer in a growth chamber where the experiment took place. Three plants of each genotype were infested with 10 synchronized green aphid female adults (clones MP06). Aphids were removed after 48 hours and the plant apex (about 100 mg) were collected in liquid nitrogen and thoroughly ground with a ball mill.
Project description:We have implemented an integrated Systems Biology approach to analyze overall transcriptomic reprogramming and systems level defense responses in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana during an insect (Brevicoryne brassicae) and a bacterial (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000) attack. The main aim of this study was to identify the attacker-specific and general defense response signatures in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana while attacked by phloem feeding aphids or pathogenic bacteria. Defense responses and networks, unique and specific for aphid or Pseudomonas stresses were identified. Our analysis revealed a probable link between biotic stress and microRNAs in Arabidopsis and thus opened up a new direction to conduct large-scale targeted experiments to explore detailed regulatory links among them. The presented results provide a first comprehensive understanding of Arabidopsis - B. brassicae and Arabidopsis - P. syringae interactions at a systems biology level. Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Colombia-0) seeds were grown in 6-cm-diameter pots filled with a sterile soil mix (1.0 part soil and 0.5 part horticultural perlite), 3 plants per pot. Plants were kept in growth chambers VM-CM-6tsch VB 1514 (VM-CM-6tsch Industrietechnik GmbH, Germany) under the following conditions: a 8/16 h (light/dark) photoperiod at 22M-BM-0C/18M-BM-0C, 40%/70% relative humidity, and 70/0 M-NM-<mol m-2s-1 light intensity. After 32 days plants had 8 fully developed leaves. Each plant was infested with 32 wingless aphids [Brevicoryne Brassicae] (4 per leaf), which were transferred to leaves with a fine paintbrush. Infested plants and aphid-free controls were kept in plexiglass cylinders. Plants were harvested 72 h after infestation between the 6th and 8th hour of the light photoperiod. Four biological replicates were prepared from aphid infested and control plants, each sampled from 15 individual plants. Whole rosettes were cut at the hypocotyls and aphids were removed by washing with Milli-Q-filtered water. Differences in transcriptional responses were measured by comparing genes expression of aphid infested plants against non-infested control plants.
Project description:The entomopathogen Metarhizium anisopliae contains strains with wide host ranges and specialist strains adapted to particular hosts. Patterns of gene duplication, divergence and deletion in three generalist and three specialist strains were investigated by heterologous hybridization of genomic DNA to genes from the generalist strain ARSEF 2575. Many sequences from 2575 that are highly conserved in fungi showed rapid evolution and loss in specialist Metarhizium genomes. Some poorly hybridizing genes in specialists were functionally coordinated, including several involved in toxin biosyntheses and sugar metabolism in root exudates, indicative of reductive evolution. This suggests that specialists are loosing genes required to live in alternative hosts or as saprophytes. Several components of mobile genetic elements were also highly divergent or lost in specialists. Exceptionally, the genome of the specialist strain ARSEF 443 contained extra insertion elements that might play a role in generating evolutionary novelty.
Project description:A pair of nearly isogenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) lines were used. These are: Motelle (Mi/Mi), root-knot nematode resistant and Moneymaker (mi/mi) root-knot nematode susceptible. A potato aphid (red biotype), imported from France, was used for infestation. An equal volume of sterile 1% carboxymethyl cellulose in water was added to the cleaned nematodes to keep them in suspension. The inoculum, consisting of 75-100 J2s, was dispensed in 10 µl aliquots using a repeat pipetter. The inoculum was pipetted 2 mm beneath the root tips. Control seedlings were inoculated with 0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose. After the desired incubation time (24 h or 36 h), seedlings were taken out of the boxes and a few set aside to check nematode infection rate. In our hand, this system results in 50% infection rate. The rest of the seedlings were placed on a water-saturated filter paper and the roots aligned. About 1 cm of the infected root tip was excised with a blade and quickly frozen on a polycarbonate membrane-lined 50 mm diameter Petri dish floating on liquid nitrogen and stored at -80C. Plants were grown for 6 weeks in a growth chamber under 16 h light/8 h dark at 25C in UCMix/sand, irrigated with water or MiracleGroR solution, then moved to an insect growth room (25C) 4-6 days before aphid infestation. Individual tomato leaflets were infested with 30-40 mixed stages of the potato aphids using plastic leaf cages. Four leaflets and two plants of each genotype were infested. Two plants of each genotype were used as controls. After the desired infestation time (6, 12, 24 or 48 h), leaflets were excised from the plants with a blade and sprayed with 1% SDS to force aphids to remove their stylets from the leaf tissue. Aphids were carefully removed from the leaflets and quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen. Control leaflets were excised and sprayed with 1% SDS before freezing. Samples were stored at -80C. RNA was isolated using the hot phenol method. Keywords: Direct comparison
Project description:Spider mites, including the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae, TSSM) and the Banks grass mite (Oligonychus pratensis, BGM), are becoming increasingly important agricultural pests. The TSSM is an extreme generalist documented to feed on more than 1100 plant hosts. In contrast, the BGM is a grass specialist, with hosts including important cereal crops like maize, wheat, sorghum and barley. Historically, studies of plant-herbivore interactions have focused largely on insects. However, far less is known about plant responses to spider mite herbivores, especially in grasses, and whether responses differ between generalists and specialists. To identify plant defense pathways responding to spider mites, we collected time course RNA-seq data from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) infested with TSSMs and BGMs. Additionally, and as a comparison to the physical damage caused by spider mite feeding, a wounding treatment was also included.
Project description:Tomato plants are commonly attacked by herbivorous mites, including by generalist Tetranychus urticae and specialists Tetranychus evansi and Aculops lycopersici. Mite feeding induces plant defense responses that reduce mite performance. However, via poorly understood mechanisms, T. evansi and A. lycopersici suppress plant defenses and, consequently, maintain a high performance on tomato. Accordingly, on a shared host, non-adapted T. urticae can be facilitated by either of the specialist mites, likely via the suppression of plant defenses. To better understand defense suppression and indirect plant-mediated interactions between herbivorous mites, we used microarrays to analyze transcriptomic changes in tomato after attack by either a single mite species (T. urticae, T. evansi, A. lycopersici) or two species simultaneously (T. urticae plus T. evansi or T. urticae plus A. lycopersici). Additionally, we assessed mite-induced changes in defense-associated phytohormones using LC-MS/MS. Compared to non-infested controls, jasmonates (JAs) and salicylate (SA) accumulated to higher amounts upon all mite-infestation treatments, but lowest increases were detected after single infestations with defense-suppressors. Strikingly, whereas 8 to 10% of tomato genes was differentially expressed upon single infestations with T. urticae or A. lycopersici, only 0.1% was altered in T. evansi-infested plants. Transcriptome analysis of dual-infested leaves revealed that T. evansi dampened T. urticae-triggered host responses on a genome-wide scale, while A. lycopersici primarily suppressed T. urticae-induced JA defenses. Our results provide valuable new insights into the mechanisms underlying host defense suppression and the plant-mediated facilitation of competing herbivores.