Project description:We have completed the high quality reference genome for domestic sheep (Oar v3.1). Early-stage Illumina GA sequence platform sequenced less reads in high GC content regions than in other regions. To read through higher GC content regions, we generated 2 Gb MeDIP-seq data for filling gaps in sheep reference genome assembly.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Ovine skin samples comparing pigmentation samples from piebald and normal Merino sheep All pair comparison of 5 pigmentation samples with dye swaps. Dye swaps were performed with different biological replicates (labelled 1 or 2) NOR - White sample from a normal, non-affected wild-type individual sheep PBB - Black sample from a piebald individual sheep PBW - White sample from a piebald individual sheep RSB - Black sample from a recessive black sheep RSW - White sample from a recissive black sheep taken from the inguinal, non-pigmented area.
Project description:Genome editing was conducted on a t(3;8) K562 model to investigate the effects of deleting different modules or CTCF binding sites within the MYC super-enhancer. To check mutations after targeting with CRISPR-Cas9 we performed amplicon sequencing using the Illumina PCR-based custom amplicon sequencing method using the TruSeq Custom Amplicon index kit (Illumina). The first PCR was performed using Q5 polymerase (NEB), the second nested PCR with KAPA HiFi HotStart Ready mix (Roche). Samples were sequenced paired-end (2x 250bp) on a MiSeq (Illumina).
Project description:BmN4 cells are cultured cells derived from Bombyx mori ovaries and widely used to study transposon silencing by PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). A high-accurate genome sequence of BmN4 cells is required to analyze the piRNA pathway using RNA-seq. The genome sequence of BmN4 cells was assembled using Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) HiFi and Oxford Nanopore technology Ultralong (ONT-UL) reads. Microscopic observation and image analysis showed that BmN4 cells were octoploid on average, and the number of chromosomes per cell was highly variable. We concluded the haplotype-resolved assembly of such a complex genome would be difficult; therefore, we assembled a consensus genome sequence. RNA-seq analysis of Siwi knockdown cells also revealed that Siwi-piRISC may target Countdown (Cd), an LTR retrotransposon. By comparing the consensus genome sequence with the reads, we identified differences between haplotypes, particulary structural variants, suggesting that some transposons, including Countdown, increased their copy number in BmN4 cells.
Project description:The Yeonsan Ogye (Ogye) is the rare black chicken breed domesticated in Korean peninsula, which has been noted for entire black color upon its appearances including feather, skin, comb, eyes, shank, claws and internal organs. In this study, whole genome, transcriptome and epigenome sequencings of Ogye were performed using high-throughput NGS sequencing platforms. We have produced Illumina short-reads (Paired-End, Mate-Pair and FOSMID) and PacBio long-reads for whole genome sequencing (WGS), 1.4 billion reads for RNA-seq, and 123 million reads for RRBS (reduced representation bisulfite sequencing) data. Using WGS data, Ogye genome has been assembled, and coding/non-coding transcriptome maps were constructed on Ogye genome given largescale sequencing data. We have predicted 17,472 (3,550 newly annotated and 13,922 known) protein-coding transcripts, and 9,443 (6,689 novel and 2,754 known) long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs).
Project description:The Yeonsan Ogye (Ogye) is the rare black chicken breed domesticated in Korean peninsula, which has been noted for entire black color upon its appearances including feather, skin, comb, eyes, shank, claws and internal organs. In this study, whole genome, transcriptome and epigenome sequencings of Ogye were performed using high-throughput NGS sequencing platforms. We have produced Illumina short-reads (Paired-End, Mate-Pair and FOSMID) and PacBio long-reads for whole genome sequencing (WGS), 1.4 billion reads for RNA-seq, and 123 million reads for RRBS (reduced representation bisulfite sequencing) data. Using WGS data, Ogye genome has been assembled, and coding/non-coding transcriptome maps were constructed on Ogye genome given largescale sequencing data. We have predicted 17,472 (3,550 newly annotated and 13,922 known) protein-coding transcripts, and 9,443 (6,689 novel and 2,754 known) long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs).
2018-06-21 | GSE104351 | GEO
Project description:Whole-Genome Resequencing data from Butuo Black Sheep
Project description:We carried out a cross species cattle-sheep array comparative genome hybridization (aCGH) experiment in order to identify copy number variations (CNVs) in the sheep genome analysing animals of Italian dairy breeds (Sarda, Bagnolese, Laticauda, Massese and Valle del Belice) using a tiling oligonucleotide array with ~385,000 probes designed on the bovine genome. We identified 135 CNV regions (CNVRs) covering about 10.5 Mb of the virtual sheep genome referred to the bovine genome (0.398%) with a mean and median equal to 77.6 kb and 55.9 kb, respectively. A comparative analysis between the identified sheep CNVRs and those reported in the cattle and goat genomes indicated that overlaps between sheep and goat and sheep and cattle CNVRs are highly significant (P<0.0001) suggesting that several chromosome regions might contain recurrent interspecies CNVRs. Many sheep CNVs affect genes with important biological functions. Further studies are needed to evaluate the functional relevance of these CNVs. In this study we made use of the high conservation and homology between the cattle and sheep genomes determined by their phylogenetic closeness to identify CNVs in sheep applying the same approach we carried out to identify CNVs in the goat genome. We used a custom tiling array including ~385,000 oligonucleotide probes designed on the Btau_4.0 version of the Bos taurus genome assembly and analysed genomic DNA samples of 11 sheep belonging to 6 different Italian dairy sheep breeds (2 Sarda, 2 Bagnolese, 2 Comisana, 2 Massese, 2 Laticauda and 1 Valle del Belice) compared to the reference DNA of another Sarda sheep.
Project description:The Periconia genus belongs to the phylum Ascomycota, order Pleosporales, family Periconiaceae. Periconia is widespread in many habitats but little is known about its ecology. Several species produce bioactive molecules, among them, Periconia digitata extracts were shown to be deadly active against the pine wilt nematode. The strain CNCM I-4278, here identified as P. digitata was able to inhibit the plant pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. Since P. digitata has great potential as biocontrol agent and the only other genome available in the Periconiaceae family is that of Periconia macrospinosa, which is quite fragmentary, we generated long-read genomic data for P. digitata. Thanks to the PacBio Hifi sequencing technology, we obtained a high-quality genome with a total length of 38,967,494 bp, represented by 13 haploid chromosomes. The transcriptomic and proteomic data strengthen and support the genome annotation. Besides representing a new reference genome within the Periconiaceae, this work will also contribute in our understanding of the Eukaryotic tree of life. Not least, opens new possibilities to the biotechnological use of the species.