Project description:Intercropping is a vital technology in resource-limited agricultural systems with low inputs. Peanut/maize intercropping enhances iron (Fe) nutrition in calcareous soil. Proteomic studies of the differences in peanut leaves, maize leaves and maize roots between intercropping and monocropping systems indicated that peanut/maize intercropping not only improves Fe availability in the rhizosphere but also influences the levels of proteins related to carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Moreover, intercropping may enhance stress resistance in the peanut plant (Xiong et al. 2013b). Although the mechanism and molecular ecological significance of peanut/maize intercropping have been investigated, little is known about the genes and/or gene products in peanut and maize roots that mediate the benefits of intercropping. In the present study, we investigated the transcriptomes of maize roots grown in intercropping and monocropping systems by microarray analysis. The results enabled exploration differentially expressed genes in intercropped maize. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. Luhua14) and maize (Zea mays L. cv. Nongda108) seeds were grown in calcareous sandy soil in a greenhouse. The soil was enhanced with basal fertilizers [composition (mg·kg−1 soil): N, 100 (Ca (NO3)2·4H2O); P, 150 (KH2PO4); K, 100 (KCl); Mg, 50 (MgSO4·7H2O); Cu, 5 (CuSO4·5H2O); and Zn, 5 (ZnSO4·7H2O)]. The experiment consisted of three cropping treatments: peanut monocropping, maize monocropping and intercropping of peanut and maize. After germination of peanut for 10 days, maize was sown. Maize samples were harvested after 63 days of growth of peanut plants based on the degree of Fe chlorosis in the leaves of monocropped peanut. The leaves of monocropped peanut plants exhibited symptoms of Fe-deficiency chlorosis at 63 days, while the leaves of peanut plants intercropped with maize maintained a green color.
Project description:Intercropping is a sustainable agricultural practice widely used around the world for enhancing resource use efficiency. However, short crops often grow in shade condition underneath the canopy of tall crops. Soybean is one of the most important oil crops and usually is planted in intercropping patterns. However, little is known about the acclimation responses of soybean leaves to shade in intercropping condition at the transcriptome level.
Project description:A long form (tRNase ZL) of tRNA 3' processing endoribonuclease (tRNase Z, or 3' tRNase) can cleave any target RNA at any desired site under the direction of artificial small guide RNA (sgRNA). We discovered in human kidney 293 cell extracts various new small noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) including 5'-half-tRNAs and 28S rRNA fragments, co-immunoprecipitated with tRNase ZL, and demonstrated that two of these ncRNAs work as sgRNAs for tRNase ZL in vivo as well as in vitro. In order to find genuine mRNA targets of tRNase ZL guided by ncRNAs, we performed DNA microarray analysis for mRNAs from the 293 cells transfected with the tRNase ZL expression plasmid, and found that PPM1F and DYNC1H1 mRNAs are its genuine targets.
Project description:A long form (tRNase ZL) of tRNA 3' processing endoribonuclease (tRNase Z, or 3' tRNase) can cleave any target RNA at any desired site under the direction of artificial small guide RNA (sgRNA). We discovered in human kidney 293 cell extracts various new small noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) including 5'-half-tRNAs and 28S rRNA fragments, co-immunoprecipitated with tRNase ZL, and demonstrated that two of these ncRNAs work as sgRNAs for tRNase ZL in vivo as well as in vitro. In order to find genuine mRNA targets of tRNase ZL guided by ncRNAs, we performed DNA microarray analysis for mRNAs from the 293 cells transfected with the tRNase ZL expression plasmid, and found that PPM1F and DYNC1H1 mRNAs are its genuine targets. Experiment Overall Design: In order to find genuine mRNA targets of tRNase ZL guided by ncRNAs, we performed DNA microarray analysis for mRNAs from the 293 cells transfected with the tRNase ZL expression plasmid.