Project description:Bovine mammary gland provide the largest amount of milk for dairy industry to date. Insight in functional adaptation of this organ is critical in order to improve efficiency of milk synthesis and milk quality. In the present experiment microarray analysis in combination with bioinformatics tools was performed in mammary tissue from 8 Holstein cows during the entire lactation cycle.
Project description:Bovine mammary gland provide the largest amount of milk for dairy industry to date. Insight in functional adaptation of this organ is critical in order to improve efficiency of milk synthesis and milk quality. In the present experiment microarray analysis in combination with bioinformatics tools was performed in mammary tissue from 8 Holstein cows during the entire lactation cycle. The mammary biopsy was performed at -30, -15, 1, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, and 300 days (d) relative to parturition. A dye-swap reference design (reference = mixture of RNA from several bovine tissues) was used.
Project description:The liver of dairy cows naturally displays a series of metabolic adaptation during the periparturient period in response to the increasing nutrient requirement of lactation. The hepatic adaptation is partly regulated by insulin resistance and it is affected by the prepartal energy intake level of cows. We aimed to investigate the metabolic changes in the liver of dairy cows during the periparturient at gene expression level and to study the effect of prepartal energy level on the metabolic adaptation at gene expression level.B13:N13
Project description:miRNAs have been implicated in the regulation of milk protein synthesis and development of mammary gland. However, the function of miRNAs in regulating lactation is unclear. Therefore, the elucidation of miRNA expression profiles in MG provides a crucial entry into the understanding of the mechanisms of lactation initiation. Our present work is to examine miRNA expression profiles in bovine mammary gland, and to evaluate miRNAs function through the identification of differentially expressed miRNA between lactation and non-lactation mammary gland. Identification of novel miRNAs highlights the important function of low abundance and less conserved miRNAs. An interaction network of known miRNAs and their target genes around the lactation function was constructed to postulate the functional roles of miRNAs in mammary gland. This integrated analysis provides important information that will inspire further experimental investigations into the field of miRNAs and their targets during lactation. Examination of 2 different miRNA expression profilings in bovine mammary gland
Project description:miRNAs have been implicated in the regulation of milk protein synthesis and development of mammary gland. However, the function of miRNAs in regulating lactation is unclear. Therefore, the elucidation of miRNA expression profiles in MG provides a crucial entry into the understanding of the mechanisms of lactation initiation. Our present work is to examine miRNA expression profiles in bovine mammary gland, and to evaluate miRNAs function through the identification of differentially expressed miRNA between lactation and non-lactation mammary gland. Identification of novel miRNAs highlights the important function of low abundance and less conserved miRNAs. An interaction network of known miRNAs and their target genes around the lactation function was constructed to postulate the functional roles of miRNAs in mammary gland. This integrated analysis provides important information that will inspire further experimental investigations into the field of miRNAs and their targets during lactation.
Project description:The role of chromatin in mammary gland development and differentiation has not been defined. Here we have studied the changes in chromatin conformation in the mammary gland during the lactation cycle at milk protein gene loci, whose gene expression marks functional differentiation of the mammary gland