Project description:We compare the methylation status of CpG island clones by MeDIP in SW48 colon cancer cells relative to normal colon mucosa and WI38 primary fibroblasts. Keywords: ordered
Project description:Tissue-specific methylation patterns suggest a role for CpG island methylation in differentiation and cell-type-specific gene regulation. We have profiled CpG island methylation in different cells of the immune cell lineage to investigate this role. MBD-affinity purification combined with next generation sequencing was used to analyse CpG island methylation in dendritic cells, B cells, Th1, Th2 and naïve T cells. ChIP-seq was carried out to determine RNA polymerase II binding sites in these cell types and this was compared to the methylation profiles obtained. This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (including details of any publication moratoria), please see Abstract: We have profiled CpG island methylation in various immune system cell types and related this to gene expression in these cells.
Project description:Affymetrix single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array data were collected to study genome-wide patterns of genomic variation across a broad geographical range of Island Southeast Asian populations. This region has experienced an extremely complex admixture history. Initially settled ~50,000 years ago, Island Southeast Asia has since been the recipient of multiple waves of population movements, most recently by Austronesian-speaking groups ultimately from Neolithic mainland Asia and later arrivals during the historic era from India and the Middle East. We have genotyped SNPs in ~500 individuals from 30 populations spanning this entire geographical region, from communities close to mainland Asia through to New Guinea. Particular attention has been paid to genomic data that are informative for population history, including the role of recent arrivals during the historic era and admixture with archaic hominins.