Project description:Goal of this study was to investigate the metabolic adaptation of C. auris to different carbon sources (malic acid, α-ketoglutarate, proline) and nitrogen sources (dipeptides). As a control medium with glucose as carbon source and ammonium sulfate as nitrogen source was used. Transcriptional profiles were compared after 4 h incubation at 37°C.
Project description:Goal of this study was to investigate the metabolic adaptation of C. albicans to different carbon sources (malic acid, α-ketoglutarate, proline) and nitrogen sources (dipeptides). As a control medium with glucose as carbon source and ammonium sulfate as nitrogen source was used. Transcriptional profiles were compared after 4 h incubation at 37°C.
Project description:In order to define the AadR regulon we did transcriptome analysis of an aadR in frame-deletion mutant and compared to that of wild type. We found that AadR positively modulated expression of 43 genes, most of which are involved in degradation of aromatic acids under anaerobic conditions. It also activated expression of four genes encoding for unknown proteins and a possible DNA-binding stress protein. Furthermore, AadR repressed the expression of 100 genes, including fixK and many genes controlled by FixK, mainly those involved in a microaerobic lifestyle R. palustris strains were grown in defined medium anaerobically in light (photosynthetically) in sealed tubes with nitrogen gas in the headspace. Succinate and p-coumarate were provided as carbon sources.
Project description:Welan gum is mainly produced by Sphingomonas sp. ATCC 31555 and has broad applications in industry such as that in cement production. Both carbon and nitrogen sources are essential for welan production. However, how nitrogen sources affect the metabolism and gene transcription of welan remains elusive. Here, we used next-generation sequencing RNA-seq to analyze the transcriptome of Sphingomonas sp. ATCC 31555 in the presence of inorganic or organic nitrogen sources. Enriched gene expression and pathway analysis suggest that organic nitrogen sources significantly enhanced the expression of genes in central metabolic pathways of Sphingomonas sp. ATCC 31555 and those critical for welan synthesis compared to that observed using inorganic nitrogen sources. The present study improves our understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying the use of nitrogen in welan synthesis in Sphingomonas sp., as well as provides an important transcriptome resource for Sphingomonas sp. in relation to nitrogen sources.
Project description:Transcriptomic analysis of C. jejuni HPC5 grown in anaerobic jar supplemented with air mix and in Modular Atmospheric Controlled System (MAC). C. jejuni HPC5 is a Campylobacter strain isolated from broiler chickens. Majority of the Campylobacter strains are cultured in an atmosphere containing 5-10% (v/v) oxygen or 5% hydrogen and 5-10% (v/v) carbon dioxide and the rest with nitrogen. To set up a jar (3.5L, Oxoid) to the required microaerophilic conditions, a vacuum is created to -22 psi and then air mixture of 85% v/v nitrogen, 10% v/v carbon dioxide and 5% v/v hydrogen (Air Products, Crewe, UK) is introduced into the jar. This resulted in a microaerobic atmosphere containing approximately 5.6% oxygen, 3.6% hydrogen, 7.3% carbon dioxide and 83% nitrogen. The Modular Atmospheric Controlled System (MAC; Don Whitely Scientific) is an anaerobic chamber where air mixture of 85% nitrogen, 10% carbon dioxide and 5% oxygen is used for growing Campylobacter. Differences in growth pattern were observed when Campylobacters were grown in it and transcriptomic analysis was done to prove the difference in the regulation of genes in the two conditions.
2011-04-01 | GSE17801 | GEO
Project description:Dynamics of perturbed microbial community during thermophilic anaerobic digestion of soluble carbon sources