Project description:Ammonia-oxidizing archaeal (AOA) amoA diversity and relative abundance in Gulf of Mexico sediments (0-2 cm) were investigated using a functional gene microarray; a two color array with a universal internal standard
Project description:The abundance of bacterial (AOB) and archaeal (AOA) ammonia oxidisers, assessed using quantitative PCR measurements of their respective a-subunit of the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) genes, and ammonia oxidation rates were measured in four contrasting coastal sediments in the Western English Channel. Sediment was sampled bimonthly from July 2008 to May 2011, and measurements of ammonia oxidiser abundance and activity compared to a range of environmental variables including salinity, temperature, water column nutrients and sediment carbon and nitrogen content. Despite a higher abundance of AOA amoA genes within all sediments, and at all time-points, rates of ammonia oxidation correlated with AOB and not AOA amoA gene abundance. Other than ammonia oxidation rate, sediment particle size was the only variable that correlated with the spatial and temporal patterns of AOB amoA gene abundance, implying a preference of the AOB for larger sediment particles. This is possibly due to deeper oxygen penetration into the sandier sediments, increasing the area available for ammonia oxidation to occur, higher concentrations of inhibitory sulphide with pore waters of muddier sediments or a combination of both oxygen and sulphide concentrations. Similar to many other temporal studies of nitrification within estuarine and coastal sediments, decreases in AOB amoA gene abundance were evident during summer and autumn, with maximum abundance and ammonia oxidation rates occurring in winter and early spring. The lack of correlation between AOA amoA gene abundance and ammonium oxidation rate suggests an alternative role for amoA-carrying AOA within these sediments.
Project description:Ammonia-oxidizing archaeal (AOA) amoA diversity and relative abundance in Gulf of Mexico sediments (0-2 cm) were investigated using a functional gene microarray; a two color array with a universal internal standard Two color array (cy3 and cy5): the universal standard 20 bp oligo (fluoresced with cy5) is printed to the slide with a 70-mer. Environmental DNA sequences (fluoresced with Cy3) within 15% of the 70-mer will bind to it. Signal is the cy3/cy5. Up to four arrays per sample, with two biological replicates made into two targets, each run on duplicate arrays.
Project description:The abundance of bacterial (AOB) and archaeal (AOA) ammonia oxidisers, assessed using quantitative PCR measurements of their respective a-subunit of the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) genes, and ammonia oxidation rates were measured in four contrasting coastal sediments in the Western English Channel. Sediment was sampled bimonthly from July 2008 to May 2011, and measurements of ammonia oxidiser abundance and activity compared to a range of environmental variables including salinity, temperature, water column nutrients and sediment carbon and nitrogen content. Despite a higher abundance of AOA amoA genes within all sediments, and at all time-points, rates of ammonia oxidation correlated with AOB and not AOA amoA gene abundance. Other than ammonia oxidation rate, sediment particle size was the only variable that correlated with the spatial and temporal patterns of AOB amoA gene abundance, implying a preference of the AOB for larger sediment particles. This is possibly due to deeper oxygen penetration into the sandier sediments, increasing the area available for ammonia oxidation to occur, higher concentrations of inhibitory sulphide with pore waters of muddier sediments or a combination of both oxygen and sulphide concentrations. Similar to many other temporal studies of nitrification within estuarine and coastal sediments, decreases in AOB amoA gene abundance were evident during summer and autumn, with maximum abundance and ammonia oxidation rates occurring in winter and early spring. The lack of correlation between AOA amoA gene abundance and ammonium oxidation rate suggests an alternative role for amoAÂ-carrying AOA within these sediments. Two color array (Cy3 and Cy5): the universal standard 20-mer oligo is printed to the slide with a 70-mer oligo (an archetype). Environmental DNA sequences (fluoresced with Cy3) within 15% of the 70-mer conjugated to a 20-mer oligo (fluoresced with Cy5) complementary to the universal standard will bind to the oligo probes on the array. Signal is the ratio of Cy3 to Cy5. Three replicate probes were printed for each archetype. Two replicate arrays were run on duplicate targets.
Project description:Nitrification, the oxidation of ammonia via nitrite to nitrate, has always been considered to be a two-step process catalysed by chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms oxidizing either ammonia or nitrite. No known nitrifier carries out both steps, although complete nitrification should be energetically advantageous. This functional separation has puzzled microbiologists for a century. Here we report on the discovery and cultivation of a completely nitrifying bacterium from the genus Nitrospira, a globally distributed group of nitrite oxidizers. The genome of this chemolithoautotrophic organism encodes the pathways both for ammonia and nitrite oxidation, which are concomitantly activated during growth by ammonia oxidation to nitrate. Genes affiliated with the phylogenetically distinct ammonia monooxygenase and hydroxylamine dehydrogenase genes of Nitrospira are present in many environments and were retrieved on Nitrospira contigs in new metagenomes from engineered systems. These findings fundamentally change our picture of nitrification and point to completely nitrifying Nitrospira as key components of nitrogen-cycling microbial communities.
Project description:Because of severe abiotic limitations, Antarctic soils represent simplified ecosystems, where microorganisms are the principle drivers of nutrient cycling. This relative simplicity makes these ecosystems particularly vulnerable to perturbations, like global warming, and the Antarctic Peninsula is among the most rapidly warming regions on the planet. However, the consequences of the ongoing warming of Antarctica on microorganisms and the processes they mediate are unknown. Here, using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and qPCR, we report a number of highly consistent changes in microbial community structure and abundance across very disparate sub-Antarctic and Antarctic environments following three years of experimental field warming (+ 0.5-2°C). Specifically, we found significant increases in the abundance of fungi and bacteria and in the Alphaproteobacteria-to-Acidobacteria ratio. These alterations were linked to a significant increase in soil respiration. Furthermore, the shifts toward generalist or opportunistic bacterial communities following warming weakened the linkage between bacterial diversity and functional diversity. Warming also increased the abundance of some organisms related to the N-cycle, detected as an increase in the relative abundance of nitrogenase genes via GeoChip microarray analyses. Our results demonstrate that soil microorganisms across a range of sub-Antarctic and Antarctic environments can respond consistently and rapidly to increasing temperatures, thereby potentially disrupting soil functioning.
Project description:The consistent cold temperatures and large amount of precipitation in the Olympic and Cascade ranges of Washington State are thought to increase atmospheric deposition of contaminants in these high elevation locations. Total mercury and 28 organochlorine compounds were measured in composite, whole fish samples collected from 14 remote lakes in the Olympic, Mt. Rainer, and North Cascades National Parks. Mercury was detected in fish from all lakes sampled and ranged in concentration from 17 to 262 ug/kg wet weight. Only two organochlorines, total polychlorinated biphenyls (tPCB) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), were detected in fish tissues (concentrations <25 ug/kg wet weight). No organochlorines were detected in sediments (MRL ≈1-5 ug/kg), while median total and methyl mercury in sediments were 30.4 and 0.34 ug/kg (dry weight), respectively. Using a targeted rainbow trout cDNA microarray with known genes, we detected significant differences in liver transcriptional responses, including metabolic, endocrine, and immune-related genes, in fish collected from a contaminated lake compared to a lake with a lower contaminant load. Overall, our results suggest that local urban areas are contributing to the observed contaminant patterns, while the transcriptional changes point to a biological response associated with exposure to these contaminants in fish. Specifically, the gene expression pattern leads us to hypothesize a role for mercury in disrupting the metabolic and reproductive pathways in fish from high elevation lakes in western Washington. Keywords: High altitude lakes, mercury, salmonids, organochlorines
Project description:Because of severe abiotic limitations, Antarctic soils represent simplified ecosystems, where microorganisms are the principle drivers of nutrient cycling. This relative simplicity makes these ecosystems particularly vulnerable to perturbations, like global warming, and the Antarctic Peninsula is among the most rapidly warming regions on the planet. However, the consequences of the ongoing warming of Antarctica on microorganisms and the processes they mediate are unknown. Here, using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and qPCR, we report a number of highly consistent changes in microbial community structure and abundance across very disparate sub-Antarctic and Antarctic environments following three years of experimental field warming (+ 0.5-2°C). Specifically, we found significant increases in the abundance of fungi and bacteria and in the Alphaproteobacteria-to-Acidobacteria ratio. These alterations were linked to a significant increase in soil respiration. Furthermore, the shifts toward generalist or opportunistic bacterial communities following warming weakened the linkage between bacterial diversity and functional diversity. Warming also increased the abundance of some organisms related to the N-cycle, detected as an increase in the relative abundance of nitrogenase genes via GeoChip microarray analyses. Our results demonstrate that soil microorganisms across a range of sub-Antarctic and Antarctic environments can respond consistently and rapidly to increasing temperatures, thereby potentially disrupting soil functioning. We conducted in situ warming experiments for three years using open-top chambers (OTCs) at one sub-Antarctic (Falkland Islands, 52ºS) and two Antarctic locations (Signy and Anchorage Islands, 60ºS and 67ºS respectively) (see Supplementary Fig. 1 for a map). OTCs increased annual soil temperature by an average of 0.8°C (at a depth of 5 cm), resulting in 8-43% increase in positive-degree days annually and a decrease in freeze-thaw cycle frequency by an average of 15 cycles per year (8). At each location, we included densely vegetated and bare fell-field soils in the experimental design for a total of six environments. Densely vegetated and bare environments represent two contrasting environments for Antarctic soil microorganisms, with large differences in terms of C and N inputs to soils. Massively parallel pyrosequencing (Roche 454 GS FLX Titanium) of 16S rRNA gene amplicons was used to follow bacterial diversity and community composition [GenBank Accession Numbers: HM641909-HM744649], and functional gene microarrays (GeoChip 2.0)(11) were used to assess changes in functional gene distribution. Bacterial and fungal communities were also quantified using real-time PCR.