Project description:Decomposition of soil organic matter in forest soils is thought to be controlled by the activity of saprotrophic fungi, while biotrophic fungi including ectomycorrhizal fungi act as vectors for input of plant carbon. The limited decomposing ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi is supported by recent findings showing that they have lost many of the genes that encode hydrolytic plant cell-wall degrading enzymes in their saprophytic ancestors. Nevertheless, here we demonstrate that ectomycorrhizal fungi representing at least four origins of symbiosis have retained significant capacity to degrade humus-rich litter amended with glucose. Spectroscopy showed that this decomposition involves an oxidative mechanism and that the extent of oxidation varies with the phylogeny and ecology of the species. RNA-Seq analyses revealed that the genome-wide set of expressed transcripts during litter decomposition has diverged over evolutionary time. Each species expressed a unique set of enzymes that are involved in oxidative lignocellulose degradation by saprotrophic fungi. A comparison of closely related species within the Boletales showed that ectomycorrhizal fungi oxidized litter material as efficiently as brown-rot saprotrophs. The ectomycorrhizal species within this clade exhibited more similar decomposing mechanisms than expected from the species phylogeny in concordance with adaptive evolution occurring as a result of similar selection pressures. Our data shows that ectomycorrhizal fungi are potential organic matter decomposers, yet not saprotrophs. We suggest that the primary function of this decomposing activity is to mobilize nutrients embedded in organic matter complexes and that the activity is driven by host carbon supply. Comparative transcriptomics of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) versus brown-rot (BR) fungi while degrading soil-organic matter
Project description:Decomposition of soil organic matter in forest soils is thought to be controlled by the activity of saprotrophic fungi, while biotrophic fungi including ectomycorrhizal fungi act as vectors for input of plant carbon. The limited decomposing ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi is supported by recent findings showing that they have lost many of the genes that encode hydrolytic plant cell-wall degrading enzymes in their saprophytic ancestors. Nevertheless, here we demonstrate that ectomycorrhizal fungi representing at least four origins of symbiosis have retained significant capacity to degrade humus-rich litter amended with glucose. Spectroscopy showed that this decomposition involves an oxidative mechanism and that the extent of oxidation varies with the phylogeny and ecology of the species. RNA-Seq analyses revealed that the genome-wide set of expressed transcripts during litter decomposition has diverged over evolutionary time. Each species expressed a unique set of enzymes that are involved in oxidative lignocellulose degradation by saprotrophic fungi. A comparison of closely related species within the Boletales showed that ectomycorrhizal fungi oxidized litter material as efficiently as brown-rot saprotrophs. The ectomycorrhizal species within this clade exhibited more similar decomposing mechanisms than expected from the species phylogeny in concordance with adaptive evolution occurring as a result of similar selection pressures. Our data shows that ectomycorrhizal fungi are potential organic matter decomposers, yet not saprotrophs. We suggest that the primary function of this decomposing activity is to mobilize nutrients embedded in organic matter complexes and that the activity is driven by host carbon supply.
Project description:The spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) into agricultural soils, products, and foods severely limits the use of organic fertilizers in agriculture. In this study, experimental land plots were fertilized, sown, and harvested for two consecutive agricultural cycles using either mineral or three types of organic fertilizers: sewage sludge, pig slurry, or composted organic fraction of municipal solid waste. The analysis of the relative abundances of more than 200,000 ASV (Amplicon Sequence Variants) allowed the identification of a small, but significant (<10%) overlap between soil and fertilizer microbiomes, particularly in soils sampled the same day of the harvest (post-harvest soils). Loads of clinically relevant ARG were significantly higher (up to 100 fold) in fertilized soils relative to the initial soil. The highest increases corresponded to post-harvest soils treated with organic fertilizers, and they correlated with the extend of the contribution of fertilizers to the soil microbiome. Edible products (lettuce and radish) showed low, but measurable loads of ARG (sul1 for lettuces and radish, tetM for lettuces). These loads were minimal in mineral fertilized soils, and strongly dependent on the type of fertilizer. We concluded that at least part of the observed increase on ARG loads in soils and foodstuffs were actual contributions from the fertilizer microbiomes. Thus, we propose that adequate waste management and good pharmacological and veterinarian practices may significantly reduce the potential health risk posed by the presence of ARG in agricultural soils and plant products.
2021-07-09 | GSE179685 | GEO
Project description:The Cheese Facility Microbiome Exhibits Temporal and Spatial Variability
Project description:Ectomycorrhizal fungi are dependent on host trees for carbon supply. In return ectomycorrhizal fungi supply trees with water and nutrients. It is known that when ectomycorrhizal fungi have exploited a nutrient rich patch in soil, the carbon allocation to mycelia in that patch is reduced, with the consequence of mycelia dying, but less is known of the dynamics of this senescence. We cultivated the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus in an axenic system. We collected growth and transcriptome data at different stages of carbon starvation during fungal growth. Carbon starvation induced a decrease in fungal biomass, which coincided with the release of NH4+ and the expression of genes connected with autophagy as well as protease and chitinase activity. Monoaromatic compounds, chitin and protease activity was detected in the liquid growth media during carbon starvation. The exudation of NH4+ and increase of monoaromatic compound during C starvation suggests senescence and autolysis of P. involutus. Together with the upregulation of genes involved in autophagy, chitinase and endopeptidase activity this points towards a controlled senescence including recycling of compounds originating from the fungi. Reduced C allocation to ectomycorrhizal mycelia in recently depleted nutrient patches in forest soils must be of ubiquitous nature. Understanding the mechanisms during exploitation of nutrients by ectomycorrhizal fungi is of great importance for understanding carbon and nutrient dynamics in forest soils. This is to our knowledge the first study describing the carbon starvation response in an ectomycorrhizal fungus. A one-chip study (data from 12 subarrays collected from a 12-plex Nimblegen microarray (ID 527890) using total RNA recovered from three separate glass-bead cultures of Paxillus involutus (ATCC200175) grown on Minimum Melin Norkrans medium (MMN) amended with ammonium (C/N ratio 3) and harvested at different times of carbon starvation.)
Project description:This study began with 72 male 4-week-old BALB/c mice. The mice were split evenly into one of four cohorts: Control, River, Pine, and Road. The control mice were raised with standard corn cob bedding whereas the remaining mice were raised with clean bedding amended with 300 mL of one of three different types of soil. The soil exposure continued throughout the experiment, with 300 mL of new soil added with bi-weekly cage changes. The soils used to amend the cage bedding were previously characterized as having high (Pine), medium (River), and low (Road) diversity. The River and Pine soil were collected from Duke Forest and the Road soil was collected adjacent to Highway 15-501 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. All mice were given a standard diet and the cages were distributed reverse osmosis treated water through a centralized Lixit® system that was fed to each cage in parallel. After 32 days of standard rearing with amended soils, the mice were exposed via oropharyngeal aspiration to either live influenza A (PR8) virus or heat inactivated (HI) virus.
Project description:Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a core technology in management of urban organic wastes, converting a fraction of the organic carbon to methane and the residual digestate, the biorest, have a great potential to become a major organic fertilizer for agricultural soils in the future. At the same time, mitigation of N2O-emissions from the agricultural soils is needed to reduce the climate forcing by food production. Our goal was therefore to enrich for N2O reducing bacteria in AD digestates prior to fertilization, and in this way provide an avenue for large-scale and low-cost cultivation of strongly N2O reducing bacteria which can be directly introduced to agricultural soils in large enough volumes to alter the fate of nitrogen in the soils. Gas kinetics and meta-omics (metagenomics and metaproteomics) analyses of the N2O enriched digestates identified populations of N2O respiring organisms that grew by harvesting fermentation intermediates of the methanogenic consortium.
Project description:Mesocosms (600 L) were deployed at the Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) in Austral late summer during a high nutrient, low chlorophyll period. One mesocosm represented control, present-day conditions (high nutrients/low temperature/low pCO2/low Fe/low irradiance), while the other was amended to represent a projected 2100 scenario (low nutrients/high temperature/high pCO2/high Fe/high irradiance). Approximately 2 L were filtered from the mesocosms onto 5 µm filters at Days 0, 2, 4, and 7 of the incubation.
Project description:Nitrogen (N), the primary limiting factor for plant growth and yield in agriculture, has a patchy distribution in soils due to fertilizer application or decomposing organic matter. Studies in solution culture over-simplify the complex soil environment where microbial competition and spatial and temporal heterogeneity challenge rootsâ ability to acquire adequate amounts of nutrients required for plant growth. In this study, various ammonium treatments (as 15N) were applied to a discrete volume of soil containing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) roots to simulate encounters with a localized enriched patch of soil. Transcriptome analysis was used to identify genes differentially expressed in roots 53 hrs after treatment. Results: The ammonium treatments resulted in significantly higher concentrations of both ammonium and nitrate in the patch soil. The plant roots and shoots exhibited increased levels of 15N over time, indicating a sustained response to the enriched environment. Root transcriptome analysis identified 585 genes differentially regulated 53 hrs after the treatments. Nitrogen metabolism and cell growth genes were induced by the high ammonium (65 ug NH4+-N g-1 soil), while stress response genes were repressed. The complex regulation of specific transporters following the ammonium pulse reflects a simultaneous and synergistic response to rapidly changing concentrations of both forms of inorganic N in the soil patch. Transcriptional analysis of the phosphate transporters demonstrates cross-talk between N and phosphate uptake pathways and suggests that roots increase phosphate uptake via the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in response to N. Conclusion: This work enhances our understanding of root function by providing a snapshot of the response of the tomato root transcriptome to a pulse of ammonium in a complex soil environment. This response includes an important role for the mycorrhizal symbiosis in the utilization of an N patch. 9 Total samples were analyzed across 3 treatment groups (3 biological replicates per group). We generated the following pairwise comparisons using JMP Genomics software: Control vs. Low N, Control vs. high N, and low N vs. high N. One way ANOVA was used to determine significantly different expression. Genes with an FDRâ¤10% were presented.