Project description:We used a DNA microarray chip covering 369 resistance types to investigate the relation of antibiotic resistance gene diversity with humans’ age. Metagenomic DNA from fecal samples of 123 healthy volunteers of four different age groups, i.e. pre-school Children (CH), School Children (SC), High School Students (HSS) and Adults (AD) were used for hybridization. The results showed that 80 different gene types were recovered from the 123 individuals gut microbiota, among which 25 were present in CH, 37 in SC, 58 in HSS and 72 in AD. Further analysis indicated that antibiotic resistance genes in groups of CH, SC and AD can be independently clustered, and those ones in group HSS are more divergent. The detailed analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in human gut is further described in the paper DNA microarray analysis reveals the antibiotic resistance gene diversity in human gut microbiota is age-related submitted to Sentific Reports