Project description:RUVBL2 is most important AAA+ ATPase for RNA polymerase II assembly and transcription regulation, through DNA remodeling or by directly interaction with PIC,this study will comprehensively to study the promiscuous functions of this proteins through the ChIP-MS, ChIP-seq, RNA-seq and nascent RNA seq and biochemistry analysis. Our study would provide more systematic and novel responsibility of this molecule, especially for the development and carcinomas.
Project description:Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) is a key driver of most breast cancers, and it is the target of endocrine therapies used in the clinic to treat women with ERα positive (ER+) breast cancer. The two methods ChIP-seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with deep sequencing) and RIME (Rapid Immunoprecipitation of Endogenous Proteins) have greatly improved our understanding of ERα function during breast cancer progression and in response to anti-estrogens. A critical component of both ChIP-seq and RIME protocols is the antibody that is used to pull down the bait protein. To date, most of the ChIP-seq and RIME experiments for the study of ERα have been performed using the sc-543 antibody from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. However, this antibody has been discontinued, thereby severely impacting the study of ERα in normal physiology as well as diseases such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Here, we compare the sc-543 antibody with other commercially available antibodies, and we show that 06-935 (EMD Millipore) and ab3575 (Abcam) antibodies can successfully replace the sc-543 antibody for ChIP-seq and RIME experiments.
Project description:<p>Gene expression is a biological process regulated at different molecular levels, including chromatin accessibility, transcription, and RNA maturation and transport. In addition, these regulatory mechanisms have strong links with cellular metabolism. Here we present a multi-omics dataset that captures different aspects of this multi-layered process in yeast. We obtained RNA-seq, metabolomics, and H4K12Ac ChIP-seq data for wild-type and mip6delta strains during a heat-shock time course. Mip6 is an RNA-binding protein that contributes to RNA export during environmental stress and is informative of the contribution of post-transcriptional regulation to control cellular adaptations to environmental changes. The experiment was performed in quadruplicate, and the different omics measurements were obtained from the same biological samples, which facilitates the integration and analysis of data using covariance-based methods. We validate our dataset by showing that ChIP-seq, RNA-seq and metabolomics signals recapitulate existing knowledge about the response of ribosomal genes and the contribution of trehalose metabolism to heat stress.</p>
Project description:Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) has been a cornerstone for epigenetic analyses over the last decades, but even coupled to sequencing approaches (ChIP-seq), it is ultimately limited to one protein at a time. In a complementary effort, we here combined ChIP with label-free quantitative (LFQ) mass spectrometry (ChIP-MS) to interrogate local chromatin compositions. We demonstrate the versality of our approach at telomeres, with transcription factors, in tissue and by dCas9-driven locus-specific enrichment.
Project description:Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) has been a cornerstone for epigenetic analyses over the last decades, but even coupled to sequencing approaches (ChIP-seq), it is ultimately limited to one protein at a time. In a complementary effort, we here combined ChIP with label-free quantitative (LFQ) mass spectrometry (ChIP-MS) to interrogate local chromatin compositions. We demonstrate the versality of our approach at telomeres, with transcription factors, in tissue and by dCas9-driven locus-specific enrichment.