Project description:Dataset used for biochemometric analyses on the extract and fractions of Rosmarinus officinalis (Salvia rosmarinus) tested against MRSA.
Project description:Dataset used for biochemometric analyses on the extract and fractions of Rosmarinus officinalis (Salvia rosmarinus) tested against MRSA.
Project description:To identify salvia chinensia benths induced transcriptional changes in triple negative breast cancer cell, RNA-sequencing of MDA-MB-231 cells after salvia chinensia benths treantmnent was performed. Differential gene expression analysis resulted in 7582 differentially expressed genes.
Project description:Salvia is an important genus from the Lamiaceae with approximately 1000 species distributed globally. Several Salvia species are commercially important because of their medicinal and culinary properties. We report the construction of the first fingerprinting array for Salvia species enriched with polymorphic and divergent DNA sequences and demonstrate the potential of this array for fingerprinting several economically important members of this genus.