Project description:We analyzed 1042 meningiomas with whole-genome microarray including 12 meningiomas with multifocal sampling to characterize how CNV thresholds influence their molecular classification and outcome.
Project description:Copy number alteration (CNA) is a good signpost to identify cancer related genes. CNAs were analyzed using the Agilent 244K array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in fresh-frozen tumor and matched normal tissues from 10 gastric cancer patients.
Project description:Copy number alteration (CNA) is a good signpost to identify cancer related genes. CNAs were analyzed using the Agilent 400K array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in fresh-frozen tumor and matched normal tissues from 30 gastric cancer patients.
Project description:Copy number alteration (CNA) is a good signpost to identify cancer related genes. CNAs were analyzed using the Agilent 400K array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in fresh-frozen tumor and matched normal tissues from 30 gastric cancer patients. Whole genomic CNAs in 30 human gastric cancers were analyzed using the Agilent aCGH-400K arrays. Matched normal tissues were used as the reference.
Project description:In order to evaluate the performance of CNV detection in next-generation sequencing platform in varied sample types, we employed chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) for validation of the samples with NGS-based detection results (NCBI Sequence Read Archive with accession number SRA296708). Besides snp-array, we used a customized array Comparative Genomics Hybridization (aCGH, Agilent) approach for a cohort of clinical samples including early abortus, induced termination, prenatal samples and postnatal samples. CMA results were compared with NGS-based detection results. 100% consistency was obtained between NGS-based approach and CMA in pathogenic or likely pathogenic CNVs detection.
Project description:1 lung tumor was profiled for copy-number alterations with the high-resolution Agilent 244A aCGH Array. One lung tumor sample were assayed on the Agilent Human Genome CGH 244A Microarrays with the intent of comparing the genomic alterations reported by the array platform with those reported by high-thoughput sequencing. Human male genomic DNA (Promega P/N G1471) was used as reference. Individual log2 ratios of background subtracted signal intensities were obtained from the Agilent Feature Extraction software version 9.5. The log2 ratios were centered to a median of zero and the resulting log2 ratio values for each probe were segmented using GLAD. All probes within the genomic bounds of a given GLAD-derived segment were given the mean copy number value of probes within that segment.