Project description:We analyzed the changes in the brain tissue of Apis mellifera ligustica at the molecular level by sequencing after using fluvalinate. We found that the differentially expressed miRNAs (DEM) may be involved in hippocampal cell apoptosis and damage to memory functions. This result may be related to behaviors observed after the administration of this medication, such as a lack of homing at night and behavioral disturbances. Overall, our results provide new information about the molecular mechanisms and pathways of fluvalinate action in the brain tissue of Apis mellifera ligustica.
Project description:Genes related to carbohydrate metabolism have evolved rapidly in eusocial bees, including honey bees. However, the characterisation of carbohydrate metabolism genes has not been reported in Apis andreniformis or Apis cerana indica. This study aimed to characterise phosphofructokinase (PFK) and pyruvate kinase (PK) genes in these honey bee species and to analyse the evolution of the genus Apis using these genes. This study found the first data regarding A. andreniformis PFK and PK-like nucleotide sequences. A BLAST-n algorithm-based search showed that A. andreniformis and A. c. indica PFK and PK genes were homologous with those of Apis florea and Apis cerana cerana from Korea, respectively. Multiple alignments of PFKs from five Apis species showed many exon gains and losses, but only one among the PKs. Thus, the exon-intron organisation of the PK genes may be more conserved compare with that of the PFKs. Another evolutionary pattern indicated that more nucleotide substitutions occurred in Apis' PK than PFK genes. Deduced PFK amino acid sequences revealed a PFK consensus pattern of 19 amino acids, while the deduced PK amino acid sequences were predicted to have barrel and alpha/beta domains. Based on these two metabolism-related genes, The Neighbour-joining and Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees are congruent and revealed that the A. andreniformis and A. florea group were in the basal position. Apis mellifera, A. cerana, and Apis dorsata formed a monophyletic clade, although the positions of A. mellifera and A. dorsata were different in the nucleotide- and amino acid-based phylogenetic trees.
Project description:Apis mellifera syriaca is the native honeybee subspecies of Jordan and much of the Middle East. It expresses behavioral adaptations to a regional climate with very high temperatures, nectar dearth in summer, attacks of the Oriental wasp Vespa orientalis and in most cases it is resistant to varroa mites. The Thorax control sample of A. m. syriaca in this experiment was originally collected and stored since 2001 from Wadi Ben Hammad a remote valley in the southern region of Jordan. Using morphometric and Mitochondrial DNA markers it was proved that bees from this area had show higher similarity than other samples collected from the Middle East as represented by reference samples collected in 1952 by Brother Adam. The samples L1-L5 are collected from the National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension breading apiary which was originally established for the conservation of Apis mellifera syriaca. Goal was to use the genetic information in the breeding for varroa resistant bees and to determine the successfulness of this conservation program. Project funded by USAID-MERC grant number: TA-MOU-09-M29-075.