Project description:There are numerous examples in plants, where certain organs or developmental stages are desiccation tolerant and can withstand extended periods of severe water loss. One prime example are seeds and pollen of many spermatophytes. However, in some plants, also vegetative organs can be desiccation tolerant as for example the tubers of yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) that also store larger amounts of lipids similar to seeds. Interestingly, the closest relative purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) generates tubers that do not accumulate oil and are not desiccation tolerant. We generated nanoLC-MS/MS-based proteomes of yellow nutsedge in five replicates of four stages of tuber development and compared them to the proteomes of roots and leaves, yielding 2257 distinct protein groups. Our data reveal a striking upregulation of hallmark proteins of seeds in the tubers. A deeper comparison to the tuber proteome of the closest relative purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and a previously published proteome of Arabidopsis seeds and seedlings indicates that indeed a seed-like proteome was found in yellow but not purple nutsedge. This was further supported by an analysis of the proteome of a lipid-droplet enriched fraction of yellow nutsedge, which also displayed seed-like characteristics. One reason for the differences between the two nutsedge species might be the expression of certain transcription factors homolog to ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3, WRINKLED1 and LEAFY COTYLEDON1 that drive gene expression in Arabidopsis seed embryos.
2022-10-31 | PXD031123 | Pride
Project description:Characterization of the complete plastome of Cyperus rotundus L.(Cyperaceae)
Project description:Microbial communities in the rhizosphere make significant contributions to crop health and nutrient cycling. However, their ability to perform important biogeochemical processes remains uncharacterized. Important functional genes, which characterize the rhizosphere microbial community, were identified to understand metabolic capabilities in the maize rhizosphere using GeoChip 3.0-based functional gene array method.
Project description:Gene expression patterns of the plant colonizing bacterium,Pseudomonas putida KT2440 were evaluated as a function of growth in the Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere. Gene expression in rhizosphere grown P. putida cells was compared to gene expression in non-rhizosphere grown cells. Keywords: Gene expression
Project description:Arsenic (As) bioavailability in the rice rhizosphere is influenced by many microbial interactions, particularly by metal-transforming functional groups at the root-soil interface. This study was conducted to examine As-transforming microbes and As-speciation in the rice rhizosphere compartments, in response to two different water management practices (continuous and intermittently flooded), established on fields with high to low soil-As concentration. Microbial functional gene composition in the rhizosphere and root-plaque compartments were characterized using the GeoChip 4.0 microarray. Arsenic speciation and concentrations were analyzed in the rhizosphere soil, root-plaque, porewater and grain samples. Results indicated that intermittent flooding significantly altered As-speciation in the rhizosphere, and reduced methyl-As and AsIII concentrations in the pore water, root-plaque and rice grain. Ordination and taxonomic analysis of detected gene-probes indicated that root-plaque and rhizosphere assembled significantly different metal-transforming functional groups. Taxonomic non-redundancy was evident, suggesting that As-reduction, -oxidation and -methylation processes were performed by different microbial groups. As-transformation was coupled to different biogeochemical cycling processes establishing functional non-redundancy of rice-rhizosphere microbiome in response to both rhizosphere compartmentalization and experimental treatments. This study confirmed diverse As-biotransformation at root-soil interface and provided novel insights on their responses to water management, which can be applied for mitigating As-bioavailability and accumulation in rice grains.