Project description:RNA-seq analysis of transcripts expressed in PMCs and other cells of the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryo at the mesenchyme blastula stage
Project description:Morpholino injections were performed to investigate transcriptional targets of Klf2a, and Klf2b in the blastula stage embryos (4,7 hours postfertilization) of wild type zebrafish embryos.
Project description:Morpholino injections were performed to investigate transcriptional targets of Klf4, FoxD3 and FoxD5 in the blastula stage embryos (4,7 hours postfertilization) of wild type zebrafish embryos.
Project description:To analyze the role of Tet proteins on global gene expression, we profiled the transcriptome of Xenopus tropicalis blastula embryos upon knockdown of Tet2 and Tet3 using Morpholino antisense oligonucleotides.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Xenopus laevis embryos and ectoderm (animal caps) comparing embryos injected with control morpholino with embryos injected with the morpholino mixture PVD2, which knocks down all three Xenopus PouV proteins. Whole embryos (WE) or animal caps (AC) were collected at late blastula (9) or early gastrula (10) stages from Control and PVD2 morphants. Two conditions: Control vs. PouV morpholino; Two tissues: whole embryos, animal caps .Two timepoints: stage 9 and 10. Biological replicates: 2 control replicates at stage 9 and 10 for whole embryos, 2 control replicates at stage 9 and 10 for animal caps, 2 PVD2 morpholino replicates at stage 9 and 10 for whole embryos, 2 control replicates at stage 9 and 10 for animal caps
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Xenopus laevis embryos and ectoderm (animal caps) comparing embryos injected with control morpholino with embryos injected with the morpholino mixture PVD2, which knocks down all three Xenopus PouV proteins. Whole embryos (WE) or animal caps (AC) were collected at late blastula (9) or early gastrula (10) stages from Control and PVD2 morphants.
Project description:Runt domain (Runx) transcription factors constitute a metazoan family of sequence specific DNA binding proteins that are essential for animal development. The sea urchin Runx gene SpRunt-1, which is expressed globally during early embryogenesis, is required for blastula stage cell proliferation and subsequently for cell survival. To obtain a comprehensive list of SpRunt-1 regulatory targets we screened a custom microarray representing the blastula stage transcriptome of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, comparing relative hybridization signals generated by labeled RNA from 18 hr control versus SpRunt-1 morphant embryos. For an 8x15k chip the 8 arrays were 4 biological replicates and a dye swap of the same 4. Biological Replicates - Four separate embryo cultures, each from a different mating pair were initiated and divided into a control group and a treatment group. All of the embryos in the treatment group were micoinjected with a splice-blocking morpholino antisense oligonucleotide (MASO) targeted to SpRunt-1. All control and sample embryos were developed to hatched blastula stage (18 hours post-fertilization) in filtered seawater at 15°C. Total RNA was extracted from each of the four separate samples (3,600 embryos in each sample) with an RNA yield near 5 micro grams per sample. Total RNA was also extracted from the untreated embryos of each separate culture pooled together (about 14,400) with an RNA yield near 20 micro grams. Technical (dye swap) Replicates - Control derived Cy3 (green) labeled aRNA was mixed with sample derived Cy5 (red) labeled aRNA in one biological replicate set of 4 samples and using half of the extracted RNA amount. The other half of the RNA was reciprocally labeled with control derived aRNA Cy5 labeled and sample derived aRNA Cy3 labeled.