Project description:Sargassum is one of the most diverse brown algal genus with more than 150 known species, mostly benthic and few pelagic species. They contribute significantly to global primary production and serve as important habitat for wide range of marine organisms. Sargassum vulgare is one of the dominant habitat forming species along Mediterranean coast. Despite their huge ecological importance, it is relatively unknown how they will respond under future global climate change scenario. This work used de novo transcriptome sequencing approach to understand the molecular response of S. vulgare to chronic acidification at the shallow underwater volcanic CO2 vents off Ischia Island, Italy. Keywords: brown algae, Sargassum, de novo transcriptome, ocean acidification, CO2 vents.
Project description:Macroalgae contribute substantially to primary production in coastal ecosystems. Their biomass, mainly consisting of polysaccharides, is cycled into the environment by marine heterotrophic bacteria (MHB), using largely uncharacterized mechanisms. In Zobellia galactanivorans, we discovered and characterized the complete catabolic pathway for carrageenans, major cell wall polysaccharides of red macroalgae, providing a model system for carrageenan utilization by MHB. We further demonstrate that carrageenan catabolism relies on a multifaceted carrageenan-induced regulon, including a non-canonical polysaccharide utilization locus (PUL) and several distal genes. The genetic structure of the carrageenan utilization system is well conserved in marine Bacteroidetes, but modified in other MHB phyla. The core system is completed by additional functions which can be assumed by non-orthologous genes in different species. This complex genetic structure is due to multiple evolutionary events including gene duplications and horizontal gene transfers. These results allow for an extension on the definition of bacterial PUL-mediated polysaccharide digestion.
Project description:We cultivated the flavobacterium Zobellia galactanivorans DsijT with fresh brown macroalgae with distinct chemical compositions. Its capacity to use macroalgae as the sole carbon source via the secretion of extracellular enzymes, leading to extensive tissue damages, highlights a sharing pioneer degrader behavior. RNA-seq transcriptome analysis revealed a metabolic shift toward the utilization of brown algal polysaccharides during tissue degradation. A subset of genes was specifically induced in cells grown with intact algae compared to purified polysaccharides. It notably includes genes involved in protection against oxidative burst, type IX secretion system proteins and novel uncharacterized Polysaccharides Utilization Loci (PULs). Comparative growth experiments and genomics between Zobellia members brought out putative genetic determinants of the pioneer behavior of Z. galactanivorans, whose in vitro role could be further characterized. This work constitutes the first investigation of the metabolic mechanisms of bacteria mediating fresh macroalgae breakdown, and will help unravel the role of marine microbes in the fate of macroalgal biomass.