Project description:The glutathione S-transferase (GST) gene family codes for enzymes that detoxify xenobiotics by catalyzing the conjugation of xenobiotics to glutathione. Based on reports that inherited copy number variations (CNV) in the genome modulate some GST expression levels and with the knowledge that cigarette smoke contains >3000 xenobiotics, and that the small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages are involved early in the pathogensis of smoking-induced lung disease, we asked: do germline CNVs modulate GST expression level in the small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages? Affymetrix HG U133 Plus 2.0 microarrays were used to survey GST gene expression in the small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages obtained by bronchoscopic brushings from current smokers (n=35) and nonsmokers (n=35). The CNV genotypes of these 70 subjects were determined by Affymetrix Human SNP array 5.0 chips. Sixteen % of subjects had deletions of both GSTM1 alleles. These deletions were associated with reduced GSTM1 mRNA levels in both the small airway epithelium (p<10-7) and alveolar macrophages (p<0.05). Thirty % of subjects had homozygous deletions of GSTT1 with concomitant reduced mRNA levels in both small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages (p<10-7). In contrast, genes flanking the CNV regions of both GST genes showed no difference in expression level among subjects with and without the GST deletions (p>0.3). Interestingly, GSTT2B, a duplicate gene of GSTT2, exhibited homozygous deletion in blood in 27% of subjects and was not expressed in small airway epithelium in the remainder of subjects but was expressed in alveolar macrophages of heterozygotes and wild type subjects, proportionate to genotype (p<10-3). These data demonstrate that highly prevalent CNV deletions of genes critical to ameliorating smoking-associated xenobiotic-induced damage in the lung can result in significant modulation of the gene expression levels, with the linear relationship of genotype to expression level suggesting minimal compensation of gene expression levels in heterozygotes consistent with GST polymorphisms playing a role in the risk for development of smoking-induced lung disease.
Project description:Disparate Oxidant-related Gene Expression of Human Small Airway Epithelium Compared to Autologous Alveolar Macrophages in Response to the In Vivo Oxidant Stress of Cigarette Smoking The oxidant burden of cigarette smoking induces lung cell dysfunction, and play a significant role in the pathogenesis of lung disease. Two cell populations directly exposed to the oxidants in cigarette smoke are the small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages. Of these, the epithelium appears to be more vulnerable to smoking, becoming disordered in differentiation, repair and function, while alveolar macrophages become activated, without becoming diseased. In this context, we asked: for the same individuals, what is the baseline trancriptome of oxidant-related genes in small airway epithelium compared to alveolar macrophages and do the responses of the transcriptome of these 2 cell populations differ substantially to inhaled cigarette smoke? To address these questions we used microarray gene expression and TaqMan analysis to assess the gene expression profile of known oxidant-related genes in paired samples recovered by bronchoscopy from small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages from the same healthy nonsmokers and normal smokers. Of the 155 oxidant-related genes surveyed, 122 (77%) were expressed in both cell populations in nonsmokers. However, of the genes expressed by both cell populations, oxidant related gene expression levels were higher in alveolar macrophages (67 genes, 43%) than small airway epithelium (37 genes, 24%). There were more oxidant-related genes uniquely expressed in the small airway epithelium (17%), than in alveolar macrophages (5%). In healthy smokers, the majority of oxidant-related genes were expressed in both cell populations, but there were marked differences in the numbers of oxidant-related genes that smoking up- or down-regulated. While smoking up-regulated 15 genes (10%) and down-regulated 7 genes (5%) in the small airway epithelium, smoking had far less effect on alveolar macrophages [only 4 (3%) genes up-regulated, and only 1 (0.6%) down-regulated]. Only a small number of smoking responsive oxidant-related genes overlapped between the two cell types (2 up-regulated, and no down-regulated genes). Consistent with this observation, pathway analysis of smoking-responsive genes in the small airway epithelium showed oxidant-related pathways dominated, but in alveolar macrophages immune-response pathways dominated. Thus, the responses of the oxidant-related transcriptome of cells with an identical genome and exposed to the same oxidant stress of cigarette smoking are very different, with responses of oxidant-related genes of alveolar macrophages far more subdued than that of small airway epithelium, consistent with the clinical observation that, while the small airway epithelium is vulnerable, alveolar macrophages are not "diseased" in response to the oxidant stress of cigarette smoking. Gene expression profiles of known oxidant-related genes in paired samples recovered by bronchoscopy from small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages from the same healthy nonsmokers and normal smokers.
Project description:Disparate Oxidant-related Gene Expression of Human Small Airway Epithelium Compared to Autologous Alveolar Macrophages in Response to the In Vivo Oxidant Stress of Cigarette Smoking The oxidant burden of cigarette smoking induces lung cell dysfunction, and play a significant role in the pathogenesis of lung disease. Two cell populations directly exposed to the oxidants in cigarette smoke are the small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages. Of these, the epithelium appears to be more vulnerable to smoking, becoming disordered in differentiation, repair and function, while alveolar macrophages become activated, without becoming diseased. In this context, we asked: for the same individuals, what is the baseline trancriptome of oxidant-related genes in small airway epithelium compared to alveolar macrophages and do the responses of the transcriptome of these 2 cell populations differ substantially to inhaled cigarette smoke? To address these questions we used microarray gene expression and TaqMan analysis to assess the gene expression profile of known oxidant-related genes in paired samples recovered by bronchoscopy from small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages from the same healthy nonsmokers and normal smokers. Of the 155 oxidant-related genes surveyed, 122 (77%) were expressed in both cell populations in nonsmokers. However, of the genes expressed by both cell populations, oxidant related gene expression levels were higher in alveolar macrophages (67 genes, 43%) than small airway epithelium (37 genes, 24%). There were more oxidant-related genes uniquely expressed in the small airway epithelium (17%), than in alveolar macrophages (5%). In healthy smokers, the majority of oxidant-related genes were expressed in both cell populations, but there were marked differences in the numbers of oxidant-related genes that smoking up- or down-regulated. While smoking up-regulated 15 genes (10%) and down-regulated 7 genes (5%) in the small airway epithelium, smoking had far less effect on alveolar macrophages [only 4 (3%) genes up-regulated, and only 1 (0.6%) down-regulated]. Only a small number of smoking responsive oxidant-related genes overlapped between the two cell types (2 up-regulated, and no down-regulated genes). Consistent with this observation, pathway analysis of smoking-responsive genes in the small airway epithelium showed oxidant-related pathways dominated, but in alveolar macrophages immune-response pathways dominated. Thus, the responses of the oxidant-related transcriptome of cells with an identical genome and exposed to the same oxidant stress of cigarette smoking are very different, with responses of oxidant-related genes of alveolar macrophages far more subdued than that of small airway epithelium, consistent with the clinical observation that, while the small airway epithelium is vulnerable, alveolar macrophages are not "diseased" in response to the oxidant stress of cigarette smoking.
Project description:Lectins are proteins present on cell surfaces or as shed extracellular proteins that function in innate immune defense as phagocytic receptors to recognize specific bacterial cell wall components. Based on the knowledge that cigarette smoking is associated with increased risk of bacterial infection, we hypothesized that cigarette smoking may modulate the expression of lectin genes in the airway epithelium. Affymetrix HG U133 Plus 2.0 microarrays were used to survey expression of lectin genes in large (3rd to 4th order bronchi) airway epithelium from 9 normal nonsmokers and 20 phenotypic normal smokers and small (10th to 12th order bronchi) airway epithelium from 13 normal nonsmokers and 20 phenotypic normal smokers. From the 72 lectin genes that were surveyed, there were no changes (>2-fold change, p<0.05) in gene expression in either large or small airway epithelium among normal smokers compared to nonsmokers except for a striking down regulation in both large and small airway epithelium of normal smokers of intelectin 1, a recently described lectin that participates in the innate immune response by recognizing and binding to galactofuranosyl residues in the cell walls of bacteria (large airway epithelium, p<0.003; small airway epithelium, p<0.002). TaqMan RT-PCR confirmed the observation that intelectin 1 was down-regulated in both large (p<0.05) and small airway epithelium (p<0.02) of normal smokers compared to normal nonsmokers. Immunohistochemistry assessment of biopsies of the large airway epithelium of normal nonsmokers demonstrated intelectin 1 was expressed in secretory cells, with qualitatively decreased expression in biopsies from normal smokers. Western analysis confirmed the decreased expression of intelectin 1 in airway epithelium of normal smokers compared to normal nonsmokers (p<0.02). Finally, compared to normal nonsmokers, intelectin 1 expression was decreased in small airway epithelium of smokers with early COPD (n= 13, p<0.001) and smokers with established COPD (n= 14, p<0.001), in a fashion similar to that of normal smokers. In the context that intelectin 1 is an epithelial molecule that likely plays a role in defense against bacteria, the down regulation of expression of intelectin 1 in response to cigarette smoking may contribute to the increase in susceptibility to infections observed in smokers, including those with COPD. Keywords: COPD Comparison of gene expression in airway epithelial cells of normal non-smokers, phenotypic normal smokers, smokers with early COPD, and smokers with COPD.
Project description:The airways and the alveoli of the human respiratory tract are lined by two distinct types of epithelium. We previously established long-term expanding human lung epithelial organoids from lung tissues and developed a ‘proximal’ differentiation protocol to generate mucociliary airway organoids, yet the derivation of alveolar organoids from adult lung has remained a challenge. Here we defined a ‘distal’ differentiation approach to generate alveolar organoids from the same source that allows the establishment of airway organoids. Alveolar organoids are enriched for AT1 and AT2 cells and functionally simulate the alveolar epithelium. AT2 cells in lung organoids act as the progenitor cells from which alveolar organoids emerge. Moreover, we demonstrate productive SARS-CoV-2 infection of alveolar organoids. We further optimize 2-dimensional (2D) airway organoids. When differentiated under a slightly acidic pH, these 2D airway organoids sustain enhanced viral replication and better recapitulate the high infectivity of SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, the optimized 2D airway organoids can model IgG transcytosis across the airway epithelium. Collectively, we establish a bipotential organoid culture system that can reproducibly expand the entire human respiratory epithelium in vitro for modeling respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
Project description:Lectins are proteins present on cell surfaces or as shed extracellular proteins that function in innate immune defense as phagocytic receptors to recognize specific bacterial cell wall components. Based on the knowledge that cigarette smoking is associated with increased risk of bacterial infection, we hypothesized that cigarette smoking may modulate the expression of lectin genes in the airway epithelium. Affymetrix HG U133 Plus 2.0 microarrays were used to survey expression of lectin genes in large (3rd to 4th order bronchi) airway epithelium from 9 normal nonsmokers and 20 phenotypic normal smokers and small (10th to 12th order bronchi) airway epithelium from 13 normal nonsmokers and 20 phenotypic normal smokers. From the 72 lectin genes that were surveyed, there were no changes (>2-fold change, p<0.05) in gene expression in either large or small airway epithelium among normal smokers compared to nonsmokers except for a striking down regulation in both large and small airway epithelium of normal smokers of intelectin 1, a recently described lectin that participates in the innate immune response by recognizing and binding to galactofuranosyl residues in the cell walls of bacteria (large airway epithelium, p<0.003; small airway epithelium, p<0.002). TaqMan RT-PCR confirmed the observation that intelectin 1 was down-regulated in both large (p<0.05) and small airway epithelium (p<0.02) of normal smokers compared to normal nonsmokers. Immunohistochemistry assessment of biopsies of the large airway epithelium of normal nonsmokers demonstrated intelectin 1 was expressed in secretory cells, with qualitatively decreased expression in biopsies from normal smokers. Western analysis confirmed the decreased expression of intelectin 1 in airway epithelium of normal smokers compared to normal nonsmokers (p<0.02). Finally, compared to normal nonsmokers, intelectin 1 expression was decreased in small airway epithelium of smokers with early COPD (n= 13, p<0.001) and smokers with established COPD (n= 14, p<0.001), in a fashion similar to that of normal smokers. In the context that intelectin 1 is an epithelial molecule that likely plays a role in defense against bacteria, the down regulation of expression of intelectin 1 in response to cigarette smoking may contribute to the increase in susceptibility to infections observed in smokers, including those with COPD. Keywords: COPD
Project description:The initial site of smoking-induced lung disease is the small airway epithelium, which is difficult and time consuming to sample by fiberoptic bronchoscopy. We developed a rapid, office-based procedure to obtain trachea epithelium without conscious sedation from healthy nonsmokers (n=26) and healthy smokers (n=19, 27 ± 15 pack-yr). Gene expression differences [fold-change >1.5, p< 0.01, Benjamini-Hochberg correction] were assessed with Affymetrix microarrays. 1,057 probe sets were differentially expressed in healthy smokers vs nonsmokers, representing >500 genes. Trachea gene expression was compared to an independent group of small airway epithelial samples (n=23 healthy nonsmokers, n=19 healthy smokers, 25 ± 12 pack-yr). The trachea epithelium is more sensitive to smoking, responding with 3-fold more differentially-expressed genes than small airway epithelium. The trachea transcriptome paralleled the small airway epithelium, with 156 of 167 (93%) genes that are significantly up- and down-regulated by smoking in the small airway epithelium showing similar direction and magnitude of response to smoking in the trachea. Trachea epithelium can be obtained without conscious sedation, representing a less invasive surrogate “canary” for smoking-induced changes in the small airway epithelium. This should prove useful in epidemiologic studies correlating gene expression with clinical outcome in assessing smoking-induced lung disease. Experiment Overall Design: Tracheal gene expression: matched group of small airway epithelial samples (n=23 healthy non-smokers, n= 19 healthy smokers)
Project description:Testican 3 (coded for by SPOCK3), is an extracellular matrix heparan/chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan that possesses serine and cysteine protease inhibitor-like domains Based on the knowledge that serine proteases contribute to the destruction of the lung in cigarette smokers, but that only a fraction of smokers develop smoking-induced lung disease, we hypothesized that smokers expressed SPOCK3 at lower levels in the small airway epithelium, the initial site of smoking-induced disease, and further, that genetic variability modulates the expression of SPOCK3 in the airway epithelium. Assessment of gene expression in the small airway epithelium (10th -12th order bronchi) of healthy non-smokers (n=38) and healthy smokers (n=42), demonstrated that the expression levels of SPOCK3 were significantly lower in healthy smokers compared to healthy nonsmokers (p<0.04). Affymetrix Human SNP array 5.0 was used to assess genome wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within 100 kbp of the SPOCK3 gene in the same nonsmokers and smokers, and these SNPs were correlated with small airway gene expression of SPOCK3, with correction for variation in genetic ancestry. There was a significant correlation of SPOCK3 small airway epithelial gene expression with 13 adjacent SNPs in the SPOCK3 gene (p<10-3, all comparisons, Wald test). For example, the TT allele of rs13124292, located in intron 3, was associated with a small airway epithelial expression levels of 0.56 ± 0.07, and the AA genotype with expression levels of 2.31 ± 0.26 (p<10-6, pairwise t test). Interestingly, smoking appeared to lessen the degree to which genotype associated with SPOCK3 expression level, i.e., smoking to some extent overrode the influence of genetic variation. The observation that SPOCK3 gene expression in the small airway epithelium is reduced in smokers, and that smoking interacts with cis-genomic variations to determine the levels of SPOCK3 small airway epithelial gene expression, is consistent with the concept that everyone is at risk for smoking-induced lung disease, but that inherited genetic variations contribute to the pathogenesis of susceptibility to smoking-induced disease.
Project description:To comprehensively study the heterogeneity within distal airway epithelium, we performed single cell transcriptomic analysis of the normal human donor lung samples. Our analysis reveals that secretory (club) and basal cells in the distal lung airway epithelial cells are highly heterogenous. Further interrogation of secretory cells identified a subpopulation with potential for alveolar differentiation in vitro, implicating distal lung airway secretory cells as new candidates in alveolar repair and regeneration.