Project description:Radiation biodosimetry can play a critical role in the response to a large-scale radiologic emergency, and gene expression profiles have shown promise for providing biodosimetric information. This study was designed to test if gene expression could be used to distinguish between doses received from acute exposures and more protracted exposures, such as those that would result from fallout. Mice were exposed to whole body X-rays at low dose rate (LDR, 3.09 mGy/min) for 6, 12, or 24 hours (1.1, 2.2, or 4.4 Gy), or to equivalent doses delivered at high dose rate (HDR, 1.03 Gy/min). Global gene expression was measured in their blood 24 h after the start of exposure, and genes with the potential to classify samples by radiation dose and dose rate were identified. Data consist of 48 samples, representing 6 independent samples each from 3 doses delivered as either acute or low dose rate x-rays, plus 12 controls representing both acute and low dose rate sham treatments.
Project description:We collected whole genome testis expression data from hybrid zone mice. We integrated GWAS mapping of testis expression traits and low testis weight to gain insight into the genetic basis of hybrid male sterility.
Project description:Expression profiles in mouse liver exposed to long-term gamma-irradiation were examined to assess in vivo effects of low dose-rate radiation. Three groups of male C57BL/6J mice were exposed to whole body irradiation at dose-rates of 17-20 mGy/day, 0.86-1.0 mGy/day or 0.042-0.050 mGy/day for 401-485 days (cumulative doses were approximately 8 Gy, 0.4 Gy or 0.02 Gy, respectively). Expression profiles were produced for RNA isolated from irradiated individual animals and for pooled RNA from sham-irradiated 3 animals for control. The expression levels of 6 irradiated animals for each dose were compared individually with those of 2 pooled controls (3 irradiated samples to one pooled control in first and second experiments).
Project description:Gene expressions of mice hepatocellular adenoma, which correlated with low-dose-rate gamma ray radiation dependent inflammatory response
Project description:A transcriptome study in mouse hematopoietic stem cells was performed using a sensitive SAGE method, in an attempt to detect medium and low abundant transcripts expressed in these cells. Among a total of 31,380 unique transcript, 17,326 (55%) known genes were detected, 14,054 (45%) low-copy transcripts that have no matches to currently known genes. 3,899 (23%) were alternatively spliced transcripts of the known genes and 3,754 (22%) represent anti-sense transcripts from known genes.
Project description:Sex differences in liver gene expression are dictated by sex-differences in circulating growth hormone (GH) profiles. Presently, the pituitary hormone dependence of mouse liver gene expression was investigated on a global scale to discover sex-specific early GH response genes that might contribute to sex-specific regulation of downstream GH targets and to ascertain whether intrinsic sex-differences characterize hepatic responses to plasma GH stimulation. RNA expression analysis using 41,000-feature microarrays revealed two distinct classes of sex-specific mouse liver genes: genes subject to positive regulation (class-I) and genes subject to negative regulation by pituitary hormones (class-II). Genes activated or repressed in hypophysectomized (Hypox) mouse liver within 30-90min of GH pulse treatment at a physiological dose were identified as direct targets of GH action (early response genes). Intrinsic sex-differences in the GH responsiveness of a subset of these early response genes were observed. Notably, 45 male-specific genes, including five encoding transcriptional regulators that may mediate downstream sex-specific transcriptional responses, were rapidly induced by GH (within 30min) in Hypox male but not Hypox female mouse liver. The early GH response genes were enriched in 29 male-specific targets of the transcription factor Mef2, whose activation in hepatic stellate cells is associated with liver fibrosis leading to hepatocellular carcinoma, a male-predominant disease. Thus, the rapid activation by GH pulses of certain sex-specific genes is modulated by intrinsic sex-specific factors, which may be associated with prior hormone exposure (epigenetic mechanisms) or genetic factors that are pituitary-independent, and could contribute to sex-differences in predisposition to liver cancer or other hepatic pathophysiologies.
Project description:It is widely believed that the carcinogenic action of ionizing radiation is due to targeted DNA damage and resulting mutations, but there is also substantial evidence that non-targeted radiation effects alter epithelial phenotype and the stromal microenvironment. Activation of transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ) is a non-targeted radiation effect that mediates cell fate decisions following DNA damage and regulates microenvironment composition; it could either suppress or promote cancer. We asked if such non-targeted radiation effects contribute to carcinogenesis by using a novel radiation chimera model. Unirradiated Trp53 null mammary epithelium was transplanted to the mammary stroma, previously divested of endogenous epithelia, of mice previously exposed to a single low (10 -100 cGy) radiation dose. By 300 days, 100% of transplants in irradiated hosts at either 10 or 100 cGy had developed Trp53 null breast carcinomas compared to 54% in unirradiated hosts. Tumor growth rate was also increased by high, but not low, dose host irradiation. In contrast, irradiation of Tgfb1 heterozygote mice prior to transplantation failed to decrease tumor latency, or increase growth rate at any dose. Host irradiation significantly reduced the latency of invasive ductal carcinoma compared to spindle cell carcinoma. However, irradiation of either host genotype significantly increased the frequency of estrogen receptor negative tumors. These data demonstrate two concepts critical to understanding radiation risks. First, non-targeted radiation effects can significantly promote the frequency and alter the features of epithelial cancer. Second, radiation-induced TGFβ activity is a key mechanism of tumor promotion. Keywords: Differential gene expression after low dose irradiation