Project description:Sulfolobus acidocaldarius is an obligate aerobe that grows in hot and acidic environments. S. acidocaldarius have been reported to grow on a variety of organic compounds as carbon and energy sources. However, little is known about systemic elucidation of carbon utilization for biomass formation and energy metabolism in S. acidocaldarius. In this analysis, the effect of glucose on genome-wide transcriptional profiling in S. acidocaldarius DSM 639 was investigated by RNA-Seq technology.
Project description:Sulfolobus acidocaldarius has been previously reported to grow on a broad range of sugars, but there is limited information on the ability of the organism to metabolize multiple sugars simultaneously. We report here the ability of S. acidocaldarius to utilize glucose and xylose simultaneously without di-auxie effect. The organism utilized a mixture of 1 g/L glucose and 1 g/L xylose with a growth rate of 0.079 h-1 compared to 0.074 h-1 and 0.22 h-1 when the organism was grown on xylose 2 g/L and 2 g/L glucose respectively as sole carbon sources. An increase in xylose concentration to 2 and 4 g/L in a medium containing 1 g/L glucose resulted in a growth rate of 0.082 and 0.085 h-1. However, increasing glucose concentration by 2 and 4 g/L when xylose concentration was maintained at 1 g/L decreased the growth rate to 0.062 and 0.052 h-1 respectively. S. acidocaldarius appeared to be utilizing the sugars at a rate roughly proportional to their concentration in the medium, resulting in complete utilization of these sugars at same time. The organism did not show preference for either glucose or xylose when it was grown on both sugars. Similar results were obtained with a combination of glucose, arabinose and galactose. These observations strongly suggest that S. acidocaldarius does not regulate utilization of the sugars tested herein using carbon catabolite repression (CCR) commonly found in most bacteria. The mechanism by which the organism utilized a mixture of sugar is yet to be elucidated. However, we were able to identify genes encoding for the putative glucose ABC transporters; but the putative xylose transporter was not identified. A study of S. acidocaldarius grown in glucose, xylose, or the two carbon sources combined in mid-log. Analyzed on Nimblegen 4-plex S. acidocaldarius DSM 639 array weblink:
Project description:Sulfolobus acidocaldarius has been previously reported to grow on a broad range of sugars, but there is limited information on the ability of the organism to metabolize multiple sugars simultaneously. We report here the ability of S. acidocaldarius to utilize glucose and xylose simultaneously without di-auxie effect. The organism utilized a mixture of 1 g/L glucose and 1 g/L xylose with a growth rate of 0.079 h-1 compared to 0.074 h-1 and 0.22 h-1 when the organism was grown on xylose 2 g/L and 2 g/L glucose respectively as sole carbon sources. An increase in xylose concentration to 2 and 4 g/L in a medium containing 1 g/L glucose resulted in a growth rate of 0.082 and 0.085 h-1. However, increasing glucose concentration by 2 and 4 g/L when xylose concentration was maintained at 1 g/L decreased the growth rate to 0.062 and 0.052 h-1 respectively. S. acidocaldarius appeared to be utilizing the sugars at a rate roughly proportional to their concentration in the medium, resulting in complete utilization of these sugars at same time. The organism did not show preference for either glucose or xylose when it was grown on both sugars. Similar results were obtained with a combination of glucose, arabinose and galactose. These observations strongly suggest that S. acidocaldarius does not regulate utilization of the sugars tested herein using carbon catabolite repression (CCR) commonly found in most bacteria. The mechanism by which the organism utilized a mixture of sugar is yet to be elucidated. However, we were able to identify genes encoding for the putative glucose ABC transporters; but the putative xylose transporter was not identified.
Project description:Analysis of transcriptional response to UV irradiation in two related crenarchaea, Sulfolobus solfataricus and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius.
Project description:Shotgun phosphoproteome of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius using PAciFIC technique. Briefly, proteins were denatured, alkylated, trypsine digestion, SCX separation Fractionated peptides were analysed on Bruker HCTultra. Data processing and bioinformatics: data from mass spectrometry were then extracted to mgf format using Bruker Data Analysis V4.0 with a MRM script, these were then were searched against the Sulfolobus acidocaldarius database (containing 2223 proteins) downloaded from NCBI in March 2010 using Phenyx V 2.6 (Genebio, Geneva). The searches were performed using parameters as follows: carbamidomethylation of cysteine (fixed modification), oxidation of methionine (variation), and phosphorylation of serine, tyrosine, threonine (variation), trypsin with 2 missed cleavages. Furthermore, other parameters such as parent, MS/MS, tolerances were set at 2.0 and 0.8 Da, respectively, whilst minimum peptide length, z-score, p-value and AC score were set at 5, 5.5, 10-5, and 5.5 respectively.
Project description:This is ChIPseq result of FadR (Saci_1107), which is the only TetR family regulator presented in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. The aim of the study is to gain insights into the function of TetR regulator by analyzing its whole genome binding sites.