Project description:During reproductive life, the human endometrium undergoes around 480 cycles of growth, breakdown and regeneration should pregnancy not be achieved. This outstanding regenerative capacity is the basis for women’s cycling and its dysfunction may be involved in the etiology of pathological disorders. Therefore, the human endometrial tissue must rely on a remarkable endometrial somatic stem cells (SSC) population. Here we explore the hypothesis that human endometrial side population (SP) cells correspond to somatic stem cells. We isolated, identified and characterized the SP corresponding to the stromal and epithelial compartments using endometrial SP genes signature, immunophenotyping and characteristic telomerase pattern. We analyzed the clonogenic activity of SP cells under hypoxic conditions and the differentiation capacity in vitro to adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. Finally, we demonstrated the functional capability of endometrial SP to develop human endometrium after subcutaneous injection in NOD-SCID mice. Briefly, SP cells of human endometrium from epithelial and stromal compartments display genotypic, phenotypic and functional features of SSC.
Project description:During reproductive life, the human endometrium undergoes around 480 cycles of growth, breakdown and regeneration should pregnancy not be achieved. This outstanding regenerative capacity is the basis for women’s cycling and its dysfunction may be involved in the etiology of pathological disorders. Therefore, the human endometrial tissue must rely on a remarkable endometrial somatic stem cells (SSC) population. Here we explore the hypothesis that human endometrial side population (SP) cells correspond to somatic stem cells. We isolated, identified and characterized the SP corresponding to the stromal and epithelial compartments using endometrial SP genes signature, immunophenotyping and characteristic telomerase pattern. We analyzed the clonogenic activity of SP cells under hypoxic conditions and the differentiation capacity in vitro to adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. Finally, we demonstrated the functional capability of endometrial SP to develop human endometrium after subcutaneous injection in NOD-SCID mice. Briefly, SP cells of human endometrium from epithelial and stromal compartments display genotypic, phenotypic and functional features of SSC. Human tissue collection: Human endometrial biopsies were taken using a Pipelle catheter under sterile conditions (from 18 to 48 years) throughout the menstrual cycle. Epithelial and stromal separation: Epithelial and stromal fractions were isolated using an established protocol with modifications. Briefly, samples were carefully dissected and minced into 1-2mm fragments, and enzymatically digested in DMEM containing 10 mg/ml collagenase type IA. Stromal cells (single cells or small aggregates) and epithelial glands were separated on a size basis using gravity sedimentation and membrane filtration. Cell suspensions were treated with erythrocyte lysis solution and evaluation of cell viability was performed with Propidium Iodide (PI; 5 μg/ml). Hoechst 33342 labeling: Cells isolated from the endometrial epithelial and stromal fractions were resuspended in DMEM prewarmed at 37ºC and supplemented with 2% FBS and 10mM HEPES. The cell suspension was labeled in the same media with 5 μg/ml of Hoechst 33342 dye (Ho-33342), either alone or in combination with 100 μM verapamil (Vp), in a water bath at 37ºC for 90-120 minutes. Then, cells were centrifuged for 6 minutes at 4ºC, and were resuspended in cold HBSS supplemented with 2%FBS and 10mM HEPES. PI permits to exclude dead cells prior to the flow cytometric analysis and sorting. Isolation of human endometrial SP cells: Cells were analyzed and sorted by a MoFlo® jet-in-air high speed sorter. Excitation was performed with a water cooled Enterprise II ion laser which operated at the 351 nm and 488 nm wavelengths, and worked at 30 mW. Hoechst 33342 blue and red fluorescences were detected through 405/30 and 670/20 nm band-pass filters respectively, by measuring the signals on a linear scale. PI fluorescence was detected through a band-pass filter of 613/20 on a logarithmic scale. The gates for cell sorting were defined to collect live cells with a low Hoechst 33342 fluorescence (SP fraction), as well as live cells with a high Hoechst 33342 fluorescence (NSP fraction). Microarrays experiments: Endometrial tissue consisted in a total of 8 endometrial biopsies (epithelial (n=8) and stromal (n=8) endometrial cell suspensions, epithelial SP fraction (n=8) and stromal SP fractions (n=8) separately) which were pooled in pairs at the RNA levels. Four microarrays were analyzed per group.
Project description:Uterine leiomyoma is the most common benign tumor of the female genital tract, and is the main cause of hysterectomy in 25-30% of affected women. Nevertheless, knowledge about stem cells initiating these common uterine tumors remains scarce. The side population method has been used to identify different somatic stem cells in the human body. In this context, our study explores the hypothesis that human leiomyoma side population cells could be the putative somatic stem cells responsible for leiomyoma's initiation and formation. We isolated, identified and characterized the side population cells from human leiomyomas which implies no commitment to the myometrial lineage at the molecular level, differential cloning efficiency under hypoxic conditions and provides a leiomyoma stem cells gene profile. Based on their cloning efficiency ability, we also established two cell lines (MyoSP1-2) with a normal karyotype under hypoxic conditions. The phenotype analysis supported their mesodermal commitment as assessed by the positive expression of typical mesenchymal markers, such as CD90, CD105, and CD73, and by the absence of hematopoietic stem cell markers like CD34 and CD45. At the mRNA level, we also confirmed their undifferentiated status (OCT-4+, NANOG+, DNMT3B+, GDF3+) and mesenchymal lineage commitment as demonstrated by their ability to differentiate in vitro into adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. Finally, we demonstrated the functional capability of Myo cell lines (MyoSP1-2) to form human leiomyoma-like tissue after injecting this subset of cells either under the kidney capsule or in the subcutaneous tissue in the NOD-SCID mice model. 4 replicates each of leiomyoma side population (SP) cells and leiomyoma total fraction (FT) cells were analyzed.
Project description:Cancer stem cells have been strongly linked to resistance and relapse in many malignancies. However, purifying them from within the bulk tumor has been challenging, so their precise genetic and functional characteristics are not well defined. The side population assay exploits the ability of some cells to efflux Hoechst dye via ABC-transporters. Stem cells have increased expression of these transporters and this assay has been shown to enrich for stem cells in various tissues and cancers. This study identifies the side population within a zebrafish model of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and correlates the frequency of side population cells with the frequency of leukemia stem cells (more precisely referred to as leukemia propagating cells within our transplantation model). In addition, the side population within the leukemia evolves with serial transplantation, increasing in tandem with leukemia propagating cell frequency over subsequent generations. Sorted side population cells from these tumors are enriched for leukemia propagating cells and have enhanced engraftment compared to sorted non-side population cells when transplanted into syngeneic recipients. RNA-sequencing analysis of sorted side population cells compared to non-side population cells identified a shared expression profile within the side population and pathway analysis yielded Wnt-signaling as the most overrepresented. Gene set enrichment analysis showed that stem cell differentiation and canonical Wnt-signaling were significantly upregulated in the side population. Overall, these results demonstrate that the side population in zebrafish acute lymphoblastic leukemia significantly enriches for leukemia propagating cells and identifies the Wnt-pathway as a likely genetic driver of leukemia stem cell fate.
Project description:Earlier studies had shown that side population cells isolated from established non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines exhibit cancer stem cell properties. Microarray data from side population (SP) and main population (MP) cells isolated from 4 NSCLC lines (A549, H1650, H460, H1975) were used to examine gene expression profiles associated with stemness. Total RNA extracted from SP and MP samples were used to generate cRNA targets, which were hybridized to Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 probe arrays. Raw data was processed and the mean center expression level for each gene was determined. Four cell lines (A549, H1650, H460, H1975), each having 1 SP and 1 MP sample.
Project description:Patients surviving a septic episode exhibit persistent immune impairment and increased mortality due to enhanced infection vulnerability. In the present study, using the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model of polymicrobial sepsis, we addressed the hypothesis that functional, metabolic, and phenotypic alterations in splenic CD11b+Ly6Chigh myeloid cells contribute to the immune impairment in sepsis-surviving mice. Herein, we showed the cellular and transcriptional heterogeneity of the expanded splenic CD11b+Ly6Chigh population in CLP-survivors. We also showed that CD11b+Ly6Chigh cells presented phenotypic and functional disparity between C57BL6/J and BALB/c strains.
Project description:Earlier studies had shown that side population cells isolated from established non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines exhibit cancer stem cell properties. Microarray data from side population (SP) and main population (MP) cells isolated from 4 NSCLC lines (A549, H1650, H460, H1975) were used to examine gene expression profiles associated with stemness. Total RNA extracted from SP and MP samples were used to generate cRNA targets, which were hybridized to Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 probe arrays. Raw data was processed and the mean center expression level for each gene was determined.