Project description:Cultivation methods used to investigate microbial calorie restriction often result in carbon and energy starvation. This study aims to dissect cellular responses to calorie restriction and starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by using retentostat cultivation. In retentostats, cells are continuously supplied with a small, constant carbon and energy supply, sufficient for maintenance of cellular viability and integrity but insufficient for growth. When glucose-limited retentostats cultivated under extreme calorie restriction were subjected to glucose starvation, calorie-restricted and glucose-starved cells were found to share characteristics such as increased heat-shock tolerance and expression of quiescence-related genes. However, they also displayed strikingly different features. While calorie-restricted yeast cultures remained metabolically active and viable for prolonged periods of time, glucose starvation resulted in rapid consumption of reserve carbohydrates, population heterogeneity due to appearance of senescent cells and, ultimately, loss of viability. Moreover, during starvation, calculated rates of ATP synthesis from storage carbohydrates were 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than steady-state ATP-turnover rates calculated under extreme calorie restriction in retentostats. Stringent reduction of ATP turnover during glucose starvation was accompanied by a strong down-regulation of genes involved in protein synthesis. These results demonstrate that extreme calorie restriction and carbon starvation represent different physiological states in S. cerevisiae.
Project description:Cultivation methods used to investigate microbial calorie restriction often result in carbon and energy starvation. This study aims to dissect cellular responses to calorie restriction and starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by using retentostat cultivation. In retentostats, cells are continuously supplied with a small, constant carbon and energy supply, sufficient for maintenance of cellular viability and integrity but insufficient for growth. When glucose-limited retentostats cultivated under extreme calorie restriction were subjected to glucose starvation, calorie-restricted and glucose-starved cells were found to share characteristics such as increased heat-shock tolerance and expression of quiescence-related genes. However, they also displayed strikingly different features. While calorie-restricted yeast cultures remained metabolically active and viable for prolonged periods of time, glucose starvation resulted in rapid consumption of reserve carbohydrates, population heterogeneity due to appearance of senescent cells and, ultimately, loss of viability. Moreover, during starvation, calculated rates of ATP synthesis from storage carbohydrates were 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than steady-state ATP-turnover rates calculated under extreme calorie restriction in retentostats. Stringent reduction of ATP turnover during glucose starvation was accompanied by a strong down-regulation of genes involved in protein synthesis. These results demonstrate that extreme calorie restriction and carbon starvation represent different physiological states in S. cerevisiae. The yeast was first grown for 14 days under extreme calorie restriction in anaerobic, glucose-limited retentostats (Boender et al., 2009, Appl.Environ.Microbiol., 75: 5607-5614.). Subsequently, starvation was started by terminating the glucose feed. Yeast transcriptional reprogramming in response to calorie restriction and starvation was monitored by microarray analysis. Independent duplicate retentostat cultures, and subsequently starvation, were sampled for transcriptome analysis using Affymetrix microarrays. One time-point was sampled during calorie restriction (T0) and four time points were sampled during the starvation phase 10, 30, 60 and 120 minutes after switching of the feed, resulting in a dataset of 10 arrays.
Project description:Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an established microbial host for the production of non-native compounds. The synthesis of these compounds typically demands energy and competes with growth for carbon and energy substrate. Uncoupling product formation form growth would benefit product yields and decrease formation of by-product biomass. Studying non-growing metabolically-active yeast cultures provides a first step towards developing S. cerevisiae as a non-growing, robust cell factory. Non-growing metabolically-active cultures can be obtained in retentostat, a glucose-limited, continuous bioreactor system in which biomass accumulates while spent medium is constantly removed. Hitherto retentostat cultures of S. cerevisiae have only been reported under anaerobiosis, condition inappropriate for the production of energy-demanding products. The present study, using retentostat cultures, explores the physiology of non-dividing, fully respiring S. cerevisiae, focusing on industrially-relevant features. Following model-aided experimental design, retentostat cultivations were optimized for accelerated but smooth transition of S. cerevisiae from exponential growth to near-zero growth rates. During 20 days in retentostat the biomass concentration increased, leading very slow growth rates (specific growth rates below 0.001 h-1) but high culture viability (over 80% of viable cells). The maintenance requirement (mATP) was estimated at 0.64 mmolATP.gX-1.h-1, which is remarkably ca. 35% lower than the mATP measured in anaerobic retentostat cultures. Transcriptional down-regulation of genes involved in biosynthesis and up-regulation of stress-responsive genes towards near-zero growth rates corresponded well with data from anaerobic retentostats. More striking was the extreme heat-shock tolerance of S. cerevisiae, which exceeded by far previously reported heat shock tolerance of notoriously robust yeast cultures such as stationary phase cultures. Furthermore, while the metabolic fluxes in the retentostats were relatively low as a result of extreme caloric restriction, off-line measurements revealed that S. cerevisiae retained a high catabolic capacity. The high viability and extreme heat-shock tolerance revealed the robustness of S. cerevisiae at near-zero growth in retentostat. In addition, the relatively low maintenance requirements and high metabolic capacity under severe calorie restriction underline the potential of S. cerevisiae as a non-dividing microbial cell factory for the production of energy-intensive compounds. The retentostat is a promising tool to identify the molecular basis of this extreme robustness.
Project description:The present study aims to explore the role of Rim15 in both physiology and genome wide expression in S. cerevisiae under severe caloric restriction. Non-growing but metabolically active cultures of S. cerevisiae are of major interest for application in industry and as model systems for aging in higher eukaryotes. Using retentostat cultivations, almost non-growing but metabolic active cultures can be obtained resulting from the severe caloric restriction, yet not starvation, yeast experiences. Rim15 plays an important role in several nutrient sensing pathways and is involved in activating stress response and glycogen accumulation upon nutrient shortage. To investigate the role of Rim15 in the extreme robustness and glycogen accumulation of anaerobic retentostat cultures, a rim15 deletion strain is compared with its parental strain under anaerobic calorie restriction on both physiology and transcriptome. Rim15 is described as essential for G0 entry and glycogen accumulation in yeast during diauxic shift and stationary phase. Anaerobic retentostat cultures display many stationary phase characteristics, including increased expression levels of Rim15 target genes, suggesting an important role for Rim15 under these conditions. Comparing a rim15 deletion strain and its parental strain revealed both on transcriptome level and physiology indeed a major role in the acquired robustness, glycogen accumulation, but also maintenance of viability and cell cycle arrest. The severe caloric restriction, but not starving, conditions applied together with a thorough physiological and transcriptome analysis of the cultures shows that Rim15 is essential in fine-tuning cell cycle progression with glucose availability under extreme growth-limiting conditions. To investigate the impact of rim15 deletion under severe calorie restricted conditions, transcriptome of a S. cerevisiae rim15 deletion mutant was monitored during anaerobic retentostat cultivation. Five time points were used, one in the starting point of the retentostat (T0 = chemostat) and four during the course of the retentostat (time points 2, 9, 16 and 20 days). Culture triplicates were performed for T0 in chemostat, while two independent cultures were run for retentostat.
Project description:Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an established microbial host for the production of non-native compounds. The synthesis of these compounds typically demands energy and competes with growth for carbon and energy substrate. Uncoupling product formation form growth would benefit product yields and decrease formation of by-product biomass. Studying non-growing metabolically-active yeast cultures provides a first step towards developing S. cerevisiae as a non-growing, robust cell factory. Non-growing metabolically-active cultures can be obtained in retentostat, a glucose-limited, continuous bioreactor system in which biomass accumulates while spent medium is constantly removed. Hitherto retentostat cultures of S. cerevisiae have only been reported under anaerobiosis, condition inappropriate for the production of energy-demanding products. The present study, using retentostat cultures, explores the physiology of non-dividing, fully respiring S. cerevisiae, focusing on industrially-relevant features. Following model-aided experimental design, retentostat cultivations were optimized for accelerated but smooth transition of S. cerevisiae from exponential growth to near-zero growth rates. During 20 days in retentostat the biomass concentration increased, leading very slow growth rates (specific growth rates below 0.001 h-1) but high culture viability (over 80% of viable cells). The maintenance requirement (mATP) was estimated at 0.64 mmolATP.gX-1.h-1, which is remarkably ca. 35% lower than the mATP measured in anaerobic retentostat cultures. Transcriptional down-regulation of genes involved in biosynthesis and up-regulation of stress-responsive genes towards near-zero growth rates corresponded well with data from anaerobic retentostats. More striking was the extreme heat-shock tolerance of S. cerevisiae, which exceeded by far previously reported heat shock tolerance of notoriously robust yeast cultures such as stationary phase cultures. Furthermore, while the metabolic fluxes in the retentostats were relatively low as a result of extreme caloric restriction, off-line measurements revealed that S. cerevisiae retained a high catabolic capacity. The high viability and extreme heat-shock tolerance revealed the robustness of S. cerevisiae at near-zero growth in retentostat. In addition, the relatively low maintenance requirements and high metabolic capacity under severe calorie restriction underline the potential of S. cerevisiae as a non-dividing microbial cell factory for the production of energy-intensive compounds. The retentostat is a promising tool to identify the molecular basis of this extreme robustness. The goal of the present study is to investigate the physiology of aerobic fully respiring S. cerevsiae at near-zero growth rates. Fundamental but industrially-relevant questions were addressed thanks to the design, implementation and study of aerobic retentostat cultivations enabling a rapid but smooth transition of S. cerevisiae from exponential growth to near-zero growth rates.
Project description:The present study aims to explore the role of Rim15 in both physiology and genome wide expression in S. cerevisiae under severe caloric restriction. Non-growing but metabolically active cultures of S. cerevisiae are of major interest for application in industry and as model systems for aging in higher eukaryotes. Using retentostat cultivations, almost non-growing but metabolic active cultures can be obtained resulting from the severe caloric restriction, yet not starvation, yeast experiences. Rim15 plays an important role in several nutrient sensing pathways and is involved in activating stress response and glycogen accumulation upon nutrient shortage. To investigate the role of Rim15 in the extreme robustness and glycogen accumulation of anaerobic retentostat cultures, a rim15 deletion strain is compared with its parental strain under anaerobic calorie restriction on both physiology and transcriptome. Rim15 is described as essential for G0 entry and glycogen accumulation in yeast during diauxic shift and stationary phase. Anaerobic retentostat cultures display many stationary phase characteristics, including increased expression levels of Rim15 target genes, suggesting an important role for Rim15 under these conditions. Comparing a rim15 deletion strain and its parental strain revealed both on transcriptome level and physiology indeed a major role in the acquired robustness, glycogen accumulation, but also maintenance of viability and cell cycle arrest. The severe caloric restriction, but not starving, conditions applied together with a thorough physiological and transcriptome analysis of the cultures shows that Rim15 is essential in fine-tuning cell cycle progression with glucose availability under extreme growth-limiting conditions.
Project description:Obesity, a major risk factor for chronic diseases, is related to dsyfunctional adipose tissue signaling. First human trials suggest benefits of intermittent calorie restriction diet (ICR) in chronic disease prevention that may exceed those of continuous calorie restriction diet (CCR), even at equal net calorie intake. The effect of intermittent calorie restriction on adipose tissue signaling has not been investigated to date. Thus we initiated a randomized controlled trial to analyze the effect of ICR (eu-caloric diet on five days and two days per week with energy restriction of 75%), CCR (daily energy restriction of 20%) and a control group on subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) gene expression. 150 overweight or obese non-smoking adults (50 per group, 50% women) were randomly asiged to one of the study arms. SAT biopsies were taken before and after the 12 week intervention phase.
Project description:RNA-seq Experiments from Calorie Restricted and Non-Restricted WT Yeast We used RNA-seq to study transcriptome changes under Calorie Restricted and Non-restricted Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Project description:Cryptococcus neoformans (Cn) is an opportunistic fungal microorganism that causes life-threatening meningoencephalitis. Calorie restriction is an intervention that extends the lifespan of Cn. The mating types of Cn have striking differences in prevalence in both environmental and clinical settings. This is hypothesized to be due to differences in stress responses between mating types. Using RNAseq, we investigated how the two mating types respond to the stress of starvation during calorie restriction.
Project description:MNase-seq Experiments from Calorie Restricted and Non-Restricted Yeast from WT, ISW2DEL and ISW2K215R strains We used MNase-seq to study genome-wide nucleosome positions under Calorie Restricted and Non-restricted Saccharomyces cerevisiae