Project description:Ionizing radiation (IR) not only affects cells that are directly irradiated but also their non-irradiated neighbors, which show responses known as bystander effects. While bystander and direct responses have several common end points including apoptosis and micronucleation, chromatin remodeling and altered levels or activities of regulatory proteins, they can be quantitatively and qualitatively different. The majority of studies of radiation bystander effects have utilized 2-dimensional in vitro systems, but we have recently demonstrated such effects in EPI-200 (Mat-Tek, Ashland, MA), a 3-dimensional tissue model that precisely imitates the structure and function of human epidermis. Global gene expression is a powerful tool for uncovering both fundamental signaling processes and the mechanistic basis of cellular or physiological effects. By exposing only a thin strip across the center of the EPI-200 tissue, we have been able to measure global gene expression responses in bystander cells located at 0.125 and 0.625 um from the irradiation line, in 16h after irradiation. The data were analyzed using BRB-Array Tools (NIH), and further network analysis was performed with IPA (Ingenuity). Significantly responding genes were identified at the both distances. For instance, all sets demonstrated upregulation of two key enzymes of the lipid biosynthesis, UGT1 and PITPNB, and downregulation of proapoptotic proteins: BAX and ARHGEF5. In contrast, several proteins involved in transcriptional repression (CHD6, CHD8 andWRNIP1) were strongly upregulated suggesting a rearrangement in the gene transcription. These changes suggest an activation of bystander mechanisms different from those observed in 2-dimensional cell cultures. Radiation induced gene expression in 3-dimensional tissue model, Epi-200, was measured in 16 hours after exposure to 0.5 Gy of alpha-particles. Three independent experiments were performed for the samples collected at different distances from the irradiation line (125-625 and 625-1125 um) using three tissue fragments per a data point.
Project description:Ionizing radiation (IR) not only affects cells that are directly irradiated but also their non-irradiated neighbors, which show responses known as bystander effects. While bystander and direct responses have several common end points including apoptosis and micronucleation, chromatin remodeling and altered levels or activities of regulatory proteins, they can be quantitatively and qualitatively different. The majority of studies of radiation bystander effects have utilized 2-dimensional in vitro systems, but we have recently demonstrated such effects in EPI-200 (Mat-Tek, Ashland, MA), a 3-dimensional tissue model that precisely imitates the structure and function of human epidermis. Global gene expression is a powerful tool for uncovering both fundamental signaling processes and the mechanistic basis of cellular or physiological effects. By exposing only a thin strip across the center of the EPI-200 tissue, we have been able to measure global gene expression responses in directly irradiated and bystander cells located at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1mm from the irradiation line. The data were analyzed using BRB-Array Tools (NIH), and further network analysis was performed with IPA (Ingenuity). Significantly responding genes were identified at all distances and included sets common to both direct and bystander responses. For instance, all sets demonstrated upregulation of a major component of the drug metabolism pathway, CYP1B1, and downregulation of MMP1, an enzyme involved in degradation of extracellular matrix. In contrast, PTGS2, a gene strongly implicated in the bystander response was upregulated in directly irradiated tissues, but actually downregulated in bystander cells. This effect may be time dependent, but may also suggest activation of bystander signaling mechanisms different from those observed in 2-dimensional cell cultures. According to network analysis of our results, the genes responding in bystander tissue fell into 5 major categories: cell death, cell communication, cell differentiation, stress response, and response to wounding, suggesting active intracellular communication in bystander tissue. Radiation induced gene expression in 3-dimensional tissue model, Epi-200, was measured at 4 hours after exposure to 0.5 Gy of alpha-particles. Three independent experiments were performed for the samples collected at different distances from the irradiation line (250-500, 500-750 and 750-1000 micrometers) using three tissue fragments per a data point.
Project description:The biomedical consequences of space radiation pose a significant concern for astronauts engaged in deep space. However, the effects of long-term low dose-rate exposures in space environments remain elusive. In this study, we simulated the space radiation environment by exposing human bronchial epithelial cells to low dose-rate (0.0067 Gy/day) α-particles, and continuously irradiated them multiple times to achieve cumulative total doses of 0.2 Gy, 0.4 Gy, and 0.5 Gy, respectively. At the same time, the cells were irradiated with the same total dose in a single exposure to investigate the potential of low dose-rate alpha particles to induce malignant transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells. A comprehensive suite of assays was employed to assess tumorigenic potential, including tumor formation in NOD/SCID mice, immunohistochemistry, CCK-8 proliferation assay, invasion assay, and the evaluation of multicellular spheroid formation during subsequent passages post-irradiation. Moreover, we dissected differential malignant mechanisms in tumor evolution ecosystem induced by the two distinct irradiation modes from systems biology views based on scRNA-seq technology. Our results showed that exposure to α-particles, whether through a single acute exposure or long-term low dose-rate exposures, induced the occurrence and development of tumors. Long-term low dose-rate exposures to α-particles increase the malignancy of induced tumors, but not the risk of carcinogenesis, compared to a single acute exposure with the same total dose. In addition, through scRNA-seq, we found that long-term low dose-rate exposures triggered more copy number variation (CNV) and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) events, and the activation of DNA damage repair pathways occurred significantly later than with a single acute exposure and involved more specific changes in cellular communication dynamics. In conclusion, our findings provide emerging yet convincing evidence that not only sheds light on why cells exposed to long-term low dose-rate exposures exhibit heightened malignancy, but also offers valuable insights into the genetic determinants driving tumor evolution and heterogeneity.
Project description:The bystander effect from ionizing radiation consists of cellular responses generated from unirradiated cells to the irradiation of their neighbors. The bystander effect can lead to DNA damage and genomic instability in the affected cells. This non-targeted effect of radiation has received attention due to its potential implications for cancer therapy and radiation protection. Although studied extensively, a complete understanding of its molecular mechanism is the subject of ongoing research. While many studies have targeted specific factors which are suggested to be involved in the bystander effect, few have looked at whole genome gene expression in bystander cells. Furthermore, even fewer studies have looked at the expression in noncancerous human cell lines. In this study we have used a genome-wide microarray approach to investigate transcriptional responses in irradiated and bystander immortalized human fibroblasts following 0.1 Gy ?-particle irradiation. Total RNA was isolated from F11hTERT fibroblasts irradiated with 0.1 Gy ?-particles and bystander fibroblasts receiving medium from control (sham irradiated) and irradiated cells (0.1 Gy). RNA was isolated 4, 8 and 26 h after irradiation.
Project description:Direct irradiation of 3-dimensional skin model, Epi-200, with alpha-particles led to differential regulation of 166 genes: 16 and 150 genes were differentially expressed at 1 and 16 h postirradiation. Unlike the traditional 2-dimensional in vitro systems, Epi-200 made of the primary cells, epidermal human keratinocytes. It mimics the structure of the human epidermis Global gene expression is a powerful tool for uncovering both fundamental signaling processes and the mechanistic basis of cellular or physiological effects. By comparing irradiated tissues with non-irradiated control, we have been able to measure global gene expression responses and reveal the affected biological pathways and molecular functions. The data were analyzed using BRB-Array Tools (NIH), and further gene ontology analysis was performed with Panther database (Applied Biosystems). Gene ontology analysis of the samples harvested in 16h after exposure showed that irradiation presumably affected the genes involved in cell-cell signaling (15 genes, , p=9.0 x E-04) ion transport (10 genes, p=0.00189) and amino acid metabolism (5 genes, p=0.0258). Among 16 genes differentially expressed in 1h after exposure we found NOTCH2 (ENST00000401649) and methyltransferase AOF1 (KDM1B). In the mammalian cells, NOTCH signaling pathway has a role in differentiation and intracellular communication. Moreover the intercellular domain of NOTCH regulates gene expression acting as a transcription factor. In turn, AOF1 affects the transcription via histone demethylation. Thus, irradiation with alpha-particles caused predominant downregulation of multiple genes in 1 and 16h after exposure. It also suggested that changes in cell metabolism initially affected transcriptional regulation and finally led to the rearrangement in expression of genes playing a role in biosynthesis and ion trafficking. Radiation induced gene expression in 3-dimensional tissue model, Epi-200, was measured in 1 and 16 h hours after exposure to 0.5 Gy of alpha-particles. Three independent experiments were performed using one tissue sample per a data point.
Project description:Tumor cell response to irradiation also depends on their microenvironment. Therefore ongoing investigation of three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models provide researchers with essential data studying and remodeling radiotherapeutic implications in cancer treatment. 3D culture models were shown to mimic in vivo cell microenvironment more accurately than the standard two-dimensional cell monolayer (2D) cultures. Growing evidence suggests that 2D and 3D cultured cell gene expression pattern discrepancies following irradiation is highly dependent on cell-ECM interactions. It has been shown that laminin-rich-extracellular matrix (lr-ECM) used in 3D cultures not only alters cancer cell phenotype and response to external stimuli but also affects their differentiation, migration and survivability. Thus, a change in these fundamental cell properties demands us to reconsider data previously collected using 2D in vitro models. RNA was harvested from two colorectal cancer cell lines cultivated under 3D cell culture conditions, 4h after treatment of single (2 Gy or 10 Gy) or fractionated (5x2 Gy) ionizing radiation dose.
Project description:Transcriptomic profiling of normal mouse thyroid tissue following 211At irradiation Astatine-211 (211At) is an alpha particle emitting halogen with almost optimal linear energy transfer (LET) for creating DNA double strand breaks, and is thus proposed for radionuclide therapy when bound to tumor-seeking agents. Un-bound 211At accumulates in the thyroid gland. The concept of basal radiation-induced biological effects in thyroid tissue is to a high degree unknown and is most valuable. Female BALB/c nude mice were i.v. injected with 0.064-42 kBq of 211At resulting in absorbed doses to the thyroid gland of 0.05-32 Gy. Thyroids were removed at 24 h after injection and total RNA was extracted from pooled thyroids and processed in triplicate using Illumina MouseRef-8 Whole-Genome Expression Beadchips. Nexus Expression 2.0 was used for data analysis. Thyroids exposed to 211At revealed distinctive gene expression profiles compared to non-irradiated controls. More genes were affected at low absorbed doses (0.05 and 0.5 Gy) compared to intermediate (1.4 Gy) and high absorbed doses (11 and 32 Gy) and the proportion of dose-specific genes increased with decreased absorbed dose. This result might be the manifestation of increased heterogeneous irradiation with decreasing absorbed dose, indicating a bystander effect. Also, 1.4 Gy often had an opposite regulation compared to the other absorbed doses. No inflammatory effects were seen while 0.05 and 11 Gy affected the immune system. Effects on the cellular response to outer stress and cell cycle regulation and proliferation were seen at 1.4 and 11 Gy. These results indicate that the cellular response to ionizing radiation is complex and differs with absorbed doses. Total RNA was isolated from fresh-frozen tissue samples (Normal balb/c mouse thyroids)
Project description:Osteoblast is one of the bone marrow cells and not only play a central role in bone turnover, but also play a role as supporting cell for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. In the field of radiotherapy, internal radiotherapy using radioactive isotopes that emit alpha particles is performed, and antitumor effect is expected by radioisotopes (such as 223-Ra) when the primary cancer cells metastasize to bone marrow. In general, higher dose rates of ionising radiation can induce cell death through DNA damage. However, the extent of DNA damage and repair (radiosensitivity) varies between tissue cell types. In the bone marrow environment, there are many unknowns regarding the radiosensitivity and the its related gene expression in osteoblast, especially the expression status of micro RNAs (miRNAs). The purpose of this study is to reveal the expression pattern of miRNAs in osteoblasts exposed to alpha particle radiation and to identify miRNAs associated with radiosensitivity. Osteoblastic cell line, MC3T3-E1 cell was exposed to 0.223 Gy/min alpha particles (total dose: 0.5 Gy and 1 Gy) and extracted total RNAs after the incubation of 24 h. A significantly up- or down-regulated 21 miRNAs were observed in comparison to non-irradiated control. Using omicsnet data analysis system, we focused on 5 miRNAs (miR-467f, miR-362-3p, miR-5119, miR-292a-5p, miR-466h-3p) and validated them using RT-qPCR. As a result, A higher expression of miR-362-3p after exposure of alpha particle irradiation was reproducibly observed. These results suggested that osteoblastic cell irradiated to alpha particle radiation has a unique miRNA expression pattern.