Project description:Subgroup J avian leukemia is a type of oncology infectious disease caused by Subtype J of avian leukosis virus (ALV-J). It mainly encroaches on bone marrow cells, and metastasizes to liver, kidney, splenic ellipsoids and other organs, leading to myeloid leukosis (ML) and other malignancies, resulting in significant economic losses. microRNA play important roles in oncology infectious diseases. We used miRNA microarray analysis to detail the relationship of aberrant microRNAs and chicken ALV-J leukemia, and to try to find the potential diagnostic and therapeutic target for infections of subtype J of leukemia.
Project description:Subgroup J avian leukemia is a type of oncology infectious disease caused by Subtype J of avian leukosis virus (ALV-J). It mainly encroaches on bone marrow cells, and metastasizes to liver, kidney, splenic ellipsoids and other organs, leading to myeloid leukosis (ML) and other malignancies, resulting in significant economic losses. microRNA play important roles in oncology infectious diseases. We used miRNA microarray analysis to detail the relationship of aberrant microRNAs and chicken ALV-J leukemia, and to try to find the potential diagnostic and therapeutic target for infections of subtype J of leukemia. ALV-J-infected and non-infected ten-week-old chicken liver tissues were sampled for the array assay. A1, A2, and A3 are the ALV-J infection group samples, and DA1, DA2, and DA3 are the control samples. 623 mature miRNA sequences were assembled and integrated into the LC miRNA microarray design, and different miRNA expressions were measured on the 7000HT Fast Real-Time PCR system.
Project description:To survey avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) integration in myeloid leukosis (ML) of chicken, we developed an ALV-J insertional identification platform based on hybrid-capture target enrichment and next-generation sequencing (NGS). In addition, we used gene expression profiling and bioinformatics to associate integration sites to transcriptional activity and to genetic features of the tumor cell genome.
Project description:To survey avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) integration in myeloid leukosis (ML) of chicken, we developed an ALV-J insertional identification platform based on hybrid-capture target enrichment and next-generation sequencing (NGS). In addition, we used gene expression profiling and bioinformatics to associate integration sites to transcriptional activity and to genetic features of the tumor cell genome. We selected six cases of ALV-J positive and diagnosed as ML for integration sites identify from commercial broiler breeder flocks in Guangdong Province of China between November 2011 and March 2012. All tumors were diagnosed on the basis of characteristic gross and microscopic lesions. Furthermore, PCR tests on the genomic DNA of tissues and virus isolation assay only showed ALV-J-specific positive results in previously study. We randomly chose 4 independent liver samples from the six cases for gene expression profile analysis. And 3 ALV-negative tissue samples from specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens at the same age were use as negative controls. Thus a total of 7 samples were hybridized, three representing control.
Project description:The use of Microarray Technology to screen for tumor related genes regulated in myeloid leukosis of chicken, during infection with avian leucosis virus subgroup J.