Project description:Polyploidy is a widespread phenomenon in flowering plant species. Polyploid plants frequently exhibit considerable transcriptomic alterations after whole-genome duplication (WGD). It is known that the transcriptomic response to tetraploidization is ecotype-dependent in Arabidopsis. Nevertheless, the biological significance and the underlying mechanism are unknown. Here, we showed that 4x Col-0 and 4x Ler presented different flowering times, with a delayed flowering time in 4x Col-0 but not in 4x Ler. We found that the expression of FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), the major repressor of flowering, was significantly increased in 4x Col-0 but subtle change in 4x Ler. Moreover, the level of a repressive epigenetic mark, trimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27me3), was significantly decreased in 4x Col-0 but not in 4x Ler, potentially leading to different transcription levels of FLC and flowering time in 4x Col-0 and 4x Ler. Apart from the FLC locus, hundreds of genes showed differentially H3K27me3 alterations in 4x Col-0 and 4x Ler. Comparably, LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1 (LHP1) and transcription factors required for H3K27me3 deposition presented differential transcriptional changes between 4x Col and Ler, potentially account for differential H3K27me3 alterations in 4x Col-0 and Ler. Last, we found that the natural 4x Arabidopsis ecotype Wa-1 presented early flowering time, associated with low expression and high H3K27me3 of FLC. Taken together, our results showed a role of H3K27me3 alterations in response to genome duplication in Arabidopsis autopolyploids and that flowering time variation potentially functions in autopolyploid speciation.
Project description:By 4C-seq protocol we investigated DNA contacts across the genome by the FLC gene in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana in order to explore a potential role of long-distance chromosomal interactions in the regulation of flowering.
Project description:We were interested in changes in small RNA abundance changes in response to developmental transitions in Arabidopsis thaliana shoots, with special focus on vegetative phase change. We specifically wanted to separate the temporal changes in gene expression that result from vegetative phase change and those from flowering. Because of the close timing between the juvenile-to-adult and adult-to-reproductive developmental transitions in Arabidopsis grown under long day conditions, we used the late-flowering genotype FRI;FLC developed by the lab of Richard Amasino by introgressing the FRI allele from Sf-2 into the Col-0 genetic background, which is fri;FLC. For the early flowering genotype, we used FRI;flc-3, also developed by the Amasino lab by EMS-mutagenizing FRI;FLC, identifying early flowering mutants, and backcrossing multiple times to eliminate other EMS-induced mutations. The onset of vegetative phase change in FRI;FLC and FRI;flc-3 under our growth conditions was identical, but the progression was slower in FRI;FLC. By sequencing small RNAs from shoot apices at different time points and fully-expanded leaves at different positions on the shoot and comparing the results between the two genotypes, we were able to obtain a clear picture of changes in small RNA abundance in response to vegetative phase change and flowering in Arabidopsis. For the small RNA samples, we performed two replicates using two different indices in the 5'-adapter and ran each replicate pair on the same sequencing lane. For the cotyledon and leaf samples we only performed one replicate using the same index for all samples because we obtained significantly different results with the two adapters used for the shoot apices, preventing us from using them as true replicates.
Project description:Plants grow continuously and undergo numerous changes in their vegetative morphology and physiology during their life span. The molecular basis of these changes is largely unknown. To provide a more comprehensive picture of shoot development in Arabidopsis, microarray analysis was used to profile the mRNA content of shoot apices of different ages, as well as leaf primordia and fully-expanded leaves from 6 different positions on the shoot, in early-flowering and late-flowering genotypes. This extensive dataset provides a new and unexpectedly complex picture of shoot development in Arabidopsis. At any given time, the pattern of gene expression is different in every leaf on the shoot, and reflects the activity at least 6 developmental programs. Three of these are specific to individual leaves (leaf maturation, leaf aging, leaf senescence), two occur at the level of the shoot apex (vegetative phase change, floral induction), and one involves the entire shoot (shoot aging). Our results demonstrate that vegetative development is a much more dynamic process that previously imagined, and provide new insights into the underlying mechanism of this process.
Project description:Plants are sessile organisms that have acquired highly plastic developmental strategies to adapt to the environment. Among these processes, the floral transition is essential to ensure reproductive success and is finely regulated by several internal and external genetic networks. The photoperiodic pathway, which controls the plant response to day length, is one of the most important pathways controlling flowering. In Arabidopsis photoperiodic flowering, CONSTANS (CO) is the central gene activating the expression of the florigen FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) in the leaves at the end of a long day. CO expression is strongly regulated by the circadian clock. However, to date, no evidence has been reported regarding a feedback loop from the photoperiod pathway back to the circadian clock. Using transcriptional networks, we have identified relevant network motifs regulating the interplay between the circadian clock and the photoperiod pathway. Gene expression, chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments and phenotypic analysis allowed us to elucidate the role of CO over the circadian clock. Plants with altered CO expression showed a different internal clock period, measured by daily rhythmic movements in the leaves. We show that CO is able to activate key genes related to the circadian clock, such as CCA1, LHY, PRR5 and GI, at the end of a long day by binding to specific sites on their promoters. Moreover, a significant number of PRR5 repressed target genes are upregulated by CO, and this could explain the phase transition promoted by CO. The CO-PRR5 complex interacts with the bZIP transcription factor HY5 and helps to localize the complex in the promoters of clock genes. Our results indicate that there may be a feedback loop in which CO communicates back to the circadian clock, feeding seasonal information to the circadian system.
Project description:How plants control the transition to flowering in response to ambient temperature is only beginning to be understood. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the MADS-box transcription factor genes FLOWERING LOCUS M (FLM) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) have key roles in this process. FLM is subject to temperature-dependent alternative splicing, producing two splice variants, FLM-β and FLM-δ, which compete for interaction with the floral repressor SVP. The SVP/FLM-β complex is predominately formed at low temperatures and prevents precocious flowering. In contrast, the competing SVP FLM-δ complex is impaired in DNA binding and acts as a dominant negative activator of flowering at higher temperatures. Our results demonstrate the importance of temperature-dependent alternative splicing in modulating the timing of the floral transition in response to environmental change.
Project description:The cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein MMS19 regulates transcriptional gene silencing, DNA repair, and flowering time in Arabidopsis
Project description:Arabidopsis msh1 mutants display developmental reprogramming (dr) phenotypes, include reduction in growth, enhanced branching, and delayed maturation and flowering time. MSH1-epi lines were derived by crossing MSH-dr lines with Col-0 wild type, followed by selection for homozygous MSH1/MSH1 F2 plants and serial self-pollination. MSH1-epiF3 plants displayed phenotypic variation in plant growth, showing enhanced growth, larger rosette diameter, thicker floral stems and earlier flowering time. We carried bisulfite sequencing and uncover the methylome changes accompany the heritable MSH1-epi phenotypes that condition dramatic variation in plant growth.