Project description:Transcriptional profiling of 13.5 day mouse embryo forelimbs. Gene expression comparison done between wild type and Chsy-1 gene knockout mice.
Project description:Forelimbs were dissected from embryonic day (E) 13.5 Pax3-knockout and wild-type murine embryos (n=3 per genotype), homogenized, and proteins were fractionated into 5 samples (C, N, M, CS, and IN fractions). C, N, M, CS, and IN fractions for Pax3-KO (KO) and wild-type (WT) were analyzed by LC-MS/MS.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of 13.5 day mouse embryo forelimbs. Gene expression comparison done between wild type and Chsy-1 gene knockout mice. Two-condition experiment, control (wild type) vs. test (Chsy-1 knockout). Biological replicates: 9 control replicates, 13 test replicates.
Project description:Lmx1b regulates dorsalization of limb fates, but the mechanism of this regulation has not been characterized. To identify candidate genes regulated by Lmx1b we compared the limbs from Lmx1b KO mice to wild type mice during limb dorsalization (e11.5-13.5). Differentially expressed genes that we common to all three stages examined were considered to be likely candidates for Lmx1b regulation and further evaluated. At 11.5 and 12.5 dpc, embryos were harvested and the limb buds with the limb girdles were isolated. Embryos at 13.5dpc were also harvested and their distal limb buds (zeugopods and autopods) were isolated. Embryos were genotyped to confirm Lmx1b homozygosity (-/- or +/+). RNA from embryonic forelimbs and hindlimbs of wild type (WT) and Lmx1b KO mice was harvested using the Rneasy Kit (Qiagen). RNA was pooled to decrease genetic variability, i.e., six limbs at 11.5 dpc, three limbs at 12.5 dpc and six limbs at 13.5 dpc. Duplicate samples were generated using different embryos for each stage and then hybridized to the Affymetrix GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (UCI, Irvine, CA).
Project description:This study aims to look at gene expresion profiles between wildtype and Bapx1 knockout cells of the forelimbs in a E12.5 mouse embryo. Instead of looking at the whole forelimbs, only cells expressing Bapx1 were sorted by Fluroscent Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) and subjected to expression profiling by microarray.
Project description:Wheather hematopoietic cells contribute to angiogenesis in developing brain, we utilized macrophage deficient mouse embryo. We used microarrays to detect down-regulated genes in KO embryo brain. KO and WT mouse E10.5 embryo brains were collected for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays.
Project description:The goals of this study is to compare the differently expressed genes in abdominal aorta of Rab22a KO mice and Rab22a WT mice with or without Angiotensin II treatment for 14 days at the concentration of 500ng/kg/min.The mice (n=20) were randomly divided into 4 groups:WT+AngII,WT+NS,KO+AngII,KO+NS (n = 5 for each group). Mice in WT+NS and KO+NS groups were infused with saline or 500 ng/kg/min of WT+AngII and KO+AngII respectively. Then the abdominal aorta were used to identify differentially expressed genes among different groups.
Project description:We report RNAseq data obtains from ex vivo generated plasma cell after 2 days of stimulation with LPS. We compare WT plasma cells to Sec22bB-KO plasma cells. Sec22b KO is specific of B cell lineage. We find over 6000 genes differentially regulated between both genotypes. Gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA) revealed that several pathways were significantly different between WT and Sec22bB-KO PCs.