Project description:Affymetrix SNP6.0 data for human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), human Fibroblasts, and human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)
Project description:Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESC) grown in chemically defined medium (CDM) supplemented with Activin and FGF were compared to hESCs grown for 48 hours in CDM supplemented with FGF2 and SB431542, an inhibitor of Activin/Nodal signalling. The objective of this experiment was to discover the identity of genes controlled by Activin/Nodal signalling in hESCs.<br><br>
Project description:Expression data of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and those differentiated cells.
Project description:Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is known to support differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into mesoderm and extraembryonic lineages, whereas other signaling pathways can largely influence this lineage specification. Here, we set out to reinvestigate the influence of ACTIVIN/NODAL and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathways on the lineage choices made by hESCs during BMP4-driven differentiation. We show that BMP activation, coupled with inhibition of both ACTIVIN/NODAL and FGF signaling, induces differentiation of hESCs, specifically to M-NM-2hCG hormone-secreting multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast and does not support induction of embryonic and extraembryonic lineages, extravillous trophoblast, and primitive endoderm. It has been previously reported that FGF2 can switch BMP4-induced hESC differentiation outcome to mesendoderm. Here, we show that FGF inhibition alone, or in combination with either ACTIVIN/NODAL inhibition or BMP activation, supports hESC differentiation to hCG-secreting syncytiotrophoblast. We show that the inhibition of the FGF pathway acts as a key in directing BMP4-mediated hESC differentiation to syncytiotrophoblast. Human embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs) were treated under defined conditions (N2B27) with BMP4 (B), SB431542 (SB) (ACTIVIN/NODAL inhibitor), SU5402 (SU) (FGFR1 inhibitor), FGF2 (F) either alone or in various combinations as mentioned, followed by isolation of total RNA.
Project description:Assessing relevant molecular differences between human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is important, given that such differences may impact their potential therapeutic use. Controversy surrounds recent gene expression studies comparing hiPSCs and hESCs. Here, we present an in-depth quantitative mass spectrometry-based analysis of hESCs, two different hiPSCs and their precursor fibroblast cell lines. Our comparisons confirmed the high similarity of hESCs and hiPSCS at the proteome level as 97.8% of the proteins were found unchanged. Nevertheless, a small group of 58 proteins, mainly related to metabolism, antigen processing and cell adhesion, was found significantly differentially expressed between hiPSCs and hESCs. A comparison of the regulated proteins with previously published transcriptomic studies showed a low overlap, highlighting the emerging notion that differences between both pluripotent cell lines rather reflect experimental conditions than a recurrent molecular signature. See the Data Processing section of the published paper concerning the bioinformatics pipeline used. PMCID: PMC3261715 PMID: 22108792 Mol Syst Biol. 2011 Nov 22;7:550. doi: 10.1038/msb.2011.84. The quantitative proteomes of human-induced pluripotent stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Munoz J, Low TY, Kok YJ, Chin A, Frese CK, Ding V, Choo A, Heck AJ. Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Group, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research and Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Project description:Genome-wide analysis of histone modification (H2AZ, H3K27ac, H3K27me3, H3K36me3, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3 and H3K9me3), protein-DNA binding (TAF1, P300, Pou5f1 and Nanog), cytosine methylation and transcriptome data in mouse and human ES cells and pig iPS cells We generated histone modification data (H2AZ, H3K27ac, H3K27me3, H3K36me3, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3 and H3K9me3) and protein-DNA binding data (TAF1, P300, Pou5f1 and Nanog) using Chromatin Immunoprecipitation followed by short sequencing (ChIP-seq), cytosine methylation data using methylated DNA immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (MeDIP-seq) and DNA digestion by methyl-sensitive restriction enzymes followed by sequencing (MRE-seq), transcriptome data with RNA short sequencing (RNA-seq) in human embryonic stem cells, mouse embryonic stem cells, pig induced pluripotent stem cells and mouse embryonic stem cells under activin-A-induced-differentiation. Examination of 8 histone modifications, 4 protein-DNA binding, cytosine methylation and transcriptome in human embryonic stem cells, mouse embryonic stem cells, pig induced pluripotent stem cells and mouse embryonic stem cells under activin-A-induced-differentiation.
Project description:There are a total of four samples each for this analysis. Each sample consists of the cells grown on three 10 cm culture plates. Each plate should have 2x106 cells for a total of 6x106 cells per sample when all three plates are combined. The first sample is undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells, the second sample is human glutamatergic neurons derived from those human embryonic stem cells, the third sample is undifferentiated human induced pluripotent stem cells and the fourth sample is human glutamatergic neurons derived from those human induced pluripotent stem cells.