Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE27847: Dietary heme stimulates epithelial cell turnover by downregulating feedback inhibitors of proliferation in murine colon (part 1) GSE27848: Dietary heme stimulates epithelial cell turnover by downregulating feedback inhibitors of proliferation in murine colon (part 2) Refer to individual Series
Project description:The risk for colon cancer is associated with nutrition, especially high fat and low calcium diets high in red meat. Red meat contains the iron porphyrin pigment heme, which induces cytotoxicity of the colon contents and epithelial hyperproliferation. Using a mouse model, we showed that heme caused damage to the colonic surface epithelium and induced compensatory hyperproliferation. Expression levels of heme- and stress-related genes show that heme affects surface cells and not directly crypt cells. Therefore, injured surface cells should signal to crypt TA cells to induce compensatory hyperproliferation. Surface-specific downregulated inhibitors of proliferation were Wnt inhibitory factor 1, Indian Hedgehog, Bone morphogenic protein 2 and possibly Interleukin-15. Heme also upregulated Amphiregulin, Epiregulin and Cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA in the surface cells, however, their protein/metabolite levels were not increased as heme induced surface-specific translation repression by increasing 4E-BP1. Therefore, we conclude that heme induced colonic hyperproliferation and hyperplasia by repressing feedback inhibition of proliferation. C57BL/6 mice received a Westernized high fat and low calcium diet with or without heme (the polyporphyrin pigment of red meat). Mice received control or heme diet for 14 days. After 14 days, mice were sacrificed and colons were taken out. RNA was isolated from colon scrapings and subjected to gene expression profiling (n=7 control mice and n=9 heme-fed mice).
Project description:The risk for colon cancer is associated with nutrition, especially with diets high in red meat. Red meat contains the iron porphyrin pigment heme, which induces cytotoxicity of the colon contents and epithelial hyperproliferation. Using a mouse model, we showed that heme caused damage to the colonic surface epithelium and induced compensatory hyperproliferation. Expression levels of heme- and stress-related genes show that heme affects surface cells and not directly crypt cells. Therefore, injured surface cells should signal to crypt TA cells to induce compensatory hyperproliferation. Surface-specific downregulated inhibitors of proliferation were Wnt inhibitory factor 1, Indian Hedgehog, Bone morphogenic protein 2 and possibly Interleukin-15. Heme also upregulated Amphiregulin, Epiregulin and Cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA in the surface cells, however, their protein/metabolite levels were not increased as heme induced surface-specific translation repression by increasing 4E-BP1. Therefore, we conclude that heme induced colonic hyperproliferation and hyperplasia by repressing feedback inhibition of proliferation. C57BL/6 mice received a Westernized diet with or without heme (the polyporphyrin pigment of red meat). Mice received control or heme diet for 14 days. After 14 days, mice were sacrificed and colons were taken out. Swiss rolls were made from the middle 2 cm of the colon. These rolls were used for LCM, and surface cells and crypts cells were separately isolated. RNA was isolated from surface and crypt cells and subjected to gene expression profiling (n=4 control mice and n=3 heme-fed mice).
Project description:The risk for colon cancer is associated with nutrition, especially high fat and low calcium diets high in red meat. Red meat contains the iron porphyrin pigment heme, which induces cytotoxicity of the colon contents and epithelial hyperproliferation. Using a mouse model, we showed that heme caused damage to the colonic surface epithelium and induced compensatory hyperproliferation. Expression levels of heme- and stress-related genes show that heme affects surface cells and not directly crypt cells. Therefore, injured surface cells should signal to crypt TA cells to induce compensatory hyperproliferation. Surface-specific downregulated inhibitors of proliferation were Wnt inhibitory factor 1, Indian Hedgehog, Bone morphogenic protein 2 and possibly Interleukin-15. Heme also upregulated Amphiregulin, Epiregulin and Cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA in the surface cells, however, their protein/metabolite levels were not increased as heme induced surface-specific translation repression by increasing 4E-BP1. Therefore, we conclude that heme induced colonic hyperproliferation and hyperplasia by repressing feedback inhibition of proliferation.
Project description:The risk for colon cancer is associated with nutrition, especially with diets high in red meat. Red meat contains the iron porphyrin pigment heme, which induces cytotoxicity of the colon contents and epithelial hyperproliferation. Using a mouse model, we showed that heme caused damage to the colonic surface epithelium and induced compensatory hyperproliferation. Expression levels of heme- and stress-related genes show that heme affects surface cells and not directly crypt cells. Therefore, injured surface cells should signal to crypt TA cells to induce compensatory hyperproliferation. Surface-specific downregulated inhibitors of proliferation were Wnt inhibitory factor 1, Indian Hedgehog, Bone morphogenic protein 2 and possibly Interleukin-15. Heme also upregulated Amphiregulin, Epiregulin and Cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA in the surface cells, however, their protein/metabolite levels were not increased as heme induced surface-specific translation repression by increasing 4E-BP1. Therefore, we conclude that heme induced colonic hyperproliferation and hyperplasia by repressing feedback inhibition of proliferation.
Project description:Red meat consumption is associated with an increased colon cancer risk. Heme, present in red meat, injures the colon surface epithelium by luminal cytotoxicity and reactive oxygen species. This surface injury is compensated by hyperproliferation and hyperplasia of crypt cells, which was induced by a changed surface to crypt signalling as recently described. It is unknown whether the change in signaling is caused by cytotoxic stress and/or by oxidative stress, as these processes were never studied separately. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the possible differential effects of dietary heme on these luminal stressors and their impact on the colonic mucosa after 2, 4, 7 and 14 days of heme feeding. Mice received a purified humanized control diet or this diet supplemented with 0.2 µmol heme/g. Oxidative stress was measured as Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) in fecal water. Cytotoxicity of fecal water was quantified with a bioassay. Epithelial cell proliferation was determined by Ki67 immunohistochemistry and mucosal responses were further studied in detail by whole genome transcriptomics. Dietary heme caused instantaneous and delayed changes in the luminal contents which were reflected in the mucosa. Instantaneous, there was an increase in reactive oxygen species leading to increased levels of lipid peroxidation products. Mucosal gene expression showed an instantaneous antioxidant response and PPAR target gene activation. After day 4 cytotoxicity of the colonic contents was increased and hyperproliferation was initiated, indicating that cytotoxicity was causal for the initiation of hyperproliferation. Several oncogenes were activated and tumor protein 53 was inhibited. In conclusion, dietary heme caused an instantaneous production of reactive oxygen species in mouse colon. A lag time was observed in the formation of cytotoxicity which coincided with the initiation hyperproliferation. Keywords: expression profiling by array Mice were fed a Westernized high fat control diet, or the same diet supplemented with 0.2 µmol heme/g diet. After different days of intervention, mice were killed and gene expression was profiled in colon.
Project description:Red meat consumption is associated with an increased colon cancer risk. Heme, present in red meat, injures the colon surface epithelium by luminal cytotoxicity and reactive oxygen species. This surface injury is compensated by hyperproliferation and hyperplasia of crypt cells, which was induced by a changed surface to crypt signalling as recently described. It is unknown whether the change in signaling is caused by cytotoxic stress and/or by oxidative stress, as these processes were never studied separately. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the possible differential effects of dietary heme on these luminal stressors and their impact on the colonic mucosa after 2, 4, 7 and 14 days of heme feeding. Mice received a purified humanized control diet or this diet supplemented with 0.2 µmol heme/g. Oxidative stress was measured as Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) in fecal water. Cytotoxicity of fecal water was quantified with a bioassay. Epithelial cell proliferation was determined by Ki67 immunohistochemistry and mucosal responses were further studied in detail by whole genome transcriptomics. Dietary heme caused instantaneous and delayed changes in the luminal contents which were reflected in the mucosa. Instantaneous, there was an increase in reactive oxygen species leading to increased levels of lipid peroxidation products. Mucosal gene expression showed an instantaneous antioxidant response and PPAR target gene activation. After day 4 cytotoxicity of the colonic contents was increased and hyperproliferation was initiated, indicating that cytotoxicity was causal for the initiation of hyperproliferation. Several oncogenes were activated and tumor protein 53 was inhibited. In conclusion, dietary heme caused an instantaneous production of reactive oxygen species in mouse colon. A lag time was observed in the formation of cytotoxicity which coincided with the initiation hyperproliferation. Keywords: expression profiling by array
Project description:Previously, we showed that dietary heme injured the colonic surface epithelium and induced hyperproliferation by changing the surface to crypt signaling. In this study we investigated whether bacteria play a role in this changed signaling. Dietary heme increased the Bacteroidetes and decreased the Firmicutes in colonic content. This shift was caused by a selective susceptibility of Gram-positive bacteria to the heme cytotoxic fecal waters, which is not observed for Gram-negative bacteria allowing expansion of the Gram-negative community. The increased amount of Gram-negative bacteria increased LPS exposure to colonocytes, however, there is no appreciable immune response detected in the heme-fed mice. There were no signs of sensing of the bacteria by the mucosa, as changes in TLR signaling were not present. This lack of microbe-host cross talk indicated that the changes in microbiota do not play a causal role in the heme-induced hyperproliferation. Mice received control or heme diet for 14 days, whereafter pooled colon samples were analysed on microarrays.