Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE25841: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment A GSE25843: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiments B-I, M-P GSE25845: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiments B-I GSE25850: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment J GSE25851: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment L, K GSE25852: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment B GSE25855: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment A GSE25856: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment C Refer to individual Series
Project description:We report the application of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) on collections of Daphnia pulex individuals representing three major developmental states. This submission comes from a project of Michael Lynch and was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health entitled 'Population Genomics of Daphnia pulex' (Project Number: 1R01GM101672-01A1).
Project description:Investigation of gene expression level changes in Daphnia pulex MFP strain between in the presence or absence of Chaoborus kairomone.