Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE25438: Gene expression data in murine nasal mucosa following nanoemulsion adjuvant exposure GSE25485: Gene expression data in Bone Marrow Derived Dendritic Cells (BMDC) following nanoemulsion adjuvant exposure Refer to individual Series
Project description:Antigen uptake, processing, trafficking and presentation in nasal mucosal tissues are regulated by complex intra- and inter-cellular signalling events. Typical vaccine adjuvants lead to the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines which relate to immune induction. We used microarrays to detail the global expression of genes in murine nasal mucosa underlying immune induction with a non-inflammatory nanoemulsion nasal adjuvant.
Project description:Antigen uptake, processing, trafficking and presentation in nasal mucosal tissues are regulated by complex intra- and inter-cellular signalling events. Typical vaccine adjuvants lead to the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines which relate to immune induction. We used microarrays to detail the global expression of genes in murine nasal mucosa underlying immune induction with a non-inflammatory nanoemulsion nasal adjuvant. 8 week old female CD-1 mice were nasally treated with 5 microliters/nare of either 20% (v/v) naomeulsion (W805EC) or PBS. Nasal epithelium was harvested immediately post-mortem at either 6 (6 hr) or 24 hours (24 hr) following treatment. The tissue was placed in OTC and frozen by immersion in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA was extracted per sample using RNA easy (Qiagen).
Project description:Nanoemulsion adjuvant affects immune gene expression in dendritic cells. Microarray was used to asses global changes in gene expression in JAWS II dendritic cells upon treatment with nanoemulsion (NE) adjuvant W805EC
Project description:Nanoemulsion adjuvant affects immune gene expression in dendritic cells. Microarray was used to asses global changes in gene expression in JAWS II dendritic cells upon treatment with nanoemulsion (NE) adjuvant W805EC JawsII cell were incubated with NE formulation for 6 and 24 hours, and RNA was extracted for Affymetrix hybridization
Project description:Introgressed variants from other species can be an important source of genetic variation because they may arise rapidly, can include multiple mutations on a single haplotype, and have often been pretested by selection in the species of origin. Although introgressed alleles are generally deleterious, several studies have reported introgression as the source of adaptive alleles-including the rodenticide-resistant variant of Vkorc1 that introgressed from Mus spretus into European populations of Mus musculus domesticus. Here, we conducted bidirectional genome scans to characterize introgressed regions into one wild population of M. spretus from Spain and three wild populations of M. m. domesticus from France, Germany, and Iran. Despite the fact that these species show considerable intrinsic postzygotic reproductive isolation, introgression was observed in all individuals, including in the M. musculus reference genome (GRCm38). Mus spretus individuals had a greater proportion of introgression compared with M. m. domesticus, and within M. m. domesticus, the proportion of introgression decreased with geographic distance from the area of sympatry. Introgression was observed on all autosomes for both species, but not on the X-chromosome in M. m. domesticus, consistent with known X-linked hybrid sterility and inviability genes that have been mapped to the M. spretus X-chromosome. Tract lengths were generally short with a few outliers of up to 2.7 Mb. Interestingly, the longest introgressed tracts were in olfactory receptor regions, and introgressed tracts were significantly enriched for olfactory receptor genes in both species, suggesting that introgression may be a source of functional novelty even between species with high barriers to gene flow.
Project description:The importance of unanchored Ub in innate immunity has been shown only for a limited number of unanchored Ub-interactors. We investigated what additional cellular factors interact with unanchored Ub and whether unanchored Ub plays a broader role in innate immunity. To identify unanchored Ub-interacting factors from murine lungs, we used His-tagged recombinant poly-Ub chains as bait. These chains were mixed with lung tissue lysates and protein complexes were isolated with Ni-NTA beads. Sample elutions were subjected to mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS) analysis.