Project description:The aim of the study was to decipher metabolisms responsible (i) for the peculiar adaptation of L. plantarum during soy juice fermentation and (ii) for the release of aroma compounds, amino and short-chain fatty acid, and metabolites with health-promoting properties in soy yogurt. The strategy was the sequencing and annotation of a strain (L. plantarum CIRM-BIA777, PRJEB77707) able to degrade galacto- oligosaccharides, the sampling of soy yogurt, RNA-seq to identify differentially expressed genes of L. plantarum and corresponding metabolisms throughout the kinetics of fermentation. Acids and volatile compounds were also quantified.
Project description:Modulation of Lactobacillus plantarum gastrointestinal robustness by fermentation conditions enables identification of bacterial robustness markers
Project description:Identification of proteins contained in extracellular vesicles of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum PCM 2675. Dataset is related to publication This work was financially supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (no. 2021/43/D/NZ6/01464).
Project description:Lactobacillus plantarum was grown anaerobically on 4 different sugars (Mannose Lactose Fructose and Sucrose) to OD600 = 1.0. Samples were compared with a similar grown culture on glucose. An independnet biological duplicate of tht experimnet was performed (samples 1 and 2).
Project description:To characterize the effect of lactic acid on the L. plantarum growth and adaptation, we investigated the transcriptome under hydrochloride (HCl) or lactic acid at the early stage of the growth.
Project description:Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 was grown under anaerobic carbon-limited conditions in a chemostat with complete biomass retention (retentostat). In this cultivation system, the biomass concentration progressively increases while the dilution rate is kept constant, resulting in decreased specific susbtrate availibility, and hence, a progressive decrease in the specific growth rate. During the progressive transition from growth to virtually no growth, the global changes occurring at the level of metabolism and gene expression were studied using a genome-scale metabolic model and DNA microarrays. Four different time-points are compared, corresponding to 4 different specific growth rates, and hence, 4 different ratios of energy used for maintenance and growth. The samples taken at the start of retentostat cultivation serves as a a reference sample, to which the three other samples (taken after 3 days, 17 days, and 31 days under retentostat conditions) are compared. No biological replicates: all samples were taken from the same retentostat fermentation.