Project description:primary floral stem 20cm-Modifications of transcriptome in primary floral stem of Arabidopsis thaliana deregulated for a peroxydase involved in the lignification.
Project description:primary floral stem 40cm-Modifications of transcriptome in primary floral stem of Arabidopsis thaliana deregulated for a peroxydase involved in the lignification.
Project description:ra07-01_prx34 - primary floral stem 40cm - The At3g49120 gene codes for the peroxidase 34 (PRX 34), an enzyme potentially involved in the polymérisation of monolignols, the lignin precursors. This enzyme is expressed in primary floral stem and its absence has an impact on the lignin quantity and biomass (at the young stage). Here, its question to characterize several mutants. - Each mutant compare to wild type, samples only primary floral stem of 40cm Keywords: normal vs transgenic comparaison
Project description:ra07-01_prx34 - primary floral stem 20cm - The At3g49120 gene codes for the peroxidase 34 (PRX 34), an enzyme potentially involved in the polymérisation of monolignols, the lignin precursors. This enzyme is expressed in primary floral stem and its absence has an impact on the lignin quantity and biomass (at the young stage). Here, its question to characterize several mutants. - Each mutant compare to wild type, samples only primary floral stem of 20cm Keywords: normal vs transgenic comparaison
Project description:In a recent study, we showed that a T-DNA insertional mutation in a mitochondrial PPR protein, POCO1, led to the earlier floral transition (Emami and Kempken 2019). We used RNA-seq analysis to provide an overview of the global transcriptome changes in poco1 mutant during different developmental stages.
Project description:Purpose:Comparative transcriptome analyses was applied to characterize gene expression during gametophytic development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Methods: Leaf and immature floral buds (contain the entire developmental progress, > 0.4 mm long floral buds) were collected, then Separated male and female organs were kept in liquid nitrogen immediately until use. Total RNA was extracted using the TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, Waltham, MA, USA). DNase (Promega, USA) was used to remove potential DNA contamination. For the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis Results: In this study, both male and female gametes had much more similarity in gene expression patterns, particularly the genes involved in cell cycle and DNA repair, were enriched during the gametic development stage, but the differentially expressed genes related to DNA repair, recombination pathway and genes in RdDM pathway. Conclusions: Genes encoding proteins associated with the production and modification of pectins and cell wall rearrangements were shown male-preferred implies the dynamic changes of pollen wall during the development of male gametes. The DEGs, related to BR signaling pathway and BR synthesis pathway were highly enriched in developmental female gametes, suggesting that BR played pivotal roles in female gamete development.
Project description:Flower development is a dynamics process in which floral organs are produced from pools of stem cells residing in meristems (Smyth et al., 1990). In order to obtain a high resolution map of the changes of gene expression during this process thus to provide insights into specific expression patterns and their underlying gene regulatory networks, an inducible system which allows us to obtain synchronized flowers (Wellmer et al., 2006) was used to collect stage-specific floral tissues at four stages (stages 0, 2, 4 and 8) for transcriptome profiling by RNA-seq . These stages represent the status of inflorescence meristem, floral meristem specification, floral organ specification and floral organ differentiation, respectively during Arabidopsis flower development.
Project description:Many flowering plants attract pollinators by offering a reward of floral nectar. Remarkably, the molecular events involved in the development of nectaries, the organs that produce nectar, as well as the synthesis and secretion of nectar itself, are poorly understood. Indeed, to date, no genes have been shown to directly affect the de novo production or quality of floral nectar. To address this gap in knowledge, the ATH1 Affymetrix GeneChip array was used to systematically investigate the Arabidopsis nectary transcriptome to identify genes and pathways potentially involved in nectar production. In this study, we identified a large number of genes differentially expressed between secretory lateral nectaries and non-secretory median nectary tissues, as well as between mature lateral nectaries (post-anthessis) and immature lateral nectary tissue (pre-anthesis).