Project description:Species often produce sterile hybrids early in their evolutionary divergence, and some evidence suggests that hybrid sterility may be associated with deviations or disruptions in gene expression. In support of this idea, many studies have shown that a high proportion of male-biased genes are underexpressed compared to non-sex-biased genes in sterile F1 male hybrids of Drosophila species. In this study, we examined and compared patterns of misexpression in 4 day old sterile male F1 hybrids of Drosophila simulans and its sibling species, D. sechellia. We analyzed hybrids using custom cDNA arrays we developed from RT-PCRs of spermatogenesis-related transcripts from these species and another sibling species (D. mauritiana). The results from a commercial genome-wide array for this species pair, from the custom chip and the genome-wide chip for the D. simulans-D. mauritiana species pair, and from the larvae of these two species pairs using the custom chip, is presented separately. Keywords: Comparison of pure-species Drosophila expression to hybrid expression
Project description:Species often produce sterile hybrids early in their evolutionary divergence, and some evidence suggests that hybrid sterility may be associated with deviations or disruptions in gene expression. In support of this idea, many studies have shown that a high proportion of male-biased genes are underexpressed compared to non-sex-biased genes in sterile F1 male hybrids of Drosophila species. In this study, we examined and compared patterns of misexpression in 4 day old sterile male F1 hybrids of Drosophila simulans and its sibling species, D. mauritiana. We analyzed hybrids using custom cDNA arrays we developed from RT-PCRs of spermatogenesis-related transcripts from these species and another sibling species (D. sechellia). The results from a commercial genome-wide array for this species pair, from the custom chip and the genome-wide chip for the D. simulans-D. sechellia species pair, and from the larvae of these two species pairs using the custom chip, is presented separately. Keywords: Comparison of pure-species Drosophila expression to hybrid expression
Project description:High-throughput sequencing of Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila simulans small RNAs. ~18-26nt RNAs were isolated from total RNA using PAGE, ligation to adapters requires 5' monophosphate and 3' OH.