Project description:single-cell sequencing of the mouse cranial region at E8.25 (the start of neural tube closure, at E9.5 (the end of neural tube closure, and of a miR-302 knockout embryo at E9.5 (example of neural tube closure defrect).
Project description:At an incidence of approximately 1/1000 births, neural tube defects (NTDs) comprise one of the most common and devastating congenital disorders. In an attempt to enhance and expand our understanding of neural tube closure, we undertook a high-throughput gene expression analysis of the neural tube as it was forming in the mouse embryo. Open and closed sections of the developing neural tube were micro-dissected from mouse embryos, and hybridized to Affymetrix mouse expression arrays. Clustering of genes differentially regulated in open and closed sections of the developing neural tube highlighted molecular processes previously recognized to be involved in neural tube closure and neurogenesis. Analysis of the genes in these categories identified potential candidates underlying neural tube closure. In addition, we identified approximately 25 novel genes, of unknown function, that were significantly up-regulated in the closed neural tube. Based on their expression patterns in the developing neural tube, five novel genes are proposed as interesting candidates for involvement in neurogenesis. The high-throughput expression analysis of the neural tube as it forms allows for better characterization of pathways involved in neural tube closure and neurogenesis, and hopefully will strengthen the foundation for further research along the pathways dictating neural tube development.
Project description:Identification of transcriptome of mouse non-neural ectoderm during nueral tube closure and gene enrichment compared to remaining neural tube tissue
Project description:Maternal diabetes is a teratogen that can lead to neural tube closure defects in the offspring. We therefore sought to compare gene expression profiles at the site of neural tube closure between stage-matched embryos from normal dams, and embryos from diabetic dams. Neurulation-stage mouse embryos at 8.5 days of gestation were used to prepare neural tissue at the anterior aspect of neural tube closure site 1. Tissue was procured from the open neural tube immediately anterior of the closure site, and from the closed neural tube immediately posterior to the closure site by laser microdissection. For each sample, 10 sections were pooled, total RNA was extracted, and 7 ng of total RNA were used for expression profiling by Tag sequencing using an Applied Biosystems SolidSAGE kit for library construction, and an AB SOLiD 5500 XL instrument for sequencing. Sequence reads were mapped to RefSeq RNA, and count data per gene were obtained using a modified version of the Applied Biosystems SOLiDâ?¢ SAGEâ?¢ Analysis Software. diabetic dam - closed neural tube // diabetic dam - open neural tube // normal dam - closed neural tube // normal dam - open neural tube
Project description:The process of neural tube closure is a highly complex morphogenetic event that results in the generation of the primordial central nervous system. During formation of the neural tube, the non-neural ectoderm separates from the neighboring neural ectoderm and forms a single layer epithelial sheet that overlies the closed neural tube. Previous work has shown that the non-neural ectoderm is necessary for proper cranial neural tube closure, however little is known about this cell population at the molecular level or how the non-neural ectoderm contributes to neural tube closure. In this study, we used a mouse genetic system to fluorescently label the non-neural ectoderm cells and FACS sorted these cells away from the other cell populations in the neural tube. We performed high throughput RNA-sequencing to identify the transcriptome of the non-neural ectoderm and compared the gene expression profile of non-neural ectoderm cells to the remaining population of cells within the neural tube in order to identify which genes are enriched within the non-neural ectoderm. This analysis provides a clue as to which underlying molecular processes may be important for non-neural ectoderm function during neural tube closure.
Project description:At an incidence of approximately 1/1000 births, neural tube defects (NTDs) comprise one of the most common and devastating congenital disorders. In an attempt to enhance and expand our understanding of neural tube closure, we undertook a high-throughput gene expression analysis of the neural tube as it was forming in the mouse embryo. Open and closed sections of the developing neural tube were micro-dissected from mouse embryos, and hybridized to Affymetrix mouse expression arrays. Clustering of genes differentially regulated in open and closed sections of the developing neural tube highlighted molecular processes previously recognized to be involved in neural tube closure and neurogenesis. Analysis of the genes in these categories identified potential candidates underlying neural tube closure. In addition, we identified approximately 25 novel genes, of unknown function, that were significantly up-regulated in the closed neural tube. Based on their expression patterns in the developing neural tube, five novel genes are proposed as interesting candidates for involvement in neurogenesis. The high-throughput expression analysis of the neural tube as it forms allows for better characterization of pathways involved in neural tube closure and neurogenesis, and hopefully will strengthen the foundation for further research along the pathways dictating neural tube development. Embryos were dissected at days E8.5 and E9.5, and the neuroepithelium/ neural tube were mechanically detached from underlying tissues, and then separated into two regions: 1) M-bM-^@M-^\open neuroepitheliumM-bM-^@M-^]: neuroepithelial tissue caudal to the open/closed junction, and 2) M-bM-^@M-^\closed neural tubeM-bM-^@M-^], extending from a somiteM-bM-^@M-^Ys breadth rostral to the open/closed junction, up to the level of the fifth- or sixth-to-last somite. Samples consisted of biological triplicates of RNA extract from the above tissues (pooled by litter, and representing a total of 111 embryos): E8.5 open neuroepithelium, E8.5 closed neural tube, E9.5 open neuroepithelium, and E9.5 closed neural tube. Thus, a total of 12 samples (representing 111 embryos) were hybridized to the GeneChip Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). One of the samples (06, closed E8.5) deviated significantly from the others in quality assessment and was therefore removed from subsequent analysis and not submitted to GEO.
Project description:The formation of the mammalian brain requires regionalization and morphogenesis of the cranial neural plate, which transforms from an epithelial sheet into a closed tube that provides the structural foundation for neural patterning and circuit formation. Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling is important for cranial neural plate patterning and closure, but the transcriptional changes that give rise to the spatially regulated cell fates and behaviors that build the cranial neural tube have not been systematically analyzed. Here we used single-cell RNA sequencing to generate an atlas of gene expression at six consecutive stages of cranial neural tube closure in the mouse embryo. Ordering transcriptional profiles relative to the major axes of gene expression predicted spatially regulated expression of 870 genes along the anterior-posterior and mediolateral axes of the cranial neural plate and reproduced known expression patterns with over 85% accuracy. Single-cell RNA sequencing of embryos with activated SHH signaling revealed distinct SHH-regulated transcriptional programs in the developing forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain, suggesting a complex interplay between anterior-posterior and mediolateral patterning systems. These results define a spatiotemporally resolved map of gene expression during cranial neural tube closure and provide a resource for investigating the transcriptional events that drive early mammalian brain development.
Project description:Maternal diabetes is a teratogen that can lead to neural tube closure defects in the offspring. We therefore sought to compare gene expression profiles at the site of neural tube closure between stage-matched embryos from normal dams, and embryos from diabetic dams. Neurulation-stage mouse embryos at 8.5 days of gestation were used to prepare neural tissue at the anterior aspect of neural tube closure site 1. Tissue was procured from the open neural tube immediately anterior of the closure site, and from the closed neural tube immediately posterior to the closure site by laser microdissection. For each sample, 10 sections were pooled, total RNA was extracted, and 7 ng of total RNA were used for expression profiling by Tag sequencing using an Applied Biosystems SolidSAGE kit for library construction, and an AB SOLiD 5500 XL instrument for sequencing. Sequence reads were mapped to RefSeq RNA, and count data per gene were obtained using a modified version of the Applied Biosystems SOLiD™ SAGE™ Analysis Software.
Project description:During primary neurulation, the separation of a single-layered ectodermal sheet into the surface ectoderm (SE) and neural tube specifies SE and neural ectoderm (NE) cell fates. The mechanisms underlying fate specification in conjunction with neural tube closure are poorly understood. Here, by comparing expression profiles between SE and NE lineages, we observed that uncommitted progenitor cells, expressing stem cell markers, are present in the neural plate border/neural fold prior to neural tube closure.