Project description:SILAC based protein correlation profiling using size exclusion of protein complexes derived from Mus musculus tissues (Heart, Liver, Lung, Kidney, Skeletal Muscle, Thymus)
Project description:SILAC based protein correlation profiling using size exclusion of protein complexes derived from seven Mus musculus tissues (Heart, Brain, Liver, Lung, Kidney, Skeletal Muscle, Thymus)
Project description:Using RNA-seq technology, we quantitatively determined the expression profile of microRNAs during mouse terminal erythroid differentiation. CFU-E erythroid progenitors were isolated from E14.5 fetal liver as the Ter119, B220, Mac-1, CD3 and Gr-1 negative, C-Kit positive and 20% high CD71 population. Mature Ter119+ erythroblasts were isolated from E14.5 fetal liver as C-Kit negative and Ter119 positive population. Consistent with nuclear condensation and global gene expression shut down during terminal erythroid differentiation, we found that the majority of microRNAs are downregulated in more mature Ter119+ erythroblasts compared with CFU-E erythroid progenitors.
Project description:The S1 and S3 erythroid developmental subsets were isolated using flow cytometry and the cell surface markers CD71 and Ter119 as described by Pop et. al. 2010 (PMID: 20877475) Expression profiles for S1 and S3 subsets were generated using Affymetrix GeneChips. Results were used to identify genes that are differentially expressed during erythropoiesis. Single cell suspensions were prepared by mechanically dissociating whole fetal livers obtained from E12.5 to E13.5 Balb/C mouse embryos. Cells were stained for CD71, Ter119, and a cocktail containing lineage-specific antibodies. S1 and S3 erythroid developmental subsets were identified and isolated using flow cytometric sorting as described by Pop et. al. 2010 (PMID: 20877475). S1 and S3 subsets were isolated on 3 seperate days to generate total RNA (biological replicates). 20 ng of total RNA from each biological replicate was converted to cDNA, linearly amplified and biotinylated using Ovation reagents (Nugen, San Carlos, CA). Samples were hybridized to Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Arrays (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Microarray suite 5 (MAS5) processed sample data were normalized to the average of 18SRNA (AFFX-18SRNAMur/X00686_M_at), GAPDH (AFFX-GapdhMur/M32599_3_at) and M-NM-2-actin (1419734_at) expression values. These gene expression profiles were performed as part of the manuscript by Shearstone et. al. Global DNA Demethylation During Erythropoiesis In Vivo