Project description:Prenatal exposure to bisphenol A, genistein and indole-3-carbinol on early mammary gland development and carcinogenesis in female Sprague-Dawley offspring
Project description:Morphogenesis of the mammary gland relies on the precise developmental control of morphological elements including TEBs, ducts and lobules. In the peripubertal mammary gland, rising levels of ovarian hormones control this development through a tightly controlled genetic program where specific sets of genes are up-regulated. We used microarrays to detail the program of gene expression underlying different classes of up-regulated genes during the peripubertal process after administration of endocrine disruptors during the fetal and neonatal development. Rat mammary glands were selected at two peripubertal periods (days 35 and 50), after administration of genistein and vinclozolin during the fetal and neonatal development, for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays.. We sought to obtain homogeneous populations of mammary gland for each treatment, and at each developmental stage, in order to increase the temporal and specific effect resolution of time course and endocrine disruption.
Project description:In utero exposure of rats to high-fat diets perturbs gene-expression profiles and cancer susceptibility of prepubertal mammary glands
Project description:Mammary Gland Morphology and Gene Expression Signature of Prepubertal Male and Female Rats Following Exposure to Exogenous Estradiol
Project description:Mammary gland development: cross-species analysis of the mammary gland transcriptome in pregnant or lactating wild type female Sprague Dawley rats.
Project description:The current study investigates the direct effects of in utero vinclozolin exposure on the developing rat testis transcriptome. Vinclozolin is a commonly used fungicide in agriculture and is an endocrine disruptor with anti-androgenic activity. Previous studies have demonstrated that exposure to vinclozolin during embryonic gonadal sex determination induces epigenetic modifications of the germ line and transgenerational adult onset disease states that include spermatogenic cell defects, prostate disease, kidney disease, and tumor development. An investigation of the molecular actions of vinclozolin was initiated through an analysis of direct actions on the F1 generation embryonic testis development. Microarray analyses were performed to compare control and vinclozolin treated testis transcriptomes at embryonic day 13, 14 and 16. A total of 576 differentially expressed genes were identified and the major cellular functions and pathways associated with these altered transcripts were examined. The sets of regulated genes at the different development periods were found to be transiently altered and distinct. Interestingly, genes previously shown to be regulated during normal male sex determination were not altered by vinclozolin treatment. Categorization by major known functions of all 576 genes altered by in utero vinclozolin exposure demonstrates transcription, signaling, cytoskeletal and extra cellular matrix associated transcripts are highly represented. Specific cellular process and pathway analyses suggest the involvement of Wnt and calcium signaling, vascular development and epigenetic mechanisms as potential mediators of the direct F1 generation actions of vinclozolin. For Samples 1-12: We used microarrays to determine genes expressed differentially between control and in utero Vinclozolin treated E13, E14, and E16 rat testis. For Samples 13-16: We used microarrays to determine genes expressed differentially between control and in vitro Vinclozolin treated E13 cultured rat testis. For Samples 17-20: We used microarrays to determine genes expressed differentially between control and in vitro Flutamide treated rat E13 cultured testis.