Project description:Deregulated developmental processes in the cerebellum cause medulloblastoma, the most common malignant tumor of the central nervous system. About 20-30% of cases are caused by mutations increasing the activity of the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway, a critical mitogen in cerebellar development. The proto-oncogene Smoothened is a key transducer of the Shh pathway. Activating mutations in Smoothened that lead to constitutive activity of the Shh pathway have been identified in human medulloblastoma. To understand the molecular and cellular effects of Smoothened variants in normal development and medulloblastoma genesis, we generated the SmoA2 transgenic mouse model which expresses the transgene exclusively in granule neuron precursors. In this study, we demonstrate how two point mutations in a single molecule can produce starkly different phenotypes as seen in comparison to our previous model, ND2:SmoA1. The SmoA2 mice have severe aberrations in cerebellar development whereas the SmoA1 mice are largely normal during development. Medulloblastomas in the SmoA2 mice develop in the dysplastic cerebellar milieu. Intriguingly, despite disruptions in the stereotypic organization of the cerebellum, the SmoA2 mice do not exhibit any overt abnormalities in motor coordination. The differences in the global transcriptional profiles downstream of SmoA1 and SmoA2 further demonstrate the distinctiveness of the two oncogenic Smoothened mutations. The SmoA2 model serves as a unique spatiotemporal tool to investigate the functional significance of the reiterative cerebellar circuitry as well as to further understand Shh pathway mechanics in cerebellar development and oncogenesis. We previously generated a SmoA1 transgenic mouse medulloblastoma model, which expresses the SmoA1 transgene driven by the GNP-specific fragment of the promoter of ND2 transcription factor leading to constitutively active Shh signaling exclusively in the cerebellum. In this study, we characterize the ND2:SmoA2 transgenic mouse model with a similarly designed transgene expressing the SmoA2 mutation. To assess transcriptional changes downstream of SmoA1 and SmoA2, we evaluated global gene expression profiles of P5 SmoA1, SmoA2 and Wt age-matched cerebella. We chose this specific developmental stage because (1) the phenotypes of SmoA1 and SmoA2 are robust and distinct at P5; (2) at P5 GNPs undergo proliferation, migration and differentiation and therefore expression profiling could capture key differences in multiple processes.
Project description:Deregulated developmental processes in the cerebellum cause medulloblastoma, the most common malignant tumor of the central nervous system. About 20-30% of cases are caused by mutations increasing the activity of the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway, a critical mitogen in cerebellar development. The proto-oncogene Smoothened is a key transducer of the Shh pathway. Activating mutations in Smoothened that lead to constitutive activity of the Shh pathway have been identified in human medulloblastoma. To understand the molecular and cellular effects of Smoothened variants in normal development and medulloblastoma genesis, we generated the SmoA2 transgenic mouse model which expresses the transgene exclusively in granule neuron precursors. In this study, we demonstrate how two point mutations in a single molecule can produce starkly different phenotypes as seen in comparison to our previous model, ND2:SmoA1. The SmoA2 mice have severe aberrations in cerebellar development whereas the SmoA1 mice are largely normal during development. Medulloblastomas in the SmoA2 mice develop in the dysplastic cerebellar milieu. Intriguingly, despite disruptions in the stereotypic organization of the cerebellum, the SmoA2 mice do not exhibit any overt abnormalities in motor coordination. The differences in the global transcriptional profiles downstream of SmoA1 and SmoA2 further demonstrate the distinctiveness of the two oncogenic Smoothened mutations. The SmoA2 model serves as a unique spatiotemporal tool to investigate the functional significance of the reiterative cerebellar circuitry as well as to further understand Shh pathway mechanics in cerebellar development and oncogenesis.
Project description:Cerebellar development requires regulated proliferation of cerebellar granule neuron progenitors (CGNPs). Inadequate CGNP proliferation causes cerebellar hypoplasia while excessive CGNP proliferation can cause medulloblastoma, the most common malignant pediatric brain tumor. Although Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling is known to activate CGNP proliferation, the mechanisms down-regulating proliferation are less defined. We investigated CGNP regulation by GSK-3, which down-regulates proliferation in the forebrain, gut and breast by suppressing mitogenic WNT signaling. In striking contrast, we found that co-deleting Gsk-3α and Gsk-3β blocked CGNP proliferation, causing severe cerebellar hypoplasia. Transcriptomic analysis showed activated WNT signaling and up-regulated Cdkn1a in Gsk-3-deleted CGNPs. These data show that a GSK-3/WNT axis modulates the developmental proliferation of CGNPs and the pathologic growth of SHH-driven medulloblastoma. The requirement for GSK-3 in SHH-driven proliferation suggests that GSK-3 may be targeted for SHH-driven medulloblastoma therapy. In this experiment, we dissociated cells from whole cerebella collected from postnatal day 1 (P1) mice with the indicated genotypes.
Project description:Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain (ASC) is silenced by promoter methylation in many types of tumors, yet ASC’s role in most cancers remains unknown. Here, we show that ASC is highly expressed in a model of medulloblastoma, the most common malignant pediatric brain cancer. Importantly, while ASC deficiency did not affect normal cerebellar development, ASC knock-out mice in the Smoothened (ND2:SmoA1) transgenic model of medulloblastoma exhibited a profound reduction in medulloblastoma incidence and delayed tumor onset. Premalignant lesions in cerebella of ASC-/-;ND2:SmoA1 mice displayed a striking decrease in number of ectopic progenitors. While proliferation rates decreased with ASC deletion, apoptosis and differentiation markers remained unchanged. Interestingly, ASC deficiency disrupted expression of genes in the TGF-ß pathway and increased the level of nuclear Smad3 in this medulloblastoma model. Together, these results demonstrate an unexpected requirement for ASC in Sonic hedgehog-driven medulloblastoma tumorigenesis, thus identifying ASC as a promising novel target for anti-tumor therapy. reference x sample
Project description:The proto-oncogene MYCN is mis-expressed in various types of human brain tumors. To clarify how developmental and regional differences influence transformation, we transduced wild-type or mutationally-stabilized murine N-mycT58A into neural stem cells (NSCs) from perinatal murine cerebellum, brain stem and forebrain. Transplantation of Nmyc WT NSCs was insufficient for tumor formation. N-mycT58A cerebellar and brain stem NSCs generated medulloblastoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumors, whereas forebrain NSCs developed diffuse glioma. Expression analyses distinguished tumors generated from these different regions, with tumors from embryonic versus postnatal cerebellar NSCs demonstrating SHH-dependence and SHH-independence, respectively. These differences were regulated in-part by the transcription factor SOX9, activated in the SHH subclass of human medulloblastoma. Our results demonstrate context-dependent transformation of NSCs in response to a common oncogenic signal. 9 (total) orthotopic tumors generated from E16C, P0C, and P0F NSCs transduced with a mutation-stabilized N-Myc were compared to transduced (but not transplanted) NSCs, NSCs transduced with GFP, and cells derived from the orthotopic tumors. These were also compared to 5 normal P7 cerebella, and 32 medulloblastoma tumors from the GTML mouse model. A cell line derived from a tumor from the GTML mouse model is also included in the comparison.
Project description:Medulloblastoma, the most common malignant pediatric brain tumor, is highly heterogeneous with distinct molecular subtypes and cellular origins. Although current treatments improve survival rates, patients suffer severe treatment-related side effects and often relapse of tumors carrying resistance mutations, underscoring an urgent need for alternative targeted therapies. Currently, the genetic alterations underlying this disease are not fully understood. Here we identify GNAS, encoding the G-protein Gs-alpha, as a potent tumor suppressor gene in medulloblastoma. GNAS specifically defines a subset of aggressive Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-group medulloblastomas. Gnas loss-of-function in distinct lineage progenitors of the developing hindbrain suffices to initiate medulloblastoma. We find that Gs-alpha is highly enriched at primary cilia of granule neuron precursors and suppresses Shh signaling not only by regulating classic cAMP-dependent pathway but also controlling ciliary trafficking of Smoothened. Concurrent cAMP elevation and Smoothened inhibition robustly arrests tumor cell growth in Gnas mutants. We further reveal oligodendrocyte progenitors as a novel cellular origin for anatomically-distinct Shh-associated medulloblastomas. Together, we identify a previously unrecognized tumor suppressor function of Gs-alpha in medulloblastoma partially mediated through inhibiting Shh signaling, and uncover Gs-alpha as a molecular link across disparate cells of origin among Shh-group medulloblastomas, pointing to G- protein modulation as a potential therapeutic avenue. Purpose: To known the gene expression profile of Medulloblastoma which drived by Gnas mutation Methods: mRNAs isolated from the cerebellum of control and Gnas mutants Results:Upregulation of Shh Signaling components in tumors Conclusions: The deletion of Gnas in hGFAP and Olig1 possitive cells result in substantial upregulation of shh signaling and formation of Medulloblastoma cerebellum mRNA profiles of 3 60-day old wild type (Ctrl) and 8 Olig1Cre driven Gsa conditional knockout or 8 hGFAPCre driven conditional knockout mice were generated by deep sequencing using Illumina Hiseq2000
Project description:Induction of somatic oncogenic mutations by the domesticated DNA transposase PGBD5 in cerebellar progenitor cells promotes medulloblastoma development.
Project description:N6-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA methylation is the most abundant modification on mRNAs and plays important roles in various biological processes. The formation of m6A is catalyzed by a methyltransferase complex including methyltransferase like 3 (METTL3) as a key factor. However, the in vivo functions of METTL3 and m6A modification in mammalian development remain unclear. Here we show that specific inactivation of Mettl3 in mouse nervous system causes severe developmental defects in the brain. Mettl3 conditional knockout mice manifest cerebellar hypoplasia caused by drastically enhanced apoptosis of new born cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) in the external granular layer (EGL). METTL3 depletion induced loss of m6A modification causes extended RNA half-lives and aberrant splicing events, consequently leading to dysregulation of transcriptome-wide gene expression and premature CGC death. Our findings reveal a critical role of METTL3-mediated m6A in regulating the development of mammalian cerebellum.
Project description:Origins of the brain tumor, medulloblastoma, from stem cells or restricted pro-genitor cells are unclear. To investigate this, we activated oncogenic Hedgehog signaling in multipotent and lineage-restricted CNS progenitors. We observed that normal unipo-tent cerebellar granule neuron precursors (CGNP) derive from hGFAP+ and Olig2+ rhombic lip progenitors. Hedgehog activation in a spectrum of early and late stage CNS progenitors generated similar medulloblastomas, but not other brain cancers, indicating that acquisition of CGNP identity is essential for tumorigenesis. We show in human and mouse medulloblastoma that cells expressing the glia-associated markers Gfap and Olig2 are neoplastic and that they retain features of embryonic-type granule lineage progenitors. Thus, oncogenic Hedgehog signaling promotes medulloblastoma from lineage-restricted granule cell progenitors. Gene expression profiling of cerebellar tumors generated from various early and late stage CNS progenitor cells. Experiment Overall Design: Group comparisons with biological replicates
Project description:Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain (ASC) is silenced by promoter methylation in many types of tumors, yet ASC's role in most cancers remains unknown. Here, we show that ASC is highly expressed in a model of medulloblastoma, the most common malignant pediatric brain cancer; ASC is also expressed in human medulloblastomas. Importantly, while ASC deficiency did not affect normal cerebellar development, ASC knockout mice on the Smoothened (ND2:SmoA1) transgenic model of medulloblastoma exhibited a profound reduction in medulloblastoma incidence and a delayed tumor onset. A similar decrease in tumorigenesis with ASC deficiency was also seen in the hGFAP-Cre:SmoM2 mouse model of medulloblastoma. Interestingly, hyperproliferation of the external granule layer (EGL) was comparable at P20 in both wild-type and ASC-deficient SmoA1 mice. However, while the apoptosis and differentiation markers remained unchanged at this age, proliferation makers were decreased, and the EGL was reduced in thickness and area by P60. This reduction in proliferation with ASC deficiency was also seen in isolated SmoA1 cerebellar granule precursor cells in vitro, indicating that the effect of ASC deletion on proliferation was cell autonomous. Interestingly, ASC-deficient SmoA1 cerebella exhibited disrupted expression of genes in the transforming growth factor-β pathway and increased level of nuclear Smad3. Taken together, these results demonstrate an unexpected role for ASC in Sonic hedgehog-driven medulloblastoma tumorigenesis, thus identifying ASC as a promising novel target for antitumor therapy.