Project description:Grainyhead genes are involved in wound healing and developmental neural tube closure. In light of the high degree of similarity between the epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) occurring in wound healing processes and the cancer stem cell-like compartment of tumors, including TGF-β-dependence, we investigated the role of a Grainyhead gene (GRHL2) in oncogenic EMT. Grainyhead was specifically down-regulated in the claudin-low subclass of mammary tumors and in the basal-B subclass of breast cancer cell lines. Functionally, GRHL2 suppressed TGF-β-induced, Twist-induced or spontaneous EMT, enhanced anoikis-sensitivity, and suppressed mammosphere generation in mammary epithelial cells. These effects were mediated, in part, by its suppression of ZEB1 expression, through direct repression of the ZEB1 promoter. GRHL2 also inhibited Smad-mediated transcription, and up-regulated mir200b/c as well as the TGF-β receptor antagonist, BMP2. The expression of GRHL2 in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 triggered a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition and sensitized the cells to anoikis. These results indicate that GRHL2 is a suppressor of the oncogenic EMT. 3 biologic replicates for each cell line. Comparison of HMLE+Twist-ER cells expressing GRHL2/pMIG vs. HMLE+Twist-ER cells expressing empty pMIG.
Project description:We find that in invasive HMLE-Twist-ER cells, SMARCE1 binds to ILF3 and is localized to ILF motifs. In contrast, ILF motifs were not enriched at SMARCE1-bound sites in noninvasive HMLE-Twist-ER cells or at SMARCC1-bound sites.
Project description:Twist is a key EMT inducer, expression of Twist will induce EMT in HMLE and breast tumor T47D cells By expressing Twist in HMLE and T47D cells, which lack the expression of Twist, will identify the genes regulated by Twist
Project description:Twist is a key EMT inducer, expression of Twist will induce EMT in HMLE and breast tumor T47D cells By expressing Twist in HMLE and T47D cells, which lack the expression of Twist, will identify the genes regulated by Twist Expressing Twist in HMLE and T47D cells, stable clones were selected and treated with BET inhibitor JQ1 and RNA were prepared for microarray analysis
Project description:Snail and Twist are two EMT inducer, expression of Snail or Twist will induce EMT in HMLE and MCF10A cells. By introducing Snail or Twist in HMLE and MCF10A cells, which lack the expression of these two proteins, will identify the genes are induced during EMT. We used microarray analysis to compare the gene expression profiles between the mammamry epithleial cells and the cells undergone EMT.
Project description:We quantified protein expression changes between epithelial and mesechymal stages in immortalized human mammary epithelial cells (HMLE). Epithelial–mesenchymal transition is induced by expressing an EMT-TF, Twist.
Project description:Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) gives rise to cells with properties similar to cancer stem cells (CSCs) that drive tumor metastasis. Recently, a screening of a large compound library on a breast EMT model has identified salinomycin, a K+/H+ ionophore, as a highly selective drug towards CSCs. We used the same EMT model to show that salinomycin targets Golgi apparatus. We have performed RNA-seq analysis on HMLE-Twist and HMLE-pBp cells (EMT and non-EMT) that were either mock treated or treated for 24h with micro molar concentration (0.2uM) of salinomycin. Salinomycin induced expression of genes enriched by known ER and Golgi stressors.