Project description:To study and compare the genes and miRNA expression during the development of the Organ of Corti and the Superior Olivary complex, representing the peripheral and the central auditory systems.
Project description:To study and compare the genes and miRNA expression during the development of the Organ of Corti and the Superior Olivary complex, representing the peripheral and the central auditory systems.
Project description:To investigate the participation of deafness genes in the genetic program of the superior olivary complex (SOC), a prominent auditory brainstem center, we performed a comparative genome-wide microarray based gene expression analysis of the rat SOC and the rat brain at postnatal days (P) P4 and P25. Data were validated by qRT-PCR. Statistical analyses revealed 912 oligos up-regulated in the SOC at P4 and 1609 at P25. A total of 453 oligos were up-regulated in the SOC at both developmental stages. Subsequently, a list of 138 transcripts associated with hearing-impairment was extracted from publically available databases and literature. 26 of these transcripts were present in SOC-related gene signature lists, whereas only 11 were present in brain-related gene signature lists. Furthermore, in all 3 SOC-related gene signature lists, transcripts associated with hearing impairment were significantly enriched. Finally, there was a tendency of the SOC-related genes to map to human deafness loci with unknown etiology. Altogether, our study identified a tight genetic link between the SOC-related genetic program and deafness genes.
Project description:To investigate the participation of deafness genes in the genetic program of the superior olivary complex (SOC), a prominent auditory brainstem center, we performed a comparative genome-wide microarray based gene expression analysis of the rat SOC and the rat brain at postnatal days (P) P4 and P25. Data were validated by qRT-PCR. Statistical analyses revealed 912 oligos up-regulated in the SOC at P4 and 1609 at P25. A total of 453 oligos were up-regulated in the SOC at both developmental stages. Subsequently, a list of 138 transcripts associated with hearing-impairment was extracted from publically available databases and literature. 26 of these transcripts were present in SOC-related gene signature lists, whereas only 11 were present in brain-related gene signature lists. Furthermore, in all 3 SOC-related gene signature lists, transcripts associated with hearing impairment were significantly enriched. Finally, there was a tendency of the SOC-related genes to map to human deafness loci with unknown etiology. Altogether, our study identified a tight genetic link between the SOC-related genetic program and deafness genes. The genome wide expression during the postnatal development of the SOC and the brain was investigated at two different time points: at postnatal (P) day 4 (before hearing onset) and at P25 (after hearing onset). Samples were hybridized onto two color platforms. At least 6 up to nine biological replicates per sample were performed.