Project description:Transcriptional profiling of 60h-old Arabidopsis whole seedlings comparing control Col-0 wild-type plants with pifQ mutant plants The expression profile of dark-grown pifQ mutant shows similar pattern of Rc-grown Col-0 wild-type Keywords: Genetic modification
Project description:au14-07_clock - llhh clock transcriptome - Correlate clock-controlled diurnal gene expression changes with H2Bub chromatin mark changes on a genome-wide scale. - Wild type seedlings(Col-0)have been grown under Light/Dark conditions(12 h Light:12 h Dark)and thermocycles(23°C day:19°C night).After 10 days of entrainment, the conditions were switched to continuous light and temperature (LLHH) for 2 days. Seedlings have been harvested the 2nd day after the switch at Zeitgeber time 24 and 36 that correspond to dawn and dusk, respectively. llhh clock transcriptome-LLHH clock transcriptome.
Project description:Compared analysis of the transcriptomes of 12-day old seedlings from wild type Col-0 treated with NO for 15, 30 and 60 min vs untreated control seedlings. Samples were harvested 12 h after dawn of day 12 after sowing and seedlings were grown under long days (16 h light / 8 h darkness) photoperiodic conditions.
Project description:rs09-06_silencing-muntants - silencing mutants - Find endogenous targets of SDE3, SDE5 and IR71. - Lines IR71 KO n°3, smd8#25, sde3 (Col-0), sde5 (Col-0), Suc-SUL(Col-0) and Col-0 were grown for 11 days on MS solid medium, seedlings were then transferred in MS liquid medium and harvested 2.5 days after. Keywords: genotype comparaison
Project description:An Arabidopsis mutant showing an altered ability to green on illumination after extended periods of darkness has been isolated in a screen for genomes uncoupled (gun) mutants. Following illumination for 24 h, 10-day-old dark-grown mutant seedlings accumulated 5 times more chlorophyll than wild-type seedlings and this was correlated with differences in plastid morphology observed by transmission electron microscopy. The mutant has been named greening after extended darkness 1 (ged1). We used microarrays to detail the global profiles of transcript abundances in the mutant in comparison to the wild type. Microarray analysis showed much lower amounts of transcripts of genes encoding seed storage proteins, oleosins and late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins in 7-day-old seedlings of ged1 compared to wild type. RNA-gel-blot analyses confirmed very low levels of transcripts of seed protein genes in ged1 seedlings grown for 2-10 days in the dark, and showed higher amounts of transcripts of photosynthesis-related genes in illuminated 10-day-old dark-grown ged1 seedlings compared to wild type. Keywords: Genotype
Project description:The associated files are mass spec data from 4 separate mixed-bed ion exchange column separations of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 seedling native extract. Two fractionations used extract from seedlings grown in light and two fractionations used extract from etiolated seedlings (grown in the dark). All fractions were processed similarly for LC-MS/MS but one light-grown fractionation was analyzed on a different mass spectrometer than the other three sets of ion exchange fractions.
Project description:(1) Phosphopeptide abundances of group B-Rafs, SnRK2s or SnRK2 substrates in the aerial parts of soil-grown Arabidopsis wild-type (Col-0) seedlings with/without water supply for indicated periods. Data were obtained from three independent biological replicates. (2)Phosphopeptide abundances in 2-week-old Arabidopsis wild-type (Col-0) seedlings treated with/without dehydration on the filter paper for 30 min. Data were obtained from three independent biological replicates. (3) Phosphopeptide abundances in 2-week-old Arabidopsis wild-type (Col-0), raf13-1raf15-1 or ireh1-2 seedlings under optimal growth conditions. Data were obtained from three independent biological replicates.
Project description:cea12-02_chlorosap - comparison after 4 and 52h - To observe the effects of guanosine penta/tetraphosphate on gene expression - Plants of four different genotypes (43A10.6, 44B1.3, H1 P3.2 and Col-0) were grown for ten days on MS/2 plates with 1% sucrose under 80µE light in long-day conditions (16 hours of light, 8 hours of dark). Plants were treated at 10:30 in the morning (Time 0; 10:30 is 3 and a half hours after the onset of the light period) by flooding with 30uM dexamethasone (in aqueous solution with 0,3 % DMSO and 0,033 % Silwet L-77) for 5 minutes . Samples were taken at 4 hrs and 52 hrs after T0. Aerial parts of the seedlings were rapidly harvested and frozen in liquid nitrogen.
Project description:In the present work, experiments were carried out to understand the molecular mechanism underlying phyA’ silencing.The EMS-mutagenesis of phyA’ line, L17, generated suppressor mutations that activate phyA’ locus. Detailed study of one suppressor line, sps1, indicated that methylation of specific CG site within the phyA coding region is critical for maintaining phyA’ silencing. In order to study the possible genomic targets of the putative SPS1 factor, microarray analysis using ATH1 genome array chip was done on sps1, L17 and Col-0.